About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #11 – A Little Shopping, Setting up a Consult, and Picking up my Chair


Thursday, January 31st., 2019…...   This morning we decided to head out to Albany for a little shopping. My sister wanted some items from Lowe’s and I needed a belt for my sander. We picked up Penny and went to Shirley May’s for breakfast.  Turns out all three of us ordered the same breakfast – three eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast. But the girls only wanted two eggs. Shirley asked me if I wanted their extra egg? "Sure", I said. So, my meal was now served with five eggs! After the predicted cholesterol jokes, I proceeded to eat up everything on my plate! It was perfect!

After that filling meal, we headed on over to Home Depot and then to Lowe’s and then back to Home Depot. The weather is changing for us. I know the folks back east are dealing with record cold, and we are lucky it’s just cooler for us right now. It was 33º when we left Shirley’s and my car beeped a warning that there may be ice on the roads.  But the sun was trying to come out and the roads were fine.  We made the rounds with no issues. My sister bought two new light fixtures for her hallway and I installed those for her and then we left to go back home to feed the butthead. I went out and installed the new belt on the sander.  It was still chilly out there and since I didn’t have any projects to work on, I came in and we kicked back for the rest of the day. With that big breakfast under my belt, I skipped lunch. Lydia hadn’t gotten anything out for dinner so I went to KFC and picked up dinner and we ate (I had a super light meal) and watched more episodes of Guy’s Grocery Games that we had gotten behind on again.        

Friday, February 1st., 2019……  Sprinkles are back again. Nothing strong at all – just enough to wet the ground. Rain is coming tonight and tomorrow, so the temps were up to 45º this morning when I walked Rylee. They say that next week the temps are expected to drop and the snow levels will be lower. They may come down to 1000 ft. (we are at 340 ft. here in Lebanon) so we’ll see. I went to Walmart after our morning walk and got syrup and sausages for French toast. While I was out, Lydia got her call for the surgical consult. It is setup for this coming Monday afternoon. She’s feeling better this week, with only a few cramps now and then. They said they will run a few more scans but just meeting with the surgeon will ease her mind in case they might need to operate.  We also called the kids in Florida. Their new golden doodle puppy, Maddie, has had some complications from her recent spaying. She’s back in the veterinary hospital but they said she’s doing better today. We know how they feel and wanted to call to check on them. It’s tough when a dog is not feeling well. On a lighter note, I also got a call from La Z Boy that my chair is prepped and is wrapped and sitting in the back room ready for pickup tomorrow. We are planning on heading down early in case the rains come in. Yes, I have my tarp already in the truck! I spent the morning taking the old chair out to the shop. I may leave it out there for a bit but I don’t think I want to keep it in the shop where it would get dirty. Besides, it’s really jacked up - maybe I’ll just dismantle it and toss the pieces in the woodpile, recycle and trash. I came back in the house and got the vacuum out and got my room done.  I kept going and vacuumed the rest of the carpets and sucked up all the little ‘Ryleedevils’ floating around on the wood floors. Jeff texted and gave us a heads up on uploading Google Duo on Lydia’s cell. It allows real-time video between Apple and Android phones. Once installed, he called and we got to see Maddie, relaxing at home now. She’s doing well. We had a nice talk then Lydia got dinner going. We had tri-tip with a cauliflower/broccoli/cheese casserole and smashed potato dinner and watched tv until bedtime.     
Saturday, February 2nd., 2019…... Light rain (drizzle) again last night. We managed to get out this morning for my walk with Rylee in between the sprinkles. Then we took off to drive down to Eugene (30 miles) to pick up my chair. We left early enough to stop for breakfast and then stop by Jerry’s Hardware before heading over to La Z Boy. As promised, it was sitting there all wrapped up. The wrap was enough and there was no rain around so I didn’t need the tarp. I covered it with the cargo net and we headed back home. I just had to back up the truck into the garage and unload it and Lydia and I manhandled it into my room and I was good to go!

Lydia took off and went to Walmart and got stuff for spaghetti and when she got back, we both relaxed until dinner. We knocked out a few more episodes of Guys Grocery Games while we ate. Then we spent the rest of the evening watching our own taped shows before calling it a night.      

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