About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #50 – The BIG Sale!


Thursday, July 29th., 2021……  Cathye was a little nervous this morning. She didn’t sleep well last night. This is all in anticipation of the estate sale that starts today. They have had this in the works for many months and this is the last of that push and hopefully will clean out all or most of everything there. She prepped some food last night for the workers and we loaded that up in her truck and, after a walk with the doggies, she was out of here by a little after 6:00am.  Penny and I are working there this weekend so she came by with breakfast and we headed out a little after 7:00am.  Sean’s trademark start time is always 7:45am so the team was all in place in the house and outbuildings and ready for the crowds. They had Corey parking the cars in the neighbor’s field across the street since they found this worked for the very first sale months ago.

The crowds were patiently waiting for the gate to open

and we quickly saw this would be a busy day. I took the large radio room and Penny worked there with me and then became a ‘runner’ and helped folks take their stuff up to the front desk to stack up with their names on it. Cathye had a guy who was into radios who was the main helper out there but he wouldn’t be there until Saturday. Our jobs were to just keep an eye on things and help where needed.  Let’s just say it was a busy day!  The ads stated that there would be a 20% markdown on Thursday (but not on the high-end radios or the coins) and 50% on Friday and 75% on Saturday – on whatever was left.  The yard sale folks (across the country I’m guessing) know to come early to look through the cream of the crop and the 20% off hit them just right. There was a TON of stuff that went quickly on day one. The sale went on until 5:00 but Penny and I only worked until about 2:00pm because it slowed down considerably, plus we had to get back so I could let Rylee out.  Later, after Cathye got home and we rested for a bit, we headed off to Albany. We stopped at Burgerville and grabbed a couple burgers and drove over to Monteith Park and set our chairs up. On Thursdays in the summer, they do concerts in the park. Tonight, was Herman’s Hermits with Peter Noone. It was warm but we were under the trees so it wasn’t too bad. The group played for 90 minutes and they were pretty good.


We’ll skip Smashmouth next week but go back again in two weeks for John Michael Montgomery. We got home tired. We showered and went to bed early. Tomorrow will be another busy day.       

Friday, July 30th., 2021……  Today was 50% off day. Sean always prices high so a lot of folks just can’t buy on the first day. They told us that they would be back today and they were!  We had a nice crowd and a lot more stuff left the shelves and shop floors. We left around 2:00pm again to get home to the dogs. Cathye made it home about 5:30 after her long day. She was beat so I went out and got us dinner while she kicked back and relaxed. Another early night. Tomorrow will wrap everything up and will hopefully be busy and will help get more stuff moved out.

Saturday, July 31st., 2021…...  Last day of the sale. Each day, Cathye takes off around 6:00am and sis comes by here about 7:00am with breakfast. We eat, and then head over for the 7:45am gate opening. When we got there and got parked, we saw that there were a bunch of folks lined up outside the fence and when the gate opened, they headed to the buildings they hoped still had what they wanted yesterday. Today it was 75% off marked prices. Folks made piles of items and the workers helped them stack them up at the register. Their name was on their pile so they could just keep on shoppin’!  Things were moving at a rapid rate most of the morning.  We left again around 2:00pm and we saw when we left that every building was picked over pretty heavily, but at 3:00pm they offered bagged/boxed prices. We heard they were grabbing items and that really made a dent in the stock.  Cathye got home and said she was not hungry and just wanted to crash. I ate leftovers and we watched tv. Later, Sean called and gave her the numbers. Amazing!  Tomorrow, we will go back and get the food from the fridge and water the flowers and Penny wanted to check to see if a certain pair of speakers had sold.

Sunday, August 1st., 2021…… After sleeping in for an extra hour, we got up and showered and walked the dogs. Penny came by and we headed over to Kevin’s for breakfast before stopping back at the house and getting the dogs and then driving out to Crawfordsville. We found that the speakers were still there so Penny texted the guy. He came by and bought them. It was a $50. sale so it was worth it to wait for him to show up. Next up is to have the radio club come out with their truck and take all of the unsold audio items. There are radios, amps, testers, speakers, microphones, headsets, etc., etc. that they will need to get. This is what was left just in the large room...

