About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #12 – Treatment Begins & Getting the Routine Down


Saturday, Feb 8th, 2020……  I ended up with a pretty good night’s sleep. Rylee has taken over Grammy’s spot on the bed!  I did my dog walk and then went out and got coffee and breakfast. I did some cleaning up around the house and sorted some clothes for the laundry and then headed off to Corvallis. I spent most of the day there with Lydia. She was doing well but had a few issues with a little fever and some chills. The team of doctors and assistants came by and gave her some more info. They will begin today with everything – all of it done here in the hospital.  First up is an ecg to make sure her heart is strong enough for the chemo, followed by the installation of the port. There were some issues with the port because they don’t normally do these minor surgeries on the weekend. They wanted to do a pick line instead but she can’t have that because of her kidney. So, they called in that surgical team and got her downstairs for that port procedure toward the end of the day. I had left but my sister was there and said she did fine. After a bit, Lydia was tired and sleepy so Sis went home for the evening.  When I left, I stopped by Arby’s and picked up something for dinner and ate that later and settled in for the night.

Sunday, Feb 9th, 2020…… This morning my sister and I tag-teamed our visit. We took separate cars and met at Shirley May’s for breakfast, and then went to the hospital. Today was the first round of chemo. Penny stayed for a while and then left to do some errands while she was in Corvallis. The plan at this time is for 3 rounds of chemo. Each time she will be admitted to the hospital for 5 days and will be in a bed with the drip bags each containing one of the 5 different drugs in her program. The first round started today. They prepped her and started. She is doing really well and is expected to be relaxed and can watch tv or sleep. The iv bags run 24 hours but she can get up to use the bathroom (with some assistance) and can eat normally (right now she’s on a renal diet).  I am personally happy that they are doing it this way because its one-stop-shopping for her and with a minimum of effort. The other route involved coming and going to daily 8 to 12-hour appointments like my sister had to do.  And it is easy for me to make a trip to the hospital rather than moving her back and forth there each time.
I stayed for most of the day but left when she started in to a deep sleep. I got home and fed Rylee and fixed myself some dinner and then did four loads of laundry while I watched some of my taped races until bedtime.  I did call her and check in and she said she was doing fine but was tired so I didn’t keep her long.    
Monday, Feb 10th, 2020…… Today, the weather was really nice. There are no showers in the forecast for the first part of the week. I got going pretty early this morning and got Rylee walked and fed, then made myself some breakfast. Then I headed off to the hospital. Lydia was doing well and was feeling just a slight pain in her ankle. She said they have been giving her Tylenol, and oxycodone when she needs it, but the pain is diminishing which they said would happen. I stayed with her most of the morning and until she ate and was resting and napping. She has talked to a lot of folks and keeps her phone on and charged. I went home and let Rylee out for a run and then left to go meet sis and Bill and Debbie at Schmizza's for an early 'linner' and a few beers.  Thanks, Bill!  We had a nice visit. They are heading back to Calif. tomorrow. Afterwards, I came home and relaxed and watched tv and finally went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly.     

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