About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #27 – More Issues to Deal With..


Thursday, Apr 2nd, 2020……  An off day today. I walked and then fed Rylee, and then made Lydia and I some breakfast. We have nothing on the radar today so I did some laundry and changed the bedding. While we were folding clothes, we watched Survivor, which we taped yesterday. Lydia has been doing ok. She has been given a series of exercises to do and really seems to stick to them. They hopefully will make her stronger but, right now, she is still not able to stand on her own. I help her to stand up from the chairs and the bed and the toilet but once she gets weight under her, she can get going with the walker. The therapy guy has told us he is going to see if he can help get her a better walker. What she has now is really sturdy but doesn’t have rollers like some other models do. She can use that one once she gains more stability.
I was told I forgot to take a picture of the flowers that Lou brought over, so here they are. He said they come from friends who used to have a flower shop in town and retired and just do a few from their home now. Anyway, they are really pretty!

I heated us up some chicken pot pies for dinner and we settled in and watched tv until bedtime.  
Friday, Apr 3rd, 2020……  Today is another dialysis day. But before that, Lydia had another therapy session. After Meghan got here and made friends with Rylee, I took off to go back to Lois’s apartment to help pack the van they were driving back east. Mary, her friend, has flown out and rented it and is here now. We got everything loaded up and said our goodbyes. We wish Lois well as our friend now will be living in Springfield MO. I stopped and got breakfast and when I got home, Meghan was just leaving.  After we ate, I went in and I ordered the wheelchair ramp I had been looking at for the front porch.

These are 11’ long and are sold in pairs. As I said, I will use these on the front porch as I have a nice 21” rise from the steps and a good runoff space for the chair. I can also use them for loading the tractor on my trailer when the need arises. I am paying $199. for the pair, which, when added up, is not much more than the lumber I would buy to build a ramp.
Later, sis and I took Lydia to Albany to dialysis. When I went to pick her up, we passed by two of our favorite food trucks - Stick a Pork in It and Chau’s – sitting in their usual spots in the Rife’s furniture parking lot. I took Lydia home and went back to Chau’s and got us a couple Yakisoba Noodle Stir Fry meals for dinner. I had beef and Lydia had chicken. Yummy!  I also had to stop by the lab in the Lebanon hospital and pick up a container for a urine catch that the dialysis center has ordered. Lydia had complained about pain when urinating. After collecting the sample later, we are sure the cloudy urine will confirm she has another uti.     
Saturday, Apr 4th, 2020……  I walked and fed Rylee and then headed off to drop off the urine samples we collected last night. It took ten minutes for me just to go through the screening procedures at the hospital door just to get someone to come out to get the bag I had. Wow!  Now we will have to wait until - 1) they run the lab tests and - 2) call the doctor on call today in order to - 3) call in a prescription for pickup.  Let’s see how long that takes on a Saturday…..
No word yet. Lydia told me it usually takes three days for labs. I forgot. We will probably not hear anything until Monday.
This evening we got a call from Maryanne. She told me that Randy had a spill while out mountain biking. They were in the foothills in Fullerton and they came back in to Long Beach to go to Memorial Hospital. She said it was a nightmare just trying to get him in. They do not allow drop-offs at the er so they had to park and he had to walk in. They screened him and finally took him in. Maryanne wasn’t allowed inside. He knew he broke his collarbone but also hit his head (which broke his brand new helmet) and needed to be evaluated. After x-rays and being seen by the doctors, they released him with some pain meds and a sling.  Maryanne went back and picked him up and they are back home now and called us to say he was ok. He is resting and relaxing with their fur babies. 

Maybe now they will just stay home like the rest of us!

Sunday, Apr 5th, 2020……  A nice day today. The rains have let up for a few days, but it is still way too soggy to do anything. I did go out this afternoon to dig the holes for the new posts I need to install in order to repair the blueberry cage. Easy digging since the ground is still really wet! I hope to get those in the ground tomorrow or the next day. I also want to mow again later in the week.
Lydia is doing well. The uti isn’t bothering her too much, other than painful urination. But she now has pain back in her right foot. There are two more nodules popping up on her heel next to the one she got back in January. This is where the cancer was first detected. I think that the last chemo has worn off and that area is getting hit again. We have a virtual appointment with her oncologist next week so we will be sure to let him know.  I got some meat out to defrost and made steak burritos for dinner and after we watched tv until bedtime.
This was taken earlier this afternoon - Lydia, relaxing in her office and talking to Janie.

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