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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #28 – A New Ramp, a Winery Trip, and Pruning Grapevines

Monday, Apr 6th, 2020……  Sis came by today and we got Lydia down the stairs and I took her to dialysis. I stopped by and picked up some screws for the blueberry post framing. Later, when I went back to pick her up and bring her home, I made a call for a pickup order at Pizza Schmizza and went back and got that. We got a cobb salad to share and that was really tasty. We were both disappointed with the pizza though. It was lacking in sauce.  So, we will have to let them know next time we go back.   
Tuesday, Apr 7th, 2020……  Lydia had two appointments today. The first was with Occupational Therapy. Shereen was super nice and went through some exercises to help Lydia with day to day functions. Next up was Dominique, another really friendly person, who went over the Physical Therapy that Dane taught her last week. These are designed to build up her strength and stamina.
I spent some time outside working on the blueberry posts. I filled in the holes and they are now ready for the framing which I still need to go get. Also, the wheelchair ramp was delivered this afternoon. I will get that unboxed and installed tomorrow morning.
I didn’t get anything out for dinner, so I went off to Jack in the Box and picked up burgers and fries. I feel good going to these places and giving them some business during these times. I just miss going in and visiting with the folks there. We spent the rest of the evening watching tv and relaxing. 
Wednesday, Apr 8th, 2020…… One appointment this morning before we headed off to dialysis. Jeremy, the home health nurse, and also another really friendly person, came by to check vitals and change her dressing on her arm. But before his 10:00am, I went out and got us breakfast and then after he left, I went back outside and installed the ramp. It had a place for one mounting screw at the stair top, but I added one more just for my satisfaction. I got them both attached to the porch and when we loaded her up to leave, it was a breeze! 

I won’t need any help now to get her in and out of the house.
My sister came by before noon and brought Quincy over with her for a play date with butthead. We left them and dropped Lydia off and then headed off to Monteith to Airlie Winery to pick up an order my sister had made there. She has an account and wanted to stock up and this was a good time to go. It is on the other side of where we drop off Lydia in Albany. I had never been and once we wound our way there (it’s out in the country and way back off the road) we came to their property which included a nice little pond and a covered area where they can have weddings and other events. Very nice. The owner, Mary, was glad for the business as a lot of folks aren’t venturing out these days. But she was careful and handled everything with care and safety. We stopped by Penny’s house on the way back home to drop off the wine and for me to get a look at the fence to the north where her new neighbors have moved in. They have dogs and the fence has knotholes and she’s worried the dog next door will stick his nose in and Quincy will bite it!  So, we came up with some ideas and then came back to the house. I only had a few minutes before I had to feed Rylee and Quincy and then headed back to pick Lydia up. I fixed steak and potatoes and green beans for dinner. Pretty good I’d say!  We settled in for the night and watched Survivor and then The Masked Singer.  I had heard ahead of the show who the Kangaroo was but didn’t know Jordyn Woods so I didn’t get it right.  And then we watched the latest Manifest, which we had taped, before going to bed.    

Thursday, Apr 9th, 2020……  Dominique was here again today. She taught Lydia some tricks to use to get in and out of her recliners, as well as some isometric exercises to help build up her muscle strength. I went out and worked on trimming back the grapevines. I never know how much to cut back. Last year I did quite a bit as that was what I was told to do – and that resulted in a lot less grapes than the year before – so this time I eased up a bit. We’ll see what happens when they start growing.  I also asked Kirk to drop the other tractor off so sis and I can mow the yard again, hopefully tomorrow. 
I went over to my sister's house and installed some boards we had cut for her fence. They went in and actually look pretty good. I think she will finish up the whole side with more to match. I have plenty of wood for that. 
Later, I fixed us spaghetti and we watched our own programs before calling it a night.  

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