About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, December 10, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #70 – A Nice Overnighter & Mailing Out for Christmas


Posted a day ago so be sure to read that first.....

Wednesday, December 1st., 2021…… We are ready to go!  Our reservation is for one night at The Oregon Garden Resort. Both of us have been there several times for the Christmas lights. We talked about it and discovered that we may even have been there at the same time!  But neither of us have ever stayed at the resort, which we were looking forward to. I had booked a room and found out we would be in a cottage building!  We thought these were out of our reach but that’s what we got!  Score!  But first up was a stop at her trailer for the washer part install. The (same) guys texted that they were ahead of schedule and could be there ½ hour early so we got the dogs walked and fed and headed over at 8:30am. Penny would be by later to let them out and would come back later to spend the afternoon and night there as well. Once they showed up at the trailer, Cathye headed out to get us breakfast, and I stayed and hung lights outside and got them wired up while the guys did the install. They were done pretty quickly and were on their way. We left around 9:30 or so and made the drive north through the backroads. Check-in time was 3:00pm so I thought it would be a good time to go hike the Silver Falls area. We made the detour and drove to the parking lot and paid the meter fee ($5.00). We had bought Cathye a telescopic hiking stick and she was anxious to try it out. The weather was really nice – no rain in the forecast for the next few days – and the sun was out and warm. We dressed accordingly and headed out the trail. There were only a few people out today and we had the trail pretty much to ourselves. We started down from the rim of the trail and walked to the falls. The water was flowing and the falls were spectacular!  I got a couple of shots in the mist and then some down by and under the falls themselves. Pretty nice hike!  And Cathye liked her ‘walkin stick’!

We left there and went to lunch in Silverton. The place we wanted to try was no longer in business so we went to a Thai food place downtown. Eeh!  We drove around town after that for a few minutes then headed to check in. No worries, they had our room ready. It was super nice and even had a fireplace. We laid around and relaxed for an hour or so, then headed off to the restaurant bar to have a drink before our 5:00pm dinner reservation. I have to stop here and tell you that this was dinner #2 or #3 of my all-time favorites!  I chose the Coulotte Steak (no, I don’t know what it is either!) & Mushroom Ravioli entrée. She got the Grilled 12 oz. Ribeye & Shrimp entrée. OMG! It was delicious!  We left there and walked around the corner to the entrance to the Christmas Market and light. We had a wristband so we went right in. As I said, both of us had been before. We both thought it was very nice, but more compacted this year. They have nice level paths to walk, with different vignettes, and it was well organized. I think both of us preferred the old layout, which was more spread out. You’d think, with covid, that they would want it more open to all. But it was still very nice.  The one-way path took us back out close to our cottage, but we continued on to have another drink at the fireside lounge before heading back to our room and ending a wonderful relaxing evening.      

Thursday, December 2nd., 2021……  We slept in and showered and packed and headed off to breakfast. Now this wasn’t as nice as the dinner last night. But it was included in our package so we took advantage of it. After that, we checked out and headed back home, stopping at Costco on the way. Penny called as we were driving and said that Jama was sick to her stomach. I won’t elaborate on the details. Let’s just say Penny had some cleanup in aisle two!  We thought about it and decided it must have been the new food that she got for Jama that wasn’t agreeing with her. When we got back home, I dumped most of it, but did put several handfuls in Rylee’s food as a mixer for her. We did laundry and went off to get some more shopping done. We did ok and got a few items but still have more on our shopping list for friends and family. Cathye is mailing three boxes out to the kids in MO, AZ and NH, and needs to get those in the mail asap. Later in the evening, we headed out to go see the Nativity displays at Kirk’s church rectory in Corvallis. I had been before and I was anxious to show Cathye. We both enjoyed the experience. I’m not sure what the count was, but it had to be in the several hundreds, each one set up and shared by their respective owners.

After that, we drove over to the fairgrounds to see the Pastega Family light display. These are local (Corvallis) business owners and have had this volunteer drive-thru display here in the area for many, many years. It was what I had seen before but we were still impressed by what they put together. They only ask for canned food donations for charity and we dropped off a big bag!     

