About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Oregon Living 2022 – Blog #1 – New Year & Listing the Trailer!


Saturday, January 1st., 2022…… Happy New Year!  For us, it was an early morning. We were up and showered and out with the doggies. The plan today was to take it easy and hang around the house today and watch tv. But first up, was breakfast. I went off to go get that while Cathye fed the dogs and started the coffee. Once I got back, we settled in and watched the rose parade. I sure miss the LA feed with Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards!  But it was still a good parade and good commentary. I just thought the parade was a lot shorter than normal!  After that, I went in and started watching my bowl games. Cathye decided to go visit with Lona and Misty because she still had a few gifts to distribute. So much for staying in! She also stopped by the market and got stuff for chili and cornbread for dinner. We relaxed and ate and, later, watched more tv until bedtime.     

Sunday, January 2nd., 2022…… Today we have work to do!  We have Corey and Eric meeting us at the trailer. They will be loading up Cathye’s entertainment center to bring to the house. It will replace the one in the living room and that one will go in the main bedroom. The old oak unit in there has seen its day and will be scrapped. We had already shrink-wrapped the unit at her trailer and the guys got that loaded with little issues. We also made another trip and took her floor model radio and her antique slot machine to add to the house as well. The boys did a great job and sure saved my back!  Eric wanted the old oak unit, so that was even better!  

All we need to do now is reload all the items again.  We went back over to the trailer and loaded up some more of her personal items and cleaned off all of the counters and moved out some items to make it look roomier. We were ready for the pics!

Monday, January 3rd., 2022……  Today we had a few things. We walked and fed Princess and the Butthead and then headed off to Kevin’s for breakfast. Then we went over to Albany to meet up with Aimee to sign the papers for the trailer. That went easy. Pics tomorrow and the listing should go up middle of the week. We stopped by Jamie’s to check in and give him his money for the week. I have never been inside and Cathye says “there’s a reason for that”. She spent some time in there cleaning up and getting it livable again. Still no word on the future for Jamie. No word yet from the family in Arizona.  So, it’s likely going to be up to Cathye to work with social services and mental health here in Oregon to get some help in placing him in assisted living, or at least get some more help at his home.        

Tuesday, January 4th., 2022…… We do not need to be at the trailer today for the pics, so Cathye and Penny met for lunch. They were going to discuss more plans for the wedding. I stayed home and had the task to go pick up Jama from the groomers when we got the call that she was ready. Cathye went back to the trailer later and visited with her neighbors. There was one lady next door who was mildly interested in the trailer for her daughter who lives in Palm Springs. We offered to hold up on listing if she was serious. She quickly backed off so we are almost ready! The sign is now up and the listing will go out tomorrow!  While she was gone, I sorted through and arranged some new and old photos that Cathye has framed. Some came from her trailer, and some were newly mounted. I laid them out and started adding them to a collage in the breakfast room. I think they look good!

 We had leftover chili for diner and rested and relaxed and watched tv until calling it a night.        

Wednesday, January 5th., 2022…… Cathye headed off to SHEM this morning. I walked the dogs and then fed them and went off to get my breakfast. The weather is not too bad today. There are sprinkles predicated for most of today (and continuing this whole week) but I decided to take the Honda in for service. Cathye showed me last week that the TPMS light was on in that car. Yeah, I had to look it up!  It means Tire Pressure Management System. Most cars now have sensors in the wheel stems that register a little tire logo on the dashboard that indicates you have a low tire. The TPMS light means that one or more of those sensors are defective. That means you can still drive the car but that little tire light will now not function. The Honda dealer said they didn’t have racks available today so I scheduled it for Friday morning. But, one the way home, I remembered that I had those sensors all replaced when I had tires installed a few years ago at Costco. Now, I don’t expect them to be still under warranty, but I found the bill and it will be WAY cheaper to have them replaced at Costco than at the dealer. So, I called back and cancelled my appointment at the dealer. I got back home and relaxed for a bit. Cathye came home and then we went together to meet up with our friend, Sally, for lunch. Sally was part of the team who worked for so long at Cathye’s house ahead of and during her estate sale. She was cataloging and pricing items and also tested and priced hundreds of radios. She is a super lady and we both looked forward to seeing her again and catching up with her.  We had a great lunch and she followed us back home to see our place. We visited here for a bit and then she headed off to finish her chores today. Aimee sent a text saying the listing is out. She sent a link to the listing.  I’m listing it here. Hope the link works for you.


We are a little concerned since we have also seen other trailer/mobiles listed that were newer or bigger and priced less than hers. Time will tell.

After our nice lunch, neither of us were hungry for dinner so we snacked on fruit and cheese. We are excited to start episode 1 of The Amazing Race tonight! Or. at least I was excited!

This season (33) was filmed in two parts, because of covid. Production started in February 2020 and was halted for the pandemic. They had to wait 18 months to get started again!  This has always been one of my favorite shows and I was anxious to share it with Cathye, who had never watched it before at all. She said she had a hard time following all of the teams and was trying to figure it all out but was enjoying it so far. I am hooked and can’t wait for the next one!           


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