About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #62 – Finding a Wedding Venue & Visiting with Friends and Family


Sunday, October 17th., 2021……  A relaxing day. I watched races most of the day and Cathye and I talked about our next trip. Plus, we talked about wedding venues some more. I think we (ok, she) pretty much have figured it out. We are looking at April 24th. 2022 (one year to the day that we had our first date!). We are looking at the Boulder Falls Inn and Event Center, in Lebanon. She had never been to the garden area before and when she saw it, she knew right away!  She will be going back later in the week to meet with the planner there and book it. Decisions will need to be made…

But we also have a few trips planned before that. First up is a trip to Branson, MO. We are going there Nov 15th-20th. We have lined up some shows and we would have been looking for venue for April but that’s done so this is now just a relax-and-have fun trip! I have also booked us a room at the Oregon Gardens for Dec. 1st.-2nd. This is another rest and enjoy trip!  The package includes their Christmas Lights display and dinner and breakfast.

Later in the day, Penny and Cherrelyn came by to take us to a belated dinner for both our September birthdays. They gave us gifts and then we headed over to The Point in Sweet Home for a nice meal.

Thanks girls!  Cathye has asked Penny to be her wedding planner and she accepted. They (and Judy, another friend) will be going to Boulder Falls this week to ask questions and book the place for April. Now, she just wonders when that crazy dude will ask her already!!!       

Monday, October 18th., 2021…… We spent the day running errands and picking up things for the trailer and the house. There are only a few things left to do before the trailer is done. Cathye will be looking for more décor items and I will do most of the little installs and hanging thigs, etc., but we are still dealing with the plumber about the work left undone and have questions about his invoice to date. The icemaker install remains and I do not have the confidence to tackle that but will do so if needed. But the electrical is all completed now and is good to go, other than a breaker on one side of the kitchen that trips when the tea pot is plugged in! She has plugged it in to the side with the GFCI outlets so that is resolved!   

Tuesday, October 19th., 2021……  Got a call from the dermatologist telling me that the biopsy showed no issues.  Cathye met up with Penny and Judy at the venue while I worked around here. Kirk’s guys were coming, and I wanted to get some things worked at the trailer before they got here. I took the floor register we got yesterday over to the trailer and installed it in her bathroom. I also installed that dimmer in the bedroom. I got everything cleaned up and headed back home. Later, after Cathye got back and Justin and his brother were done here, we went back over and picked up a cabinet that she wants out of her tiny bedroom. It will go in nicely in her office here.   

Wednesday, October 20th., 2021……  Cathye left for her volunteer work at SHEM. That stands for Sweet Home Emergency Ministries. Its mission is to provide food, information, and supportive service to the folks in the local area.  She spends Wednesday mornings there and was able to go back now that their required 14-day quarantine is over, due to her being out of state with me on our recent trip. Gotta be safe…

Once she was back, we drove over to Costco in Albany and got a few things. Then it was time for dinner and tv and a relaxing night before bed.  

Thursday, October 21st., 2021…...  We got up late and got the dogs out and walked and fed, then drove over to Elmer’s in Albany for breakfast. We had a few other errands to do while we were there, so we accomplished those and headed back home. Cathye went to her nail appointment, and I worked on the last blog and posted that. She has asked a couple to come over for a visit at the new trailer tomorrow, so she wanted to go get some cleaning/straightening up done over there. I rested a bit and tried to catch up on some of my taped auctions. I will be heading over to pick up sis later this evening. We are driving up to PDX to pick up Tamara, Cassandra, and Lauren, her daughter-in-law, and grandkids, who are going to be up here for a few days. They are scheduled to land at 8:00pm so it will be a late night by the time we get back.  

Ok, we got up there with no traffic, got them picked up ok. We stopped at an Arby’s up by the airport and I got them back to the house around 10:15 or so. Not too late, I guess.  Penny has plans for them while they are here, including an afternoon horseback riding!  We are planning one afternoon here. We had a pumpkin carving party when they were here last year, and the kids liked it so much, we are doing it again. I will need to move the cars out of the garage so I can set up the tables, but not until Sunday morning.   

Friday, October 22nd., 2021…… I slept in this morning and felt rested.  After we ate, Cathye headed to the store to get a few things for David and Oma Lea’s visit later. I came over before they arrived and worked on a few things and helped straighten up. We had a nice visit and later, they dropped in to tour our house before heading back home. They live up above Philomath (west of Corvallis), on the road up to Mary’s Peak, and I am anxious to go see their place, which David built himself. He’s a retired contractor, and Cathye says the place is really nice.   

Saturday, October 23rd., 2021…… This morning we decided to drive up to Oregon City (east of Portland) to go to the radio auction. Cathye heard back from the radio club’s president (Pat), who had sent her a 19-page neatly cataloged itemized listing of the radios and misc. items that they had picked up from the house a few months ago. These have all been donated to their club which Jim was an avid member of. They are a non-profit group, and all proceeds are part of a 501-3c donation by her and/or her son. We were curious and drove up early to see the process. She was welcomed with open arms and got a standing ovation from the group in attendance. These guys had all of the radios out with bid sheets on them, which you could submit a bid on if you wanted that radio.

Almost all of the items (I didn’t count the inventory list, but I’d say over 900) had active bids on them. Now she knew they would go for next to nothing, but she was ok with that, and was just glad they were going to people who wanted them and would appreciate them. While we were there, it dawned on her that she needed one more cathedral radio, which she had promised to send to a friend back east, so they pulled it out of the auction and gave it to her, and I put it in the truck.  

We drove back home, happy about the whole process. Kay jewelers was on the way home, so we made a call to check to see if our rings had come in yet. Not yet.  We also stopped by Camping World and Cabela’s on the way home.  Once we got home, we rested up and prepared for the busy day tomorrow, when the kids will be here for the pumpkin carving. Plus, I have another thing planned for tomorrow….   


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