About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #17 – Making Arrangements & Keeping Busy


Sunday, March 7th., 2021…… Even though I slept ok last night I am back to feeling blah. I walked Ryle and made breakfast. I forgot to mention that I went off to Walmart to stock up on groceries so I have food here. I spent the morning watching races I had taped and then cleaned up the living room a bit for tonight. The girls came over with dinner from Kento Hibachi. We settled in to watch a movie and just hang out. They chose Brothers Grimm, which I had taped yesterday, as the movie for this evening. The movie was not as light as we thought, but it was a very nice night and a nice break from being here alone every night!

Monday, March 8th., 2021…… Krista and I have been talking each morning. We discussed next steps as to ashes and belongings but for the most part I just listen and try to provide comfort and support. Later, I decided to take a drive so I headed over to Home Depot to look at cabinets again. The ones I found online are flimsy and the reviews are terrible so I will be buying an unfinished one that is already made. I just have to paint it. I spent the rest of the day resting and hanging around the house. Later in the evening, I found an ad on Facebook Marketplace for closet door mirrors. These are perfect for my garage project. If you keep up on this blog, you know that I had previously installed a mirror in the house garage so that I could see vehicles that have pulled in the driveway. That mirror is ok but a larger one, on hinges, will really work well, I think. I’ve seen these for $50.-75. and he had several for only $10.00 each. So, I messaged him and told him I would buy two of them. We made arrangements and I am going up to Salem tomorrow to pick them up.

Tuesday, March 9th., 2021……  Krista said the coroner’s office told her the cause of death was trauma from the accident and that he died instantly. While nothing is good about any of this, there was no suffering so that was good to hear. We have decided together to split the ashes. I think she is planning to take them on the benefit ride. As for me, I will be adding plans for another celebration of life in California in the undetermined future. At this time, I am leaning to having two separate times so that friends can come for each of them. That depends on the venue and allocation of the room.

I spent the morning driving up to Salem to pick up those mirrors. They were in excellent condition!  I took the Acadia since they would lay flat in the back and brought them back home and unloaded them in the shop. Now I have to figure out how to attach hinges so I can hang one of them. The rest of the day I worked on the boat and I finished installing the boat guides. 

I think they will work nicely when I get the boat out again. I still have to finish the carpeting and reinstall the seats but that should go quickly. I’m waiting for warmer weather so I can work outside.  The weather here is changing slowly so it may be a while. We still have cold days and rain but the sunny days are working their way into the picture and I always like sunny days!     

Wednesday, March 10th., 2021…… The weather was icky when I took Rylee out but it’s expected to burn off and we should have some sun in the afternoon. I was asked to go over with my sister to her friend’s house to help them set up for a yard sale. This is the property that Linda and Chuck have inherited and they have just sold it. They have been working on cleaning everything up and sorting through a ton of things to be tagged and sold. I put together some shelving units to display items and then reattached some dresser drawer hardware. Sis will put in a lot of hours tagging before the sale.  This farm is probably a mile from my house so I am available if Chuck needs me for anything. When I got home, I rested for a while and then took off to go to Corvallis. I wanted to hit Bed Bath and Beyond to see what artwork they have. I am looking for something for the main bathroom. When I see it, I will know…

Dinner tonight was a cobb salad and a chicken pie. Tonight was Tough as Nails and the first show for this season’s The Masked Singer. I have all of the names now and got them written in my workbook. It looks like they will have wild card additions to the list as well.  Tonight, it was group A and I have some ideas of the first five. The Snail was the first to be unmasked, although I thought it would be the Raccoon, who was terrible! I had no clue the Snail would be Kermit the Frog! His voice was familiar but I just didn’t get it. It looks like they have some terrific singers this season.      

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