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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #72 – Smoke and a New Chair


Monday, September 14th, 2020…… Smoke report – still pretty bad, but the mornings have been foggy and that helps a lot. The temps have been down since there is no sun getting to us now. But they still say that the storm off the coast will come tomorrow night and bring rain which will help a little. We need the onshore winds right now to blow the smoke away, for sure! Poor Rylee doesn’t get her romps in the pool right now. I don’t know how smoke affects dogs, but I’m not letting her out in it, especially in the afternoon.  So, we continue to stay inside and wait it out. Since taking over Lydia’s Facebook account, I have found that I can easily waste away hours just watching videos and reading stuff – but I’m learning to scroll quickly now so that’s a lot better!  Lol!  I did venture out to Costco today, but really didn’t have to since I only had 4-5 things on my list. But I found other stuff, like a rug for the garage entry door and bbq lighters to stockpile away. It was easy in and out and I was home before the fog lifted. Now it’s just smoke out there!  Dinner tonight was a Costco chicken bake. Easy and fast. I watched the debut of Dancing With the Stars tonight (sure miss Tom and Erin!) and then went to bed.      

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020……  This morning the smoke was a little better. I also had an appointment to go up to Tualatin to pick up my la z boy recliner which they had previously texted me was in.  On the way, they called to tell me they would be closed today due to the heavy smoke in their area. But since I told them I was on the way, they agreed to have me come on ahead and they would have it ready when I got there. They did and I got it home with no problems. I set it up and hopped in it and relaxed and watched the Tour de France. Later, I went to dinner with my sister at Dos Arbolitos. I wanted to have their shrimp enchiladas, which I loved the last time. This time, it was just as good. My new fav!  I watched America’s Got Talent and made my picks for the next five to go through. We’ll see…..

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020…… I didn’t have much planned for today. Still too smoky to do much. But each day gets a little better. Folks have asked if we were near any of the fires so I took a pic of the map in the paper this morning.


You can see Lebanon there but we are in a valley and all of these fires are in the Cascades east of me, so I’m good.  Weather is changing and we are supposed to get rain tonight or tomorrow. Won’t be soon enough! I watched the tour and then cleaned up around the house a little. Janice texted and asked me to come over this evening and help move her couch out to her garage. She is donating it but they won’t come into the house so it all has to be out there. Sis met me there and, between the three of us, that didn’t take too long. I got a quick tour of her house and then headed out. I went over to The Growler to join Teri for dessert.  She was bored today too!  We spent an hour there, just talking and enjoying being out of our houses before saying goodbye and heading back home. The smoke was thinning out and I let Rylee out for a while to let her enjoy some play time. I came back in and watched the AGT results show. For some reason I picked the Bello Sisters for the next round – and darn if they didn’t make it. I got all five! My favorite is still Daneliya Tuleshova but I don’t think she will survive Christina Rae and Brandon Leake. Guess we will know next week at the finals. I also watched the preview of The Masked Singer, which was our favorite show. Lydia and I were doing ok guessing but I have to figure it out by myself now!

Thursday, September 17th, 2020……  Didn’t rain last night. They say it will be here tonight, along with high winds.  We have grey skies and it’s really muggy right now. That’s a good sign rain is close! I didn’t do much again today. Tour de France and some other races I had taped. Pretty boring day. Poor Rylee hasn’t been allowed in her pool with all of the bad air outside. I threw another chicken bake in the microwave and had a quick meal.  I watched the Nascar Truck race and then called it a night.  BUT, I didn’t call it a night!  The winds really picked up and rains came, along with thunder, which made Rylee pretty nervous. We eventually settled in will wait until tomorrow to see how we did.  Stay tuned....

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