Friday, December 3rd., 2021…… Weather here is changing again!  They say it will be a little colder next week but just rain is expected. Temps expected in the low 50s and then moving to the high 40s. When we went out to walk the dogs, it was just beginning to sprinkle, but we have raincoats so we were good to go!  We got the NH box done and shipped today. Two to go! We had bought mushroom ravioli at Costco last week and we had pasta sauce so that was dinner. Tv until bedtime.

Saturday, December 4th., 2021…… We ordered the wedding invitations today. I thought it might be a little too soon but Cathye says it’s ok because we already have the date booked. We went online and designed them and also ordered rsvp and thank you cards. She was rather intimidated by the design process so I was happy to help out! That done, she went to work on boxing up the MO package. Today was Rylee’s turn to go through the stomach thing. I’m convinced it was Jama’s new dog food. Remember, I had mixed it in with butthead’s. She had a rough day to say the least!  I dumped everything from Rylee’s bin and we started back with their old food again. So, needless to say, we didn’t make it to the post office or UPS before they closed and now it will be Monday before we can ship. Cathye made some homemade mac and cheese that I like and we watched some of our taped programs before calling it a night.  We stayed up later than usual to keep an eye on Rylee and saw she was feeling better and was settling in and sleeping, so we headed off to bed.      

Sunday, December 5th., 2021…… Not much on the agenda today.  Oh yeah, my ring came in!  We made the drive up to Woodburn (53 miles) to pick it up. We had a break in the weather so we enjoyed some nice sunshine on the drive up and back so it was a nice day. I even got off the main highway so we could take our time and check out the scenery. Ok, back to the ring - she had it engraved and had to pay for that but I wasn’t allowed to see it when I tried it on!  No worries. It was fine so now she can keep it safely stored away until April. When we got back home, we rested for the day and watched tv. My auctions were back on and I had several hours to watch. She likes her Hallmark Christmas movies so we split up for the afternoon.  We had leftovers for dinner. I chose the ravioli and she ate the mac and cheese. I’m happy to share that both dogs are back to normal again. Yaay!

Monday, December 6th., 2021…… Once we had the dogs walked and fed, we hit Appletree for breakfast and then went to the post office first thing for the MO box. We’re now working to get things arranged for our next adventure!  We leave on Sunday for a 6-day excursion. We’ll be taking the train to Seattle and then going east to Leavenworth, WA.  Leavenworth is in the Cascades and there is expected snow (thus the train) so we are thinking about a warmer wardrobe. More details on that later. Cathye and the girls headed over to Albany for a shopping trip. Today was my day to work on the furnace door at her trailer. I needed to cut the door to fit the new frame that the contractor had installed so I took measurements and brought it home to work on in my shop. I got it cut and sanded and we went back to fit it after Cathye got back. It worked fine and only needs a magnetic latch and some touchup paint. The only item remaining on my list for her place is the icemaker.   We needed to make a run to Walmart and get a few things for lunch. Aimee was coming over and then we are going to go look at her trailer. Aimee is my realtor and we are asking her to check it out and give us an idea of what it’s worth and what the market is doing now. We will be making a decision about what to do with it going forward. As I have mentioned, she is here now and the $600.00 + space rent and the internet, and a few utilities are being paid but going unused. Sure wish we could rent it out but that’s not allowed at this time. The park has recently been sold and we are waiting to see if things change. But at least we’ll have a head start with Aimee’s help.

Tuesday, December 7th., 2021…… We had a few items on the agenda for today.  Aimee texted and asked if we could postpone. She is still under the weather.  But Lilly and Brandon are coming over for dinner and to make Christmas cookies with us. We will take them to the other Christmas display in Albany this year. They do a Christmas Storytime display every year at the Linn Benton Fairgrounds.  This year it will be a drive-thru so we’re going to check that out. Cory dropped them off and came back later to eat with us and go to Albany. We loaded up in the Acadia and got in line for the 6:30pm opening. It was smoothly orchestrated for the entry and drive-thru, but it quickly slowed to a stop because the indoor display area was super packed with scenery every inch of the way! 

It was fun but it’s not made for driving. It’s got to be experienced by walking it at your own pace. Hopefully, next year…

We got back and the kids headed home tired and happy. We were pooped out and went to sleep quickly after an evening of tv!

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