About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #18 – Family Time!


Thursday, March 11th., 2021…… I’m feeling a little better today. It’s still pretty tough but I’m dealing with it. Rylee and I continue with our morning routine. She loves her walks and I enjoy just getting out. I am looking forward to warmer and sunnier days so I can get her off on some of the trails around here and give her (and me) a much-needed workout!  Meanwhile, we deal with the days.  Today, I decided to change out the bed linen. I received a new king-sized blanket that I had ordered and I have already washed that and wanted to add it to the bed. But first I needed to change out the sheets and wash the other blankets on there. Lydia always had two lightweight blankets and I could separate as required on my side. Plus, we each had one more that was only draped on the bed. We used these in the winter months. Hers was always there but I added mine only when needed. Now, I can use the new one and layer as required. Let’s see how long it takes for butthead to muddy it all up with dirty feet!

Nothing much going on today. Krista has told me she has boxed up and mailed Jeff’s watch and crucifix to me. I had asked for the watch. She will be slowly getting things sent as she goes through that process. I told her to take her time and do it if/when she’s ready. It will be tough as I well know….

In the afternoon, I headed off to get my hair cut. Teri, who I am friends with on Facebook, knew and is heartbroken as I expected. But she comforted me and we had a nice visit.

I came back home and rested until dinner