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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #12 – More Work on the Boat and More Walks With Monster Puppy!


Monday, February 15th., 2021…… I got up early this morning and got going with Rylee. After that, I headed off to get coffee and breakfast. I came back home to eat and then thought about what to do today. I decided to drive down to Eugene to hit Bass Pro Shops. I have their catalog and found that they have boat guides. These are for alignment when I trailer the boat. I found them and also found they were on sale today for President’s Day. Score! So, I bought two pairs.

I got back and the rains were following me and hit when I got home. It was only a sprinkle but lasted for most of the day. I’m tired of the rain but I guess I can’t complain – there are folks all across the eastern states that are dealing with some more snow, which we haven’t seen here (yet). Since it was rainy, I decided to just leave them in the shop. Maybe tomorrow I will go out and see how they fit. I settled in and got caught up on my bill spreadsheet and checkbook register and then relaxed and watched tv until dinner.   

Tuesday, February 16th., 2021……  Even though the weather was not cooperating, I still got Rylee out for our walk this morning. We only got light mist so it wasn’t too bad. I changed my shoes anyway and then headed out to get breakfast. I got back and watched tv for a while and ate and then went out to the shop. No rains for the rest of the day so Kirk and his guys will be here later. Carter and Justin do my sister’s house and then meet Kirk here after he does his job. I was out working on the boat guides when they showed up. It was perfect timing because I needed them to help center the boat on the trailer before I could install the guides. I directed from underneath and they provided the muscle to inch it over to center. Oh, yeah, they loved the idea of the mini fridge in the shop!  Hints were heard about a microwave next! I discovered that I will need to extend the front boat guide brackets in order to catch the side of the boat in the best place. I’ll have to check around to fit something that I can retrofit on what I have already. After cleaning up for the day, I came in and rested. Dinner tonight was bbq chicken wings and a salad. I am finding I really like the pre-assembled salads from Walmart. I especially like their chef salad and also the cobb salad. I do use my own dressing though. I know I could buy all of the ingredients but I’m spoiled now I guess!       

Wednesday, February 17th., 2021…… Today we got a nice break in the weather. We actually had sunshine and temps in the low 50s. So, I decided to take butthead out for a nice walk. I chose Cheadle Lake, which is maybe 2 miles from the house. There is a loading ramp and parking for the walking trail off River Dr., where I started. The sun was out and off we went!

You can see the clouds in the sky and shortly after these pics, I got about ½ mile and a big old dark cloud blocked the sun. The temps dropped and I cut the walk short. Just as I got back to the car, the cloud moved off and the sun came out again!  How’s that for bad timing!  But Rylee enjoyed the smells and the walk and I needed to get out and walk too. I think next time I will do the inside loop which goes for another mile and a half longer distance.

Maybe I will go all the way to Cheadle Lake Park. After the walk, I took Rylee home and then headed out again. I went to my local Ace Hardware to look for a part for the boat guides. They didn’t have what I wanted so tomorrow I will go to Lowes.  Later, I made a chicken pot pie for dinner and later still watched Tough as Nails and then The Masked Dancer. It was the finale so the remaining three were all revealed. First to go was The Tulip, who was Mackenzie Ziegler (who I don’t know). Finishing second was The Sloth, who I thought would win. That was Max Chmerkovskiy, who I had guessed. The winner was The Cotton Candy. That was gymnast Gabby Douglas. I had guessed Tara Lipinski. I guess the clues made sense once she was revealed, but I just didn’t get them. So, all totaled, I ended up getting 4 out of the 10 correct. Not too bad considering I wasn’t familiar with most of the younger celebrities. I’m looking forward to the next Masked Singer, coming soon.      

Thursday, February 18th., 2021…… Rain in the forecast so I got going early and got Rylee out and walked. I took off shortly after and went to get gas and then breakfast and coffee and then headed to Lowes and Office Max. I found what I needed at Lowes and got an 11” x 17”  1/4" cube lined graph pad, which I always called a quarter scaled quad pad. I will use it to lay out a scaled drawing of the patio deck that I want to have built.  As I said, I had found everything I needed to adapt the boat guides and also got the pad but I still needed some more stainless steel bolts so I stopped at Wilco and got those and was done with my errands for the day. It was a very fruitful trip!  The day was again rainy and so I decided to wait until tomorrow to go work on the trailer.  The weather report says we are going to be getting a pretty big system coming in with a lot of rain predicted. Later, it showed up and actually came down pretty hard for a ½ hour or so. Now, it’s slowing down out there. But I still stayed inside for most of the rest of the day. I did go out and got a burger and fries from Jack in the Box. Tv until bedtime.    

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