About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #15 – Running Errands and Enjoying the Sunshine!


Saturday, February 27th., 2021…… Slow weekend. As usual, I don’t make too many plans for shopping or much else on the weekends. But the weather is nice.  I made breakfast at home and didn’t take a vehicle out of the yard all day!  I did a few loads of laundry and watched tv most of the day.

I think I’m done looking for the fireplace/tv cabinet for this season. Most all of the sales are over and stock is low and most places have put them away in favor of Spring. Our Lowes and Home Depot both have patio furniture and BBQs as well as rows and rows of riding mowers outside now. There will be a lot of folks spending their stimulus checks on yard equipment soon, I’ll bet.  This is the one I wanted and it’s from Wayfair.

The problem is that their sale is over and they have now increased the price by over $500.00 and I am not paying that!

Sunday, February 28th., 2021…… Another great day!  I was up and out with butthead and then got a text from my sister. I went and picked her up to go to Shirley May’s for breakfast and she took her smoke detector with us so that, after, we could continue on to Albany and got to Home Depot and Lowes to get a replacement. I took advantage of the trip and looked at laundry room cabinets. I’m finding they are not commonly in stock so I may have to order online. This is the one I probably will get.

Once I got back home, I was done for the day. I watched my races and relaxed for the day and evening.  

Monday, March 1st., 2021……  We are in our third day in a row with nice weather.  I love it!  I had no plans today, so I decided to clean the main bathroom and then I ran the small dust vac around the house to get all of the ‘Rylee hair’ picked up. Boring day but at least that’s done for a while!  I think I will follow what my sister does and will be looking for someone to come in and clean on a regular schedule. 

I went out to the front yard and cut a dead ‘hanger’ branch that had broken during a wind storm last month. I cut it up and put it in the trash and then went out and ‘tested’ the lawn. It is still way too soggy to even consider mowing. I think I have another month or more before I can mow again. We’ll see. My doctor neighbor across the street had his mower out today but I saw he was pulling a sprayer and hitting his fence posts and such, killing his weeds. I had a couple of burritos for lunch and I wasn’t in the mood for a big meal for dinner, so I just cut up some potatoes and fried them up. Rylee shared. TV until bedtime.   

Tuesday, March 2nd., 2021…… Again, another beautiful day here in Oregon! We got up to the 60s today. Two of my neighbors have now mowed their lawns. The one I could see looks terrible, with rows of dug up dirt!  My lawn is even wetter than theirs so I won’t be mowing anytime soon! Besides, I still need to get my black Sears tractor up to Cascades Outdoor so they can sharpen the blades and change the oil. The Husqvarna is sitting for the time being. This is the one Kirk and I own together and he has a new zero turn too so he’s not using it at all. So, it may be up for sale this season. I left the house and went over to my sisters to hang up a board. This is something that Chuck gave her. It’s black walnut and was cut on his mother’s home in Oklahoma many years ago. She wanted it mounted on the wall so we did that this morning.


I stopped on the way there and got some more stainless steel bolts and nuts for the piece I am attaching to the boat guides. When I left sis’s house, our landscape guy, Justin, practically followed me back to the house. He brought his plate compactor and finished up the gravel in the carport area. It looks really good! 

I do need to go get 4-5 buckets of gravel because I have a few low spots to fill in. I decided that since it was a nice day, I would work some more on the boat. I got the adjustments made to the guides and got the front two bolted in with no problem. I was going to mount the brackets for the back ones but discovered that the boat is still not centered on the trailer. This is even after Kirk and his guys moved it for me a few weeks ago. Being by myself, I had to get creative. I used a floor jack and got the weight off of the boat and slid it over a few inches. This will allow me to center the boat guides. I still need one more piece of additional metal to use for those. I plan on going tomorrow to get that.

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