About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #49 – Saying Goodbye, Seeing Friends & Getting Ready for the Sale


Saturday, July 24th., 2021……  Today was the Great Steam Up. It is the first of two weekends where folks get together to share their love of anything old and mechanical with an engine. Cathye’s late husband was highly revered here for his vast knowledge of his hit and miss engines. His collection was sold earlier this year, and a lot of the guys who bought one or more had them on display which was very moving for Cathye and Jim’s son, Chris to see and hear running again.

We went up there in separate cars and I left to go home to let Rylee out and to let her spend time with her friends and her stepson. When they returned, we had dinner out and Chris met up with friends and ate with them. He came back and got caught up on some of his real estate business via his laptop and we watched the finale of The Great Food Truck Race.    

Sunday, July 25th., 2021……  Today was busy. Chris was leaving this evening and my friends, Gary and GG, were coming in to visit on their way to the coast. They would be staying here so we headed out to breakfast and then Chris prepped for his trip back home. He had come with a large suitcase and I had given him a duffle bag because Cathye had a bunch of things for him to take back home. He left and went over to the house to get that stuff packed and to spend some time alone at the place he grew up in. We went over later with Gary and GG on our way to dinner. They were very impressed with what was left of Jim’s collections. The estate guys have everything laid out nicely and priced for the sale this next week. We said our goodbyes and left for The Point to have a nice meal. After that, I took them on a tour of Foster Lake and then Sweet Home and Lebanon on the way back home. We visited and talked for several hours before calling it a night.   

Monday, July 26th., 2021…...  Another busy day!  We were up early and had some coffee before heading off to Kevin’s for breakfast. Thanks, Gary!  We had some time back at the house before I had to leave to go to Corvallis for my 10:00am acupuncture appointment. Cathye stayed and visited with our guests. On the way back, I pushed the speed limit and got pulled over by the state police!  They had me at 81 in a 55 and I was ready for my first ticket since 1984!  I guess my honesty and humbleness – yes, I am capable! – worked for me because he didn’t give a ticket. Just got a warning, so I was happy to drive away and made it back home with a big ole smile on my face!  We said our goodbyes to Gary and GG and rested for a few hours. Later, Cathye’s friend, Robin, came to pick her up for her dental appointment with the endodontist. She was getting her root canal today.  I couldn’t take her because sis and I were going to the funeral of our landscaper’s dad. It was very nice. He was a professor at OSU and was well respected. He had been diagnosed with his second bout of cancer just about the same time as Lydia. He finally succumbed and is at peace now.  When we got back home, Cathye was already there and was resting. I checked in with her long enough to see that she was ok, just drowsy and let her sleep.  Later, we ate leftovers and relaxed from the events of the last several days.       

Tuesday, July 27th., 2021…… Today is the last day of prep before the estate sale. They did a few adjustments to the tables and moved a few things behind one of the closed bedroom doors. The only thing left is for us to go back and get the last of the nfs items out and moved back to either here or to her mobile. We will do that tomorrow. Cathye was there to help with all of that and I stayed home and waited for my guys to come to do the last of the mulch job. We got the last 10 cf load dropped and they went to work. Cathye got home just as they finished. I had a late lunch so she fixed herself some leftovers from The Point and we relaxed and enjoyed the evening.

Wednesday, July 28th., 2021……  After walking the pups, Cathye left for her volunteer work and I waited for the pest control company to come by for their quarterly service work. Shedree made quick work and was gone in ½ an hour. I hooked up the flatbed trailer and headed off to meet up with Cathye at her place. We loaded up everything that could go and brought it back to my place and then over to her mobile. This load included her patio set and the utility trailer and also another small trailer for the lawn tractor. We are ready for tomorrow’s sale!  We decided to treat ourselves and load up the dogs and head for the river!  We took them to Pioneer Park and we all had a good swim. 

The weather is getting hotter by the day. Today it was mid-90s. They say we are going to have another 100º day here soon! So, it was a nice break from the day’s heat. We stopped at Los Dos Arbolitos for a beer and a margarita and a nice meal and then went to Walmart so she could pick up some stuff to feed the troops tomorrow at the estate sale. She made some zucchini bread to take as well. We were pretty tired from our day so we called it an early night.

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