About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #64 – Another Pumpkin Day & Trick or Treat!


Thursday, October 28th., 2021…... Cathye went off to take Jama to the groomers and I walked Rylee. She brought us back breakfast and then headed off work on her trailer. She has invited everyone to come to an open house on Saturday, so she wants to make everything nice. Today’s weather is supposed to be clear and warm, so she will be working outside, cleaning up the flowerbeds and such. Meanwhile, I was tasked with checking on the wedding rings that were due in yesterday. I called and discovered that 1) mine is a straight order that has to come from another store – they have unopened orders and will need to search through them and will get back to me, and 2) her ring is back in the design center. Turns out it was received by the store, but the sapphires they put in were too dark, and they sent it back and they are now waiting for the lighter requested stones to come in. So, it will be delayed another week or so. Bummer!  

Today was another pumpkin carving/dinner day!  Corey (Cathye’s grandson) and wife Brittany and the kids (Brandon and Lilly) came by, and we headed off to the Grandpa’s Garden to get pumpkins for the carving. We all walked the muddy field and got our pumpkins and then headed home.

This time, I set up everything in the shop garage. Halfway into the project, we brought out the chili and had hot dogs and cornbread for dinner.

They didn’t complete the carvings – they will do that later or tomorrow, but we all did have a great time. We will see them on Halloween as well.  

Friday, October 29th., 2021…… We got everything cleaned up from the late night last night. The plan today was to go get the inside of the trailer cleaned up for the ‘open house’ we are having tomorrow. Cathye has sent out Facebook notice inviting folks to drop over and see the place and have a snack. I had pictures to hang and one last dimmer switch to install. I won’t tackle the furnace door until after the open house. But everything looks good, and we are ready!

Saturday, October 30th., 2021…… We were out early this morning with the dogs. The weather is not cooperating and was raining lightly when we left the house, but we were dressed for it. Jama even has a raincoat! 


After that, we headed out to Kevin’s for breakfast and then came back to gather up everything for the trailer. Cathye made ham and cheese sliders and also hot cider and a fruit and veggie tray.
 We got everything set up and ready. It was a really nice afternoon! We had folks drop in most of the day.  We were there for several hours so I had to ask Penny to go over to the house and feed butthead and let her out. It was a long day and we were tired at the end of it, but it was fun!  

Sunday, October 31th., 2021……  Happy Halloween!  We don’t get any trick-or-treaters at the house, but we had a bag of candy just in case. Of course, we knew Corey would be bringing the kids over and we had a package ready for them. Cathye had bought some stuff in Vermont, and they liked that in addition to their treats. Other than that one visit, it was a quiet day. We watched tv until bedtime.

Monday, November 1st., 2021……  Today we needed to go see Cathye’s stepson, Jamie, to take him out for breakfast and to give him his ‘allowance’. Jamie is currently in his own HUD housing apartment in Albany.  He has state workers looking in on him and they have staff coming over weekly to clean his apartment. Cathye’s good friend, Robin, has volunteered to go over there the first three Mondays of the month to drop off money and to help straighten up and make sure he is eating correctly. Cathye will go over to visit and take him out for dinner or breakfast. We are thinking he will need to go into assisted living sooner than later. If he wanted more sun and warmer days, maybe he will consider relocating to Phoenix, where his aunt and brother both live.  Time will tell….  We finished up the evening watching Dancing With the Stars.  The remaining dancers are all improving so much this season, that it’s anyone’s game!    

Tuesday, November 2nd., 2021……  Another quiet day, with nothing on the agenda. It was chilly this morning, so we layered up for the dog walk! I went out with sweatpants on and just left them on for the day!  Now, that’s a first for me! We hung around the house and got bills paid. I’m learning about her finances, and she is understanding mine. Neither of us has much to pay, other than utilities, so it will be a smooth transition. I have already moved her onto my family phone plan so that is done. Later, we headed off to our local feed/hardware store (Wilco) because they are having a two-day-sale. Dog food/pet supplies and hardware are 20% off so we both stocked up on a couple of bags.   We got home and were done for the day. We ate dinner and planned the rest of the week. We also spent some time talking about the trip to Branson. Since I have a National Emerald Club card with aisle service, I got to rent the car for the trip. That was easy but I did have to go back and re-register with them since I haven’t used it much these last several years. But I like just going directly to the cars and choosing which one I want. We’ll see what they have when we get there. The Branson trip is Nov. 15th-20th. More on that as we get closer….

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