About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #61 – The Start of Something Big!


Sunday, October 10th., 2021……  Cathye went to church this morning and I stayed around and worked on cleaning up the shop garage. I didn’t get far. When she got back, we went to Walmart to get groceries and a few other things for both places. I spent most of the day at home watching races and catching up on my taped shows, while she went back to the trailer and worked on opening boxes and putting more things away. I did go over later and put doorknobs on the bathroom and bedroom doors. She now has an appointment with an electrician to come look at her remaining tasks. She has decided to not stay at the trailer that much (for which I am super happy about!) but we still need to get it all done. Tonight, we ate at the house, and she stayed here.

Monday, October 11th., 2021…… Today was a BIG day! First up was taking the Acadia in for service in Corvallis. We did that then headed over to Wise Cracks for breakfast. We had previously stopped at the local jewelry store in town. Today we are looking at engagement rings! Yes, that is in the works!  I haven’t asked her yet, but that will happen soon!  I have a timeline and devious little plans in my head. Soon though, I promise!

Anyway, we headed off to the mall in Woodburn. They have both Zales and Kay jewelry stores there.  Zales didn’t have much but we did find and bought both her rings and mine at Kay!  They showed us the ring and colored in the sapphires we want on the side so we could get an idea, and I took a quick picture of it...

We asked for some changes and of course they have to get both our sizes so it will be a few weeks before I can go get them. I am so happy with this woman I can’t stand it. We have been talking and planning dates and venues for some time now. The trip down to Calif. gave us so much time by ourselves and we talked and talked about plans for the future. Did I mention how happy I am?  She said to say for her that she feels the same way too!  All it takes now is me asking her!    As I said before, you will all have to wait for it…..

We stopped at Costco and then headed back home.   Dinner and an early night.

Tuesday, October 12th., 2021……  I heard back from the GMC dealer, and they told me they found the left front axle was bad. Plus the motor mounts!  Plus the other suspension arm (another dealer replaced one earlier in the year). Plus an oil change and lube and I was looking at $1845.00!  Yeah, I know. Randy said to go ahead and trade it in for the truck I want!! Haha.  But that’s not happening right now. So, they went to work fixing it. Parts have to be ordered so it won’t be today.  So, today was spent at Cathye’s trailer. I needed to install more doorknobs and hang pictures.  We also needed to check out the new stackable washer/dryer. Turns out it has a couple of issues!  First, we couldn’t get the power to turn back on. But I did a quick check via google and we solved that issue. But after putting a load in, we can’t seem to get it to go into spin mode. The book says it is a clog but it’s brand new!  So, she will be getting back to Lowes for a service call since it’s still under warranty. But before that, I needed to get out the shop vac and suck out the water from the tub. I did that and checked for blockages but didn’t see any so we will get that call in soon. The electrician fixed a few issues and installed a dimmer in the kitchen, but I still need to work on the furnace door and also install another dimmer in the bedroom.

Wednesday, October 13th., 2021…… My appointment with Dr. Horner, the dermatologist, was this morning. Cathye and Penny had both asked me to go have a raised blood blister on my lower leg looked at. I have had this for well over a year by now, and it doesn’t bother me but I said I’d go. He examined it and said it was an above the surface vein/blood vessel and not to worry but said he could remove it if I wanted him to. So, I did. He numbed it and sliced it off and cauterized it. 

They will do a biopsy on it just to make sure. Meanwhile, Cathye headed off to Corvallis for her scheduled acupuncture appointment. We had originally scheduled them back-to-back for today, but Dr. Horner was not available any other time, so I chose to cancel the acupuncture this time. We both got back and then headed over to work some more on the trailer. More pictures to be hung, and boxes to unload and put away. The two sheds are finally seeing some relief as more boxes come into the house to be put away. I still have the furnace door to work on, but that’s on hold until the end. I have a few other things to work on. One is the icemaker install. I took another look at the instructions and decided to wait to see if someone more qualified comes along in the next few days!  But, in reality, I will probably tackle it myself. Cathye has recently received a bill from the long-lost plumber, who was never there when she needed things worked on. She is close friends with his mother, so she will write him and tell him she is not happy with the whole process and will ask him to please explain each of the charges on his bill. Hopefully, this will help reduce his bill, but we’ll see. (and no, the charges for the icemaker install were not on his bill!)   

Thursday, October 14th., 2021…...  I got a call today that the car was done so Cathye took me over there. We stopped for breakfast along the way and when I got the car, we headed back home. Later in the afternoon, we headed back out again, this time for a haircut. I really like her shop, so she makes appointments together there for both of us. We got that done and stopped and picked up dinner to take home.

Friday, October 15th., 2021……  Today we discovered Jama had an issue with her kidneys. She had peed in the house (not usual) and Cathye said it smelled BAD! We called the vet later in the morning and they assumed she had a uti and we should try to get a urine sample. Yeah, that will be easy! They said to use a soup ladle to capture it and get it to them to test. Well, that didn’t happen today and probably won’t until her appointment next week. But Jama acts and looks normal, and has had these issues before, so we will just have to wait and see…    

Saturday, October 16th., 2021…… We have been waiting and waiting for the lawn to dry out enough to be able to mow. I think today is the day!  So, I texted my sister and she was available to come and help. Cathye had a breakfast scheduled with her volunteer group this morning, but I needed some time anyway for the dew to evaporate. The sun cooperated but it was still pretty damp when we started out around 1:00pm.  The girls used the lawn tractors – without baggers – so they were good to go and got most of the field and around the side yard mowed with no issues. I decided to set the cutter way up on the zero turn since the lawn was super long!  It was the right call, and I was able to get through most of it without clogging up the bagger hose too many times. We did have a full truck load to dump though but once we were back from that task, we were done!  The negative from that is that the lawn is still pretty tall and thick 

and the rains are coming in the next weeks ahead, so I don’t know when the next mowing will be.     

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