About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #63 – She Said Yes!


Two posts today............                     

                      Please read the previous post first!!!!

Sunday, October 24th., 2021……  I had a few things to do this morning to prep for the day. I moved the cars out of the garage and brought in a large tarp for the floor, then brought in tables for the folks to carve pumpkins on. Cathye found big Halloween tablecloths in one of the seasonal bins, and we used those on the tables. I brought in my battery power drills and saws for use as needed and we decorated the garage with spiders and pumpkin lights, and we were ready!  The girls (and Butch) did a number on those pumpkins, and everyone had a great time!  

Here’s a pic from later in the evening…

I fired up the bbq and cooked up some hot dogs for the chili that Tamara had made and brought over. She also made cornbread and Cathye made squash pie. Everything was really good. We had asked the girls to ask about our wedding venue so that we could drive over to see it. I gave Penny my phone and asked her to videotape the walk through the garden. I wasn’t even nervous when I took her to the spot (where she wants the wedding to be held) and dropped to one knee and proposed! I have to say I was shocked at her reaction because she had no idea it was coming at that time!!  

SHE SAIDYES! I am the most luckiest man alive to have found this woman and I want to spend the rest of my live with her.  And now that she said she will marry me, my dreams have come true!  We are blessed to have found each other and she says to write that here too and to say she is the happiest woman on earth!  Wow, I love this woman!

We left there and went back and visited for a while before the girls and Butch left. We had time to be alone and reflect on the day. We talked some more about the wedding and made more plans. We have to keep the numbers down so we will have just a few friends and family in attendance. We talked about that day (April 24th if you hadn’t heard that already) and the days after and how to make it all work for those coming from out of town. Lots to think about but it was wonderful, and we fell asleep with plans and dreams of the future, happy and content.   

Monday, October 25th., 2021…… The weather has turned nasty up here in the NW. We have had rain off and on for several days now and the winds have picked up and the temps have dropped. But today, it was a lot warmer, and the winds have died down a bit. We don’t have too many trees on the property but those that we do have, have lost most of their leaves. This pic was from last week showing the brilliant color of the trees here.

Most of those leaves are now on the ground and in someone else’s yard. I will have to have Kirk’s guys rake up leaves and I also want them to clean out the ditch out front so the water can flow easily to the drain down the street.

Cathye has her booster shot today. She will also get a flu shot while she is there. She says that last time she was down for a day or two, but this time I will be here to take care of her.

Ok, it’s later now… She is back from the pharmacy, and everything went well. Some soreness but not too bad.  But later in the evening she felt tired and achy so she went to bed early. We’ll see how tomorrow goes.

Tuesday, October 26th., 2021……  No worries on the leaves today. Justin and Tyler were here today and took care of all of the leaves in the ditch and around the flowerbeds. The grass is my next project. As I had posted, I mowed it last week but had to set the blade high and now it’s ready to be done again. But, again, I am stuck with a wet lawn for who knows how long?  

As far as Cathye goes, she is still achy and cold. No fever but she is tired and just wanted to hang around the house today. So, I took the dogs out and then went out and got us breakfast. She stayed in her jammies, and we relaxed on the couch and watched tv all day. So, other than Kirk’s guys, we had an uneventful day and just took it easy and stayed inside. I fixed stuffed salmon for dinner, and we watched tv until she couldn’t stay awake any longer and we called it a night.  

Wednesday, October 27th., 2021……  Not much on the agenda today. Cathye is back to feeling better and decided she could go off to her volunteer job today, and I hung out here and did a few chores and kicked back most of the day. She said she was tired but ok, but we still didn’t do anything other than hang around the house. We had to go to the trailer for something and stopped and got dinner and brought it home. Tonight, was Survivor and The Masked Singer.  Plus, we are also watching Tough as Nails and got caught up on those episodes. Didn’t catch tonight’s episode but we will probably watch that one tomorrow.

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