About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

2015 Trip – Tyler, TX to Dallas, TX

Sat. 6/27… (Tyler, TX)  I haven’t mentioned much about the weather on this blog.  We started out hitting rain on the eastbound part of the trip in the lower part of the US.  Once we turned north all we have been getting is the heat and humidity of the south!  But early this morning (about 2:30am) the skies opened up on us!  I think it was the hardest rain we’ve seen while on the trip. I was up pretty quickly and then Lydia woke up and we checked to make sure everything was closed.  I found no leaks so we sent back to sleep, or at least she did.  The thunder and lightning kept me up until around 5:00am when it finally let up. Of course the chairs are all soaked.  Hopefully they will dry out later. Lydia and Janie are being picked up this morning to go to ‘cowboy church’ with Judy.  More on that later.  I sat down at the computer to check out things in the Dallas/Ft Worth area and found that I needed to make reservations for the AT&T Park (Dallas Cowboy Stadium) Stadium tour.  We spoke to a girl at the pool at Graceland RV in Memphis who just came from there and booked the VIP tour and recommended it so that’s what I booked. Meanwhile Rick and I will go to Sam’s Club to pick up stuff for the dinner we have planned for tonight…..  We waited until noon so they could get the rotisserie chickens out. We have Bob and Judy, Betty Jean, and her grandkids and so we bought three chickens.  We all met up back at the rigs and Lydia said they really had a nice time at the church luncheon. They met some nice ladies and enjoyed the time with Judy! She then set up everything and finished putting together the potato salad and then started on her rhubarb dessert. Bob and Judy came over at 4:30pm.  Betty Jean was coming - just not sure when she could make it. We had set up at the picnic tables under the canopy just across from our rigs.  The meal was excellent and after we ate Betty came by with her two grandkids, David and Rose. They also ate and afterward we got a chance to sit around and visit a bit before they all went home. The day was so much fun for everyone sitting and talking and the kids playing in the bounce pen.  BUT, much later, when we were ready for bed, I realized we made one major blunder this day.  We were all so busy visiting that guess what – we forgot to take pictures!   Duuuhhh!  Judy, if you are reading this maybe you can email or text me some pictures of the family.  Just wish we had thought to do it when everyone was together!   I did take a picture of the way they designed the hookups (water, power, sewer) at the sites. Plus I had to have one of Bailey and Yogi!


Sun. 6/28…  (Mansfield, TX) We only had 110 miles to go today so we slept in a bit and then got up to prep and leave about 10:00am.  We arrived at Texan RV Ranch, in Mansfield TX. 

We originally were supposed to be in Carrolton, TX, just north of Dallas/Ft Worth but they were the ones who called and had to cancel our reservations due to flooding in their campground.  So we scrambled and found spots in Mansfield, which is about 20 miles south of Ft. Worth.  We did see some areas on the way that are still underwater so I guess this area is lucky they didn’t have any damage. The girls decided that we would have another leftover meal tonight so we combined things and ate at Rick & Janie’s.  Afterward we drove into town to look for a place for ice cream. We found Braun’s, which is pretty big in this area and was very good and reasonably priced.  We will look for them as we travel. Afterward we came home and walked Bailey and then sat out a bit before turning in for the night.    


Mon. 6/29… (Mansfield, TX) Today was a fun day for me!  I had ‘tour Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium’ on my bucket list to do on this trip.  And today was my day!  We left the campground around 8:00am with the plan of driving (the 15 miles) to the stadium and then looking for a place to have breakfast.  Luckily for us Cracker Barrel was close by and we managed to eat breakfast and then drive and park in plenty of time to hit will call for the tickets for the 10:00am tour.  As I mentioned before I chose the VIP tour because it was recommended to me.  It was perfect! 

Our tour guide took about 20 of us on a fantastic two hour tour!  We saw and learned so much.  This is the largest indoor stadium built to date, built with high grade everything and has 80,000 seats (in the football configuration) with about 90% of them nicely padded and 100% of them with a clear unobstructed view. 



 He had Mitsubishi design and construct the world's largest TV and it is crystal clear!

Owner Jerry Jones did his homework and made sure everything was top notch.  He worked with designers to plan out a stadium that could be used for many venues other than football.  They even have clubhouse areas (which are rather large lounge/reception areas) that you can book for weddings, parties, etc.

We saw Jerry’s viewing suite that he uses to watch the games.  He has an elevator which will take him up to his private suite or down to the field if he chooses. 

We also saw both the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and the Cowboys locker rooms.  The men’s locker room was recently used by the Stones as a lounge when they performed there.

After the tour, you are free to go on the field

or back to any of the areas you choose.

Now I’m not a Cowboys fan (GO BRONCOS!!), but I do appreciate something that is done right and this is that place.  This was an excellent adventure, well worth the $22.50 (senior) price. Do this if you’re in the area.  Afterward, we drove back to the rigs and rested before deciding to go out to dinner.  We chose Steven’s Gardens in Mansfield (recommended by our campground) but they must not open until 5:00 so we moved on to the Texas Roadhouse (why don’t they just call it Roadhouse in Texas?) and had a nice light meal!  Later, back at camp, we sat out a bit and planned tomorrow’s schedule.  We will go to the Bush Library.  


Tues. 6/30… (Mansfield, TX) The plan today was to leave at 9:00am and go find the SMU Campus in Dallas, where the George W. Bush Library and Museum is located.  Once we got there through the construction zones on the nearby streets, we had to pay ($7) to park and walk across a street just to get to the entrance.  This particular library charges more than any others we have been to ($13.00 for seniors), but it was a nice exhibit, and well laid out (once we found the right entrance!).  President Bush had a tough term and has 9/11 in his history.  But there were gains in Social Security, Medicare, and Immigration laws made under his term.

This library makes nine that we have toured to date (not all on this trip). I think once we get home, I will start a log, rating each of these, which will be difficult because all are unique in their own ways, and all are very interesting.  Right now the Lincoln Library and Museum (Springfield IL) is our favorite so far. Afterward, we returned and walked the dog, had lunch, then went to Walmart for stuff for dinner. Janie fixed spaghetti which was very good. Tomorrow (our last day here) we are going to go to the Texas Book Depository at Dealey Plaza.   


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