She is still waiting to hear back from their board since the tentative plan is to rent a truck and a storage unit, which requires board approval. This would be prior to an auction that would bring the funds back into the club. We are just hoping they can move on this asap because escrow will close toward the end of the month! For us, the next steps are to sort through the non-radio stuff and determine 1) what will be kept (not much!), 2) what will be donated (probably Teen Challenge here in Lebanon), 3) what can be scrapped (she has a couple of folks who will take just about anything), and finally, 4) what needs to go to the dump. This should be only a minor challenge because we did so well with the sale. I’m looking forward to this project!  After getting some bills paid, Cathye took off to go over to her place to drop off a few more items in her storage shed. She also wants to check in with her neighbors. Her place, and the other two that the contractor is working on in that park, are not yet completed. He has not responded to any of their requests for updates so the daughter of one of those folks has sent the guy a letter asking for a response within a certain time period. If he won’t respond, she will file a complaint with the Oregon Contractor’s Board. The other two mobiles are occupied and they are dealing with the mess. They have paid the guy in full already. Cathye’s place needs carpeting, countertops, appliances and more so she cannot move in at all yet. At least she hasn’t paid the guy more than he’s done so far. Worst case scenario is that the place won’t be ready.  Once she gets closer to close of escrow on Crawfordsville, we can get everything out of that house and I will be able to store it all here until her place is done but we are hoping that this is resolved soon so we can avoid that double move.   

Monday, August 2nd., 2021……  We were back at her place early this morning. We have to sort through the remaining items as mentioned before. I decided to start upstairs in the large building. We got everything boxed up and brought downstairs, leaving only the radio related items. I counted 100 radios up there! We had several helpers today and we got everything but two of the outbuildings sorted out and separated.  

Tuesday, August 3rd., 2021…… Another round at the house. Today it was the guy who bought her porch swing. They were already there when we arrived and had it almost dismantled. I brought my flatbed to bring back the new toy Cathye bought for me. 

Marvin, one of her neighbors, drove up in this Cushman truckster and I commented, "That's what I need for the yard!", so she found out he was selling it and bought it on the spot!  It's really old and really rough but it runs great and has a working hydraulic dump bed, which is a big plus.  The guy who bought the Ford tractor arrived a little later with a monster flatbed to pick it up. I helped with that and we got it started and he took a couple of implements that he also bought, out with the tractor and loaded those before loading the tractor and heading out.

Then I went over and helped the guy load the swing. Not a good idea. My back has not fully recovered and that didn’t help!  But if I take it easy, I find that keeping the muscles warmed up with activity actually helps. Just got to be careful and know my limits!  We got overheated because the weather has been in the high 90s this past week, with no relief in the next week or so. We quit early and will do those last two buildings tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 4th., 2021…… The plan today is to work on the final two outbuildings. Cathye went off to do her volunteer work at the Sweet Home Food Bank.  Sis came by today and we went out to breakfast before heading over there. I had keys and we got started. It didn’t take too long to get those rooms sorted out. Radio guys come tomorrow for the first load. They will need to make a couple of trips because they don’t want to stack the radios too high. Teen Challenge comes on Saturday. We are told they are pretty good about taking everything. But we sorted out the sellable stuff and made a scrap pile for her neighbor who is a junker.  If he only takes the metal, we will do a run to the dump. Then all that’s left will be shelving units and I will get what I want and two or three will go to her friend and the rest will go to the buyers. Then we will need to move out her stuff and get the Shasta over here and we’re done!  We left there with flower pots for the trailer and a few shelving units for my garage. We unloaded at the trailer and then my place. Penny went home to rest and I showered. Cathye stayed at her trailer and watered everything and visited with her neighbors. Once she got home, we had leftover lasagna and relaxed and watched the Olympics before calling it a night.    

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