About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #35 – Hanging Around the House & a Trip to the Fishing Store!


Saturday, May 2nd, 2020…… The weather was rainy today and we didn’t have any plans so it was another stay-at-home day!  I walked the dog, made us breakfast, and we watched tv and only did a little straightening up around the house.  Pretty quiet. I heated up leftovers and we finished the quiet day watching more tv before calling it a night.

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020…… Hey look, another quiet day! But at least this one was nice and sunny!   Lydia has been feeling pretty good, considering the medications have some side effects. But she hasn’t felt any of them so far, which is really good. She’s had a few calls these last few days from her doctor’s offices checking on how she was doing. Jack, from the oncology pharmacy, also called and left a few messages on Lydia’s phone, which was shut off and on the charger. Turns out when we went to unplug it, it wasn’t charged at all!  She evidently didn’t get the plug all the way in, so we had to do it all again. She got it up and running and made most of the call backs and got caught up.  I spent most of the day watching iracing. I’m still not into any of this and only watch to kill the time. I will be glad when all the races are allowed to go back to the real thing!
Tonight, I made us steak burritos. I had found some chunked steak for stew and we tried that. It was just ok. Not exactly what we were expecting!

Monday, May 4th, 2020……  Lydia’s new dialysis schedule is Mondays and Fridays. Yaaay! So, after fixing her breakfast, she got caught up on with Jack and then got dressed and ready for her trip to Albany. I am looking to go to Cabela’s again and was thinking about going up there today, but decided to go tomorrow instead. We have been doing real good using up our groceries and frozen foods but Lydia is getting a new list together for another market run for me. Not sure when.  We left early and stopped by Walgreens to get some required vitamins which were over-the-counter. When Lydia called to inquire about them, they said they would just hold them for window pickup. I got back from taking her to dialysis and did some work on my monthly bill spreadsheet. Later, after we got home from dialysis, I heated up the chicken noodle soup from our neighbors and Lydia had that. I fixed a couple steak burritos for me. That was dinner. We have been watching a lot of tv and although our shows are over for the season, we still find things to tape and watch. Something to do!
Tuesday, May 5th, 2020……  The weather here has been really nice, in the 70s during the day. No rain in sight for a while they say. I decided that today was a good day to head up to Tualatin to Cabela’s. I was looking for four things this time. I got Lydia’s tea to her, walked Rylee, and then fed her. When I got back, Lydia was up and had already come in and made her own breakfast!  She did say that it was a little harder to get going this morning. One of the side effects of the new med is muscle aches and low energy. She is feeling good and once she was up and moving, most of that went away. I took off, knowing that my sister was coming over later to look in on Lydia and let Rylee out. I made my way up I5 and got there a little after 9:00am. Once in the store, I found out they open early for seniors so I almost had the place to myself! Problem was none of the 4 items I wanted were there. They were either sold out or didn’t have my size.  The boat seats I wanted they had but only two and I needed four and wanted them from the same lot so I passed.  Bummer! I may go south tomorrow to Springfield and try there. It’s a way smaller store so I don’t expect much. But at least I am getting out for a bit! Once I got home, sis was still here and left shortly after. Cherine came by later for Lydia’s OT and so did Kirk and Carter to do yardwork. I had them use the weed whacker out by the fenceline out in the ‘west forty’ that butts up to Rich and Linda’s backyard. He cut it all back and then sprayed it to prevent future weeding. I also had them do the area out by the creek, to the south. We mow that area but can only get so close to the edge and if they can just knock it down once or twice a season, I can do the rest. They will also need to do the area on the other side of creek but they ran out of time and will tackle that next week.  
When I was out shopping last, Lydia had me get all of the stuff for our chicken and rice casserole. That was dinner tonight.  I got that put together and into the oven. It was just ok. We both think I overdid the chicken seasoning this time. Oh well!  We ended up watching our taped shows until bedtime.                

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