About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #66 – Saying Our Goodbyes, Saluting Our Vets & Getting Ready For Another Trip


Wednesday, November 10th., 2021…... Today was an eventful day!  First up, Maryanne is doing better. Per Randy’s update, she is resting comfortably with plenty of pain meds in her! I had a bout this morning as well. I got out of bed and felt light-headed. Cathye took the dogs out while I hung around the house and rested a bit. It took a few hours, but I felt better. It’s hell getting old!  Next up was the service call on the furnace. I had water coming out of the unit. I thought it was just condensation and turns out I was right!  Hunter found a worn out hose going into the p-trap. I got lucky!  But I did get on their list for yearly service, which should help, going forward. Lastly, we heard from Penny that Quincy is not doing well. She is 14 ½ and, although healthy, she is just getting old. Penny says there are no signs of her being in any pain, so that is good. But she thinks it will likely be sooner than later…Sad news but she has had a wonderful life. Hugs to her.

We had leftovers for dinner and watched The Masked Singer and Survivor before calling it a night.  Still no clues to identify those two that were unmasked (The Jester and The Pepper). Not our genre of music!  I think we have only got 2 out of the 10 unmasked so far, and not too many clues on the 6 that are left.  But at least Survivor is getting interesting!

Thursday, November 11th., 2021…... Veterans Day…. Please take time to thank those who served. I’m so sorry – I didn’t get a chance to do that today. We needed to check in with Sis to see how Quincy was doing. She said she’s ready to call the vet. She would have liked to have a mobile vet come to the house to ease Q’s anxiety of riding in a car and going in to the veterinarian’s office, but they didn’t return her call. So, we went over and spent some time with Quincy and later took her in.  They came out to the car and administered the shot so that helped everyone.  It was painless and quick, and she was comfortable enough to be relaxed when they gave her the drug. She went off peacefully and will now be up there with Chimay and Harley and Bailey and Maggie and Fancy and…. watching and living that good afterlife. RIP, sister. You were the best!

After we left the house, we went to grab a bite to eat and went home to let our girls out. We gave them extra hugs and then set off to Albany. The Veterans Day parade this year (and last) was a ‘reverse parade’, where they set up floats and displays in the fairgrounds, and in parking lots in 2 places in town and folks drive thru and see them. It was very nice and a great tribute to all veterans, here and gone. We went to all three venues and enjoyed each one.

On the way home, we stopped at a couple of thrift stores (open today) and looked for some items for the trailer and for decorations for Christmas gift baskets that Cathye is working on for the kids and grandkids and great grandkids. We got back home, and I was able to go out and, with Cathye’s help, measured the area where we want the patio deck. It was pretty easy to get the perimeters staked and now Tim and Dana will be able to get an idea of the scope of work. We need to get their estimate and get on their schedule sooner than later. Even now, it will be spring before they can get to us.  We had leftovers from lunch and settled in to watch tv until bedtime.           

Friday, November 12th., 2021…… Today we got up early and got the dogs out and walked and fed. Cathye was heading off to meet up with Penny. Their plan today was to go to an estate sale here in town, then go pick up Judy and Lona, and then head over to Turner (about 30 miles north of us) to go to the Country Mouse Holiday Market. This is hosted by Cathye’s Christian church’s foundation and is supposed to have over 90 booths there. I’m sure between the four of them, they will have a full car of goodies to bring home!  Meanwhile, I have a few things I wanted to do here. My shop has been neglected. I first needed to get all of the Halloween boxes back up on the shelves in the front part of the garage, then I started in on the potting shed. I needed to clean out the potting shed and rearrange it with a nice work-height table for Cathye to mix and pot and do all of that work to get things planted later in the season.  I will need to find (or build) something that is the right height for her so that’s a project for me now!  I spent a few hours out there and then came in because it was starting to rain (duuhh - because that never happens up here!) and I was trying to entertain Rylee and not doing a good enough job. So we came in and I gave her and Princess Jama their treats and sat down and relaxed til the girls got back.      

Ok, they are back – I was right, they found a bunch of stuff and filled the car!  I only saw what Cathye brought back, which wasn’t too bad. We relaxed and then worked a bit on packing. I got out our suitcases and set them up in the guest room. I had gathered some of my stuff in there already, so that was added to a little. Still have some laundry to do to finish off what we need.     

Saturday, November 13th., 2021…… Randy says that Maryanne is home and doing well. She will need some time to recover, since she has had surgical cuts, and has to take it extremely easy for a while . But she will be ok.

Penny came by today. She will be staying here to take care of the dogs while we are gone next week. She certainly knows everything about butthead, but she needed some info on how we feed the princess. We went over that process. She also picked up Quincy’s food and bowls that we had stored here. That stuff will get donated to a local shelter. She’s doing ok. She’s known for several months about Q, so she was more or less ready for this. Even so, it’s never easy when it happens.  Cathye and I headed out later to run some errands. We needed a few things from the store and got those and got back. Robin came by later to go over a presentation she and Cathye are making at their church next week. They spent some time working on that, then we had a nice visit. I gave her the remote for the garage door because she will be here on Thursday to cover for Penny, who has an appointment in Salem that day.  

Sunday, November 14th., 2021…… I think we are now packed for the trip. We will try to go to sleep early tonight because we need to be up and going at 3:30am tomorrow morning. We will take her truck to PDX and shuttle to the airport like we did last time we flew out from there. (I made myself a mental note to make sure I close the window on her truck this time!) Anyway, our flight leaves at 7:00am, going through Seattle to St. Louis. We get there around 4:00pm (their local time) and will get our rental and then drive to Michael and Crystal’s house, which is on the way, for a one-night-stay with them, before heading on to Branson. We will be there for three nights, (Tues.-Thurs) but since our flight home is not until Saturday evening, we are still trying to figure out if we want to try to stay another night in Branson and make the drive in to St. Louis or go back to the kid’s house and stay with them on Friday. We’ll figure that out after we get there. We have tickets to three shows while in Branson: Daniel O’Donnell, SIX, and Branson Belle Captain’s Club Christmas Dinner Show. We are looking forward to a nice week!  

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