About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #19 – Rain and More Rain and Finally - Snow!

Sunday, February 24th, 2019…...  We had nothing on our plate for today. It rained a ton last night! We have a river running through our yard! Rylee’s drag strip is now about 4 feet wide!

I took off to go get coffee/tea/breakfast and saw Oak Creek on the rise. It was just touching the road (S. Main St.) when I left. When I got back ½ hour later, it was all the way across the road!  I went back a bit later and took this pic.

They had just come out and put up the warning sign. Most of the cars were turning around (we did) but some were going through.  This creek runs behind our neighbor’s houses across the street and we noticed that Jeremy and Sabrina’s back yard now looks like a lake!  We had no plans to go out again, but if we did, there is another way to get to town, bypassing S. Main St.  Earlier, Jade, at Starbucks, told me that she and her boyfriend have both lived here all of their lives and they’ve never seen it like this!  Weather is coming in and on our 6 o’clock news, they showed a huge front coming in the next 24 hours just to the south of us. Eugene is expected to see 8-12” of snow. 3-6” are predicted in Lebanon so we’ll have to see how this goes…
Like I said, we just hung around the house and watched tv throughout the day and evening.
Monday, February 25th, 2019……  The snow did come in last night. We woke up to everything white!

It continued to snow until 11:15am. I went out with a ruler and measured the driveway out in the open where it was smooth. It was right at 4”. The yard looked like it was over 6” but it really wasn’t. It just settled into the grass a bit. But either way, we didn’t go anywhere this morning.  Lydia had a 12:45pm appointment today at the doctor’s office in Corvallis (about 20 miles). Neither of us wanted to go out driving in the snow, so she rescheduled. I took Rylee out a few times to let her run a bit. She made a few laps and went through her water drag strip a few times. Each time we’d have to towel her down.
Tip: Don’t eat yellow snow…..

About the only productive thing I did today was getting around to spackling all of the holes left in the bathroom wall after installing the new towel bars last week. Lucky for me, the walls are about the color of the spackle so I don’t have to paint the room at this time. We hope to do more painting - of that and other rooms come summer.  The weather has settled down a bit. The large front came through and has now moved out.  It has stopped snowing and the forecast looks clear for the next couple of days. But it’s still pretty chilly out so we’ll see how long it takes for this batch of snow to melt away.         
Tuesday, February 26th, 2019…... No change on the weather. I got up and going and took Rylee out for our walk up the street through the snow.  Kirk had texted and asked if we still had snow. He wanted to come over and do some yard work. Yeah right! He lives in Corvallis and said they had about an inch of snow there but it melted pretty quickly. I told him we have had no melting at all as of this morning. The day was cloudy and still too cold for that. When we got back from our walk, I walked out to inspect the yard. I noticed yesterday that the cage around our blueberry bushes was down. I wanted a closer look this morning. It is really down! Most of the uprights have collapsed due to snow accumulation on the netting over the top. Just too much weight and the whole thing came down. I have to wait until the snow melts before I can get to the netting to remove it and see what needs to be done. At least one of the bushes is bent over so we’ll see the total damage soon…
I ventured out on the snowy road to go get breakfast. Now remember that, up until mid-2017, we had lived all of our lives in sunny SoCal, so snow is something you had to drive to. We didn’t go up to Big Bear all that often so driving in it is something we don’t have a lot of experience in. But after I got on our street, which had tire paths from all of the neighbors/mail truck/newspaper vehicle, all I had to do was follow them and it was easy once I hit S. Main. I did actually see our first snowplow, although it was coming out of the McDonald's parking lot.
When I finished breakfast, I went out to the rv garage and checked things out. I started and ran the coach for a few minutes. I checked on the fridge and then turned on the tv and found I had some shows taped out there that I hadn’t taped in the house. Guess I will plan on spending some time out there soon to catch up on those. The rest of the day was spent doing chores in the house. Lydia did some laundry and I cleaned up my room (aka Rylee’s toy room!) and dusted it. It started snowing later in the afternoon. Later, we fixed tacos for dinner and relaxed and watched tv after our boring, oops, busy day! When we went to bed I checked and it was still snowing. With the snow already on the ground, we'll see what levels we will have tomorrow.    

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