About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #73 – Dealing With Storm Damage and a Nice Dinner Out!

Friday, September 18th, 2020…… Woke up to quiet this morning. Last night was exciting! Strong winds and thunder and sideways rain! The backyard flowerbeds were overflowed with water. I got up and showered and took Rylee out and found that all of the mulch along the driveway was now IN the driveway. The rains had washed it there. But no other damage. Sis sent me this pic of her neighbor’s tree, which broke off into her yard.


I asked if she wanted me to come over with my chain saw but she said Jesse would be doing that, it’s his tree. I was sweeping off the driveway when Rylee ran away from home – ok, she took off to go see Ollie, across the street. When I went to get her, I talked with Paul and Cori who showed me all of the tree branches they lost last night. It was a lot!  They are hosting a wedding reception in their backyard in a few weeks so they needed to clean up fast!  On the way back I decided to walk all the way around my house, just to check. I found this…

It was a nice bottlebrushy type shrub that was the one outside my bathroom window that I wanted to go out and trim back because it was hitting the house. Well, I don’t have that problem anymore!  So, I spent an hour cutting it back and then cutting it up in pieces for the trash. It looks better now…

I needed another shower after that because I was going out to dinner tonight. Teri’s birthday is the 25th ,14 days after mine, so we thought we should do dinner right in between! I chose the Santiam Dinner Train but they cancelled that so I chose Eugene and found us a nice Italian place called Mazzi’s. Neither of us had been before so it was an adventure. It turned out to be a nice evening, although the skies opened up again on the drive down.  It cleared up after that and we had a nice drive back home.    

Saturday, September 19th, 2020……  Beautiful day!  I am so happy to see clear blue skies again. They said today that there were no new fires from any lightning so that’s good. I heard that there was an 4.2 earthquake in San Gabriel in California. Glad it didn’t do any serious damage. I don’t miss those earthquakes!  I walked Rylee and found three more downed branches out by my mailbox. I sure don’t see where they came from even though one is three inches thick!  But I drug them out and cut them up and got them in the trash. I finished cleaning the mulch in the driveway using the leaf blower so that’s done now. I got a late delivery this afternoon from UPS. The Florida kids sent me this t-shirt.

I sent Krista back a thank you text and said they were missing the words “thinks he” on there 😊!!   I had leftover lasagna for dinner and settled in with my races for the night.      

Sunday, September 20th, 2020…… I need to mow the yard but don’t usually work on the weekends and today was no exception. It was too wet anyway, so I made it a lazy day, only going out to walk butthead and then out to grab breakfast. I checked on my grapes and found they are only days from picking!  I’m gonna need some folks to give them to when I start picking, because I have a ton this year!  I watched the last day of the Tour de France and F1 and then some shows I have taped. I found Extreme Unboxing a few weeks back and I really like that show. Couples buy big boxes on pallets of reclaimed, returned merchandise, have it shipped to them, and resell what they can to make a profit. I would never try that but it’s fun to watch what they find in the boxes! I got caught up on those and taped some older ones to watch later. 

Monday, September 21st, 2020……
 Today was mowing day! I did have to wait until almost 3:00pm because the grass is so wet, even with the sprinklers off for the last several days! So, I spent time doing laundry and relaxing. I am not mowing the field this time because it’s brown and not growing. But Walt had planted some serious seed grass in the yard and that is really thick!  Of course, I haven’t mowed it in some time due to the smoke and all. I got the big tarp out and put in the bed of the truck and then got the mower out and started in. It doesn’t take much to fill up the three-bag catcher on the zero turn and, after dumping many loads in the truck, it quickly got filled up. Sis came by to help with that. Then we wrapped up the load and took it to Central Bark (the mulch place) to dump. They charged me $12.00 because they said I had 1 ½ cubic yards this time!  Still a bargain because all I have to do is pull the tarp and everything comes out at once.  Easy peasy!  Or, so I thought!  Turns out the grass was wetter than it should have been and weighed so much we had to rake it out a bit at a time until we could manhandle the tarp, and get the rest. Once that was done, we came back home, sis left, and I cleaned up and then headed to Jack in the Box and got an ultimate cheeseburger and fries for dinner. And then it was Monday night football and some other taped shows until bedtime. Oh yeah, here’s another map of our fires.

Looks like the last map but since then, the news is reporting the holiday fire is 22% contained and the other two at around 15% contained. They are battling these as hard as they can. Of course, all of the fires going on in California are being fought courageously as well. I sure admire all of those heroes!

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