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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #74 – Running Errands and Celebrating another Sept. Birthday


Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020…… After walking and feeding butthead, I went out and picked some grapes and dropped them off at Teri’s shop for her customers. Then I went off and got my breakfast to take home. After that, I went out and worked in the yard. The tree next to the driveway was starting to get in the way of the car so I trimmed that back. I did the tarp thing in the truck again because I have Kirk coming over and he will be trimming the spruce tree in the front yard and that will go in there too. He made it over later in the afternoon, without any help today, so he and I worked with my chain saw and got everything down and loaded in the truck. I will go tomorrow with that load. I was done for the day! I cleaned up and made another chicken bake and watched America’s Got Talent. I think there are two folks (singer Christina Rae and poet Brandon Leake) that will finish ahead of my pick – Daneliya Tuleshova, but we’ll see tomorrow night. I also watched part of Dancing With the Stars but went to bed so I will have to catch the rest tomorrow.     

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020……  I got up early and got out with Rylee. I didn’t feed her this morning because she has been leaving most of it uneaten. She still gets her potty/poo poo treats and snacks so she won’t waste away!  I left after that and went to the mulch place again and unloaded the truck. Once that 10-minute-job was done, I drove over to Albany and went to Rodger’s and had breakfast. After that, it was only a short distance to Habitat for Humanity so I stopped in there. I didn’t see too much I needed or wanted until I went out to their yard. I found a gardening cart that I have wanted for a while. This one was $25.00 but the manager was outside and said I could have it for $15.00. Once inside, I got my 25% military discount and it was now only $11.25. A good deal all around!

I stopped at another place I like called Wheeler Dealers, kind of a Big Lots-type store, but they also have tools, rugs and gardening stuff, among other things. I was looking for mats for the back steps but didn’t see anything I liked and headed home. I worked on some more laundry until sis came by with her Cali. friend, Cheryl, who is up in Oregon looking to move  here in the area somewhere. They had gone to the farmer’s market in Corvallis and stopped here to see the place plus get some grapes to take home.  Later, I went up to Jack in the Box to get something for dinner. I was close on my AGT picks - I just wish Daneliya would have finished higher.   

Thursday, September 24th, 2020…… The weather is kind of nice but we are supposed to be getting some rain soon. I got Rylee out and walked and then made my breakfast. I had a big package of bacon from Costco that I have defrosted and have been cooking the last few days. I needed to finish it off.  Right after that, I got a text from Teri asking me to breakfast. Dangit! Lousy timing!  We ended up meeting for coffee at Starbucks.  I went out and did some grocery shopping and then went to Ace Hardware to get some adhesive applicators and a throwaway trowel for my boat carpet project. I also found a really cute plant and dropped that off along with a card at her hair salon. She was working so it was a quick visit. We texted later and decided to go to a movie. We drove to Albany and went first to Big Lots. She is looking at new furniture. We went to Panda Express for take-out and ate in the car before going to the theater down the street. We chose Tenet just because there really wasn’t much to choose from. After we left, we decided that neither of us can recommend this movie.  I still don’t know 100% what the plot was about! Very vague and hard to follow. But it was a nice night out of my big old empty house.    

Friday, September 25th, 2020…… Happy Birthday Teri!  I went over and got her around 8:00am and we drove to The Point for her birthday breakfast. It was a little overcast and rainy but then the sun came out for a while. After we ate, I asked her if she wanted to go for a drive. She said yes, “How about Eugene? We can go to La Z Boy. We took hwy 228 out of Sweet Home and decided to drive down Brush Creek Rd, where the Holiday Farm fire was. I guess it was on the other side of the ridge because we never saw any indication of a fire anywhere along that road, all the way into Springfield! We stopped at CosmoProf, a hair salon supply store, to check on some thingys (? sorry, brain fart!) for her shop.  And then, on the way to La Z Boy, we stopped by several furniture stores in the area. Then, suddenly, we needed to backtrack - because she discovered she was missing her glasses!  No luck so far. She called The Point and CosmoProf so maybe something will turn up.  We headed back and I dropped her off at home and went home to rest. She texted later that CosmoProf had found them in the parking lot and they looked ok. We will go back tomorrow to get them. Her kids took her to dinner but she called to ask me to meet them at Limeberry for frozen yogurt. I got to meet her daughter Jennifer, son-in-law Cody, granddaughter Olivia, and grandson Emmett. Cute kids – nice family. We had a good visit. The kids were talking about going to play laser tag tomorrow. I was asked to go but we’ll see....      

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