About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #20 – Saying Goodbye & Getting Some Tasks Done


Friday, March 19th., 2021…… Randy’s last day here. No real plans today. I got Quincy early this morning when Sis dropped her off on her way to Chuck and Linda’s yard sale. I took them both out for their walk and then fed them. Randy and I left after that and headed to Shirley May’s for breakfast. We got there and found it was closed so we headed on to Albany to Elmer’s. After that, I stopped by Home Depot and found and bought that laundry room cabinet. I was shocked when I mentioned their military discount and they gave it to me!  We loaded it up and drove home with the cabinet out in the weather in the pickup bed. It only sprinkled and we got home ok so we were lucky. I will paint it next week or later. No hurry. I spent some time with ebay and OnTrac regarding a recent order I had placed (this is a watch case that I wanted since I found Lydia’s collection!) that they say was delivered to me but it wasn’t. I tracked it to a problem with the delivery number from OnTrac that had been correctly delivered to that recipient. They got their item (air fryer) and my delivery number was on their package. Evidently, they duplicated it on my order as well so ebay said it was delivered. OnTrac may still find and deliver it.  The supplier will resend so, hopefully, it will be resolved.  We hung around the house this afternoon waiting for Cherrelyn to get off work and for Sis to get finished with her volunteer work at Chuck and Linda’s yard sale. The plan was to go to The Point for dinner and once we got everyone rounded up, Penny called. They didn’t have any openings until way later so we chose GameTime. We only had a few minutes to wait for a table and we had a very nice meal and a good time. We came back to the house and they said their goodbyes to Randy and went home. I kept Q because she goes back for the sale again tomorrow morning. Randy and I watched Mecum for a while but both of us were tired and Randy went to bed. I stayed up for a few more minutes and got some clothes separated for laundry tomorrow then went to bed myself. Rylee starts out on the bed with Quincy on the floor but sometime during the night they switch because I always find Q laying up next to my side when I wake up in the morning.             

Saturday, March 20th., 2021……  We were each up early this morning. I showered and dressed and took the girls out for their walk/run/poop. When I got back in Randy had showered and stripped the bed and was packing up to go. We said our goodbyes and he headed out around 8:15am or so.  There is weather in the forecast for the Siskiyou Pass today and he wanted to get going before it got too bad up there. He will definitely be texting me as he goes over.  It was sure nice to have him close by, even if it was only for a few days. After he left, I got laundry going, which will go on for most of the day. In between, I just vegged out and watched tv and relaxed and planned my next week. I guess I was one of the lucky ones because I didn’t have any reactions to the 2nd vaccine. I have my shot card in my wallet and I have taken a picture of it for my phone. They are saying now that here in the state they have shortened the vaccine timeline and they expect to have enough doses for every Oregonian who wants a vaccine to have the opportunity for at least a first dose by the end of May. That was originally set for autumn or beyond. I see that some other states are even more ahead of that but some are well behind.

I went out and got a burger from Jack in the Box for dinner and returned to my laundry. Randy texted earlier that he made it to Ashland and that the weather was pretty clear up to the summit. When I went to bed about 10:00pm, I knew he was going to go all the way home. He had texted me at 7:00pm saying he was leaving from Santa Nella. I got a text at 11:15pm that he was home. That was a 15-hr. trip!  For sure not something I would do!      

Sunday, March 21st., 2021……  The weather is just ok today. Rains are due in tonight but it’s still dry for now. I had no plans other than to walk the dog and clean up the house a bit. So, I decided to go do some shopping at Walmart. When I got back and got everything put away, I did another couple of loads of laundry and then watched tv for the day. I had some more of the Mecum auctions to finish up, plus Nascar and Supercross to catch up on. I ate the rest of the KFC for dinner and settled in for the night.    

Monday, March 22nd., 2021…… Today, the weather was again mixed. It wasn’t exactly raining, just mist and a few light sprinkles here and there. After walking and feeding Rylee, I took off to drive to Salem to go to Best Buy. I was looking for a Blu-ray dvd player. The dvd I got from Mike and Cheri was a video they had taken in Feb. 2002 at their old square dance club’s Luau dance, which Lydia and I attended with our club. I definitely wanted to see it and swore I had a Blu-ray player. I guess I didn’t so I went to go get one. I chose Best Buy because I had two gift cards to use. I found the one I wanted and even got a deal on an open-box item. Everything was there and it wasn’t expensive, so I took a chance. I also stopped at the Salem Hobby Lobby looking for turquoise pictures (no luck) before heading home. I rested for a while and then hooked up the Blu-ray and watched the video. I sure enjoyed it!  Thanks Mike and Cheri for dubbing it and sending my way!  I’m not sure I mentioned this in a previous post or not, but this was sent by them on Jan. 21st.!  I received it on Mar. 15th.!  The package was not opened and not damaged in any way. It was marked “delivered to wrong address”. I guess whoever got it originally just took his/her sweet time getting it back to the post office!  A bit after that, I went out and took a picture of the laundry cabinet


and then took the doors off and the shelving out in prep for painting. Boy, that sure lightened it up!  Once painted, I think I can install this by myself. Just got an order in on ebay for a newer stud finder. This one detects electrical and metal in the walls which I am worried about hitting when I install. I made the spaghetti dinner I was wanting to do last week and watched more tv until calling it a night.                

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