About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

2016 Trip - 8) Branson, MO to Platte City, MO

Sat. 6/25… (Branson, MO)  Last day in Branson. We had no real plans today.  I walked Bailey (she seems to be getting better – no limping now) and checked on the machines in the laundry room.  All clear!  When Lydia and I got there a few minutes later, Bill & Treasa had all the washers going so we had to wait a bit.  But we managed to get 6 loads of laundry done so we’re good for a while. Little batches can be washed in the coach. We hung around camp and prepped a bit for tomorrow’s run. Lydia made the executive decision to go out to eat on the last day we are with B&T.  We went to Charlie’s Ribs and had a nice meal.  Each of us had a coupon for their bloomin’ onion.  Bill’s b’day is July 3rd so we celebrated early with a surprise ice cream treat.


Later, we went to Walmart and then home to sit out and plan our day tomorrow.


Sun. 6/26… (Platte City, MO)    This morning we got going early (8:30am).  We got everything hooked up and said our goodbyes to Bill & Treasa (and Lola) as they are heading out later today on their way to Ohio to visit their son and his family (and maybe to return Lola, but we’ll see). Rick had a minor issue with one of his slideouts but after a few minutes we got it working. Our drive today was 248 miles which took us north.  We are now at Basswood Country RV Resort (pa $21x2, and tl $42x1) in Platte, City, MO. We are here for 3 days. Platte City is just on the outskirts of Kansas City, MO (and KS). 

More on that later.  We got parked and relaxed a bit and either napped (Lydia) or watched the Nascar race (me). I watched my guy, Tony Stewart take the win at Sonoma Raceway in Calif.  Yaaay! Janie fixed dinner tonight.  We had baked potatoes and a salad wedge. It was yummy.  Janie was going to serve ice cream for dessert but on her way to the fridge she didn’t see Bailey on her white floor and tripped.  She hit her head and shoulder which were both sore.  We found the address for the nearest urgent care and we cleaned up their rig from dinner while Rick took her in.  They called a few hours later to say she has a broken humerus just below the shoulder.  They can’t cast it so they are wrapping her. When they got home (around 10:15pm) we got more info. She was given pain meds to take and the arm was her only injury. 


We brought her a bed pillow in case she has to prop up to sleep and we left them to try to get settled in.   


Mon. 6/27… (Platte City, MO)  Janie looks a lot better this morning.  She said she slept pretty good considering.  Meanwhile we have been in contact with our friend and former California resident Sally Payne who came back to her native Missouri to live after John passed in 2014.  She was trying to decide when to come down from St Joseph (about 45 miles north of us) to visit with us.  We told her we hadn’t spoken to Janie (yet that morning) but we thought she probably wouldn’t want to go into Kansas City today and would want to rest a day.  So Sally came today.  She looks like the Sally we remember. Good health and all! We visited a while and decided to go into town for lunch.  We drove the 5 miles to Roxanne’s Café and had a really good meal. Then we drove about 8 miles to Weston which was an old timey town with antique shops.  We did mostly a drive by as a lot of the stores were closed (midweek) but we did stop at a roadside market and bought some fresh tomatoes and fresh peaches which we will eat soon. We got back and Rick and I went back to town with Janie’s prescription to get filled while the girls visited.  When we returned I took Bailey out and wet her down (it’s still in the high 90’s here) and then went and visited with Sally a while longer before she said goodbye and headed back home.
It was sure good to see her again! No dinner plans tonight. We will munch on leftovers and maybe some dessert.  Tomorrow we hope to head into KC to tour a bit.  Hope Janie is up to it. I would be posting this but the internet is non existent!  So we watched tv a bit and I took Bailey out by the lake (too dirty to let her swim in L) and then we called it a night.       

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