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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #70 – Good Days and Bad Days


Sunday, September 6th, 2020…… Didn’t sleep well last night. I think it’s a combination of the heat and things on my mind.  But I still got up early. Go figure!  I got Rylee out and walked and fed. I was planning on going to the store for tomorrow’s dinner but after checking in with sis, I think everything is covered. I did go out and pull out the old ‘revival tent’ to set up. This thing has been used for many, many years for multiple occasions and has made it up here. I didn’t have any reason until today to set it up. There will be five of us for dinner tomorrow and while the table on the porch is ok for three up there, it needed to be moved out in the yard where we could spread out more. I got it all moved out there and hosed off and wiped down and left everything to dry while I got the parts and pieces for the tent going. It’s really easy – if you’ve done it a few times – so I managed to get everything done by myself. It’s 12’ x 24’ so that will give us enough room to have the table plus some nice chairs to relax in under the shade. Temps are supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow so we’ll see if we can even use it!   After that, I came back in and relaxed and watched tv for a bit, then cleaned up the house and made sure I had all of my items ready for tomorrow. Good to go!    

Monday, September 7th, 2020……  The weather is sketchy but I put the tablecloth out on the table anyway and everything was ready. They said we could expect severe wind this afternoon, but right now it was just getting hot! 

Today it would be me and the girls - six of ‘em!   Rylee, Quincy, Penny, Cherrelyn, Teri, and Janice. I was outnumbered by far!  Guess I need to behave. Yeah, right!  This time I decided to do something Lydia had done with the ribs in the past – bake them first. I followed her instructions and had them going around 2:00pm. The scalloped potatoes were also my responsibility so I had that ready to go as well but that could wait. Everyone showed up around 4-4:30pm and I had the ribs out and resting by then. After everyone got their drinks going, I went out and fired up the bbq.  Sis had brought veggies to grill so it worked out. The center two burners weren’t on so the ribs got indirect heat in that spot and finished cooking.  But the outside two burners were perfect for the veggies!  Of course, now was the time to add the bbq sauce, for slathery wet ribs - which everyone wanted. 

We got all of the other items ready and settled in. They all decided it was way too hot to even consider eating outside so we moved the party into the dining room. Everything was excellent. Of course, the wine and beer and tropical drinks also helped and made for a fun afternoon! 


As we ate, we could see the sky outside get heavy with smoke. The winds were blowing in all of the smoke and ash from the fires to the northeast of us.  They said this would last well into the night.  After cleaning up later, everyone said their goodbyes and headed home while sis and I took the tarps off the tent, fearing they would sail away later. I can take the frame down tomorrow. I came in and rested and watched tv until bedtime. A good day with good people!  I needed that!         

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020……  Last night was an adventure!  The winds howled and Rylee couldn’t settle in and relax. It was after 10:00pm and we were trying to sleep but kept hearing all kinds of noises. She had to pee but I didn’t want to let her out because of the smoke and the winds.  But she needed to go so I got up and let her out on her rope but stayed out there with her. She barked when she noticed this pink thing – which was her empty pool that was waaay waaay out in the field and I guess it spooked her. When we got back to bed, I found out that I need to have Kirk’s guys trim back the shrub that is outside my bathroom window because it was slapping the glass pretty hard. That bothered Rylee too. But around midnight it settled down and we were both able to sleep.     

This morning it was so thick with smoke that you almost wanted to wear a mask! Sis brought Quincy over here because her house was making all of the creaking noises in the wind and even with drugs, Q was restless most of the night. Plus, she would want to be outside today with all the creaking and popping and she wanted her to enjoy a relaxing day inside here on my bed, so she brought her over. We did manage to pull apart the frame to the tent and got that all stowed away before she left. I took off and made a breakfast stop and then drove to the Walmart in Albany to look for some metal tumblers I wanted. The Walmart in town only had two the other day and the Albany store had cases on their upper shelves so I got lucky and found what I wanted. I also bought some more kitchen towels so I can cycle out the older worn out ones I have now. I found colors I was looking for and bought two packages of those as well. I also hit their fishing section and got a few more items for my tackle bag. The whole time driving there was eerie. It was so dark and gloomy from the smoke. But after I came out of the store, I noticed the sky was a bit lighter, so hopefully it is clearing up a bit.

I got back home and settled in and relaxed for a few minutes then went out and retrieved butthead’s pool, and put enough water in it so it wouldn’t go bye bye again and freak her out. Of course, she helped me with the water and I had to dry her off before we could get out of the icky air and back inside to cooler temps, where I spent the rest of the day. I didn’t have lunch but did have me some nice leftover ribs and scalloped potatoes for dinner. Plus, eclairs for dessert. Teri came over and helped with the feast. Yummy!       

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020……  I sure don’t know what to do about not sleeping. It’s not physical. I guess there is so much going on in my mind that it’s hard to relax. I took some Tylenol pm and that helped but I am still tired today. So, I just hung around the house and didn’t do much of anything. Plus, we still are inundated with smoke from the nearby fires. I checked in with Tim and Dane, who live in Sweet Home, to see if they were in any danger. They are ok.  Louise is down near Grants Pass, where fires have even closed down the I-5, and I have texted her but haven’t heard back. They are saying we have 35 fires going on in Oregon right now, none of which are even close to being contained anytime soon. The skies here are an orange color its very dark all day, like dusk would normally be.  I don’t want to sleep during the day because that won’t help at night so I got up and ended up doing laundry and then, later, fixed more of the ribs.  I have my annual physical and flu shots coming up next week and tomorrow I go in for labs for that. I tried to stay busy until settling in and watching the AGT results show. They are in the semi-finals and will move 5 of the 11 into the finals tonight. I got all five right.        

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