About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #69 – Happy Thanksgiving & Getting Ready for Christmas and More Travel!


Monday, November 22nd., 2021…… We had to head over to the trailer this morning because we had an appliance repair guy coming to look at the washer/dryer. They arrived when they said they would and they started in analyzing. Turns out they found the pump was defective!  Huh! This unit was delivered new so go figure!  Anyway, they would have to order a replacement and return. We set up the next visit that would be first thing on December 1st.  After they left, we went over to Walmart and shopped for Thanksgiving dinner. We got all of the requisite items and headed back home. We are planning on Penny and Butch, Cherrelyn, Jamie, and Corey and Brittany and their kids, Brandon and Lilly.  Butch’s son, who is here visiting his folks, had a mini stroke and is in the hospital. He’s conscious but not fully functional yet. Prayers to all of the family.   

Tuesday, November 23rd., 2021…… Kirk’s guys were here today and we had them work out at ‘Cathye’s Island’. They had previously tilled the area and removed all of the vegetation but needed to get back in there with a smaller tiller and get around the trees a little better. It looks good! The weather still won’t cooperate with me!  I so much want to do one more cut on the lawn but it’s just still way to wet for that. I need at least a week of sun before I can even think of going out there. Weather report calls for rain in and out for the next week so I’m out of luck.

Wednesday, November 24th., 2021…… Most of the day we worked on the house. The cleaning team was here last week and it still looks ok, but we needed to go over the floor to get all of the Rylee hair picked up, plus we needed to get the dog toys put away before tomorrow.  We both spent time in the kitchen prepping for tomorrow’s meal. Cathye baked two pies. We did all that we could beforehand and called it a night.

Thursday, November 25th., 2021……  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Cathye and I were up early and got the turkey in the oven. Penny and Cherrelyn and Britany are bringing stuff so Cathye and I had to only think about a few things. We had made deviled eggs and each of us made 9 and did our own recipes. We’ll see which one goes faster today! We had set up the dinner for 1:00pm. Cathye took off around 11:00 and went to get Jamie from Albany. I kept track of the turkey and made sure all of the drinks were ready to go.  We knew Butch wouldn’t be here. The hospital in Eugene will allow only 4 people to have access, but only one person per day, so they have divided days and today is Butch’s turn to be there.  We will send a special prayer at dinner out for him and his son and family. But we still wanted to have a Thanksgiving Day as a first for our blended family. It was very nice. The food was fantastic and everyone was relaxed and we enjoyed the day.  Oh yeah, Cathye had 9 egg halves left. I only had 4, but to be fair, I probably ate half of them myself!   

Friday, November 26th., 2021…… The plan today was to work on transition from Thanksgiving décor to Christmas! I didn’t think we’d get anything completed, but I wanted to at least get everything out of the garage and staged on the back porch so she could go through what I have and blend it with what she has. I can’t wait to see what we can do! We did manage to get the tree up. It already has lights so that was the easy part. We got a handful of ornaments on it and called it a successful day!

Saturday, November 27th., 2021…… More decorations going up!  We got almost everything done here at the house and Cathye even took some things to put up at her trailer. Even though she is not staying there, there is no reason we can’t make it look like Christmas there too!  I went up to the alcove in the entry way, where I keep the red ladder for the Christmas village display. Cathye caught ‘the elf on the shelf’ up there.


I also hooked up all of the window lights while I was up there. Those are wired to a wall switch but I need to find my plug switches for those in the dining room and front office windows. But it’s coming together!

I also made a call to Tim and Dana today. They will be coming over on Monday to give us an estimate for building the patio deck off the back porch. The plan is to have a space big enough for a spa and a bbq plus a nice seating area. I have drawn up what I want it to look like and have the area staked out so they can see the size. Of course, Rylee does not like the string barricade!

Sunday, November 28th., 2021…… More decorating today. Cathye headed off to church and I started setting up the outdoor lights. I got almost everything done except the icicle lights, which I wanted to put up but needed help with. I staged the ladder and when she got home, I was ready.  We only got ¾ of them done before we were pulled away when sis came by. We needed someone to take our picture for the ‘ugly sweater Christmas tree photo op!

and when we went back out later, we got one more done before it got too dark to continue. We’ll get those done tomorrow morning. We relaxed and enjoyed the tree and watched tv until bedtime.   

Monday, November 29th., 2021…… Today, we wanted to get to work on the rest of the outdoor lights, but first off was breakfast at Kevin’s. We also got some of the larger plastic bins moved off of the back porch before Tim and Dana came by. The lights out front were done and we got those boxes put away also. Or should I say they were trashed. The lights were previously stored in 20+ year-old blue plastic bins that were way too old and very brittle and since I had so many that we saved from Cathye’s move, I used them.  Tim and Dana got to the house around 3:00pm so it was light out and they could see everything. I went over the plan and they asked a couple of questions. Basically, the deck will extend out in a ‘t’ shape. One side of the t will have the bbq and the other the spa. The longer section in the middle will extend the roof line, only it will be more of a pergola. Tim suggested lexan, which he says will never fade, so we might go with that.    

Tuesday, November 30th., 2021…… Today was Princess Jama’s day at the groomer. She got her Christmas bows and looked so cute! 

We spent most of the day prepping for our overnighter to Oregon Gardens. We leave tomorrow morning!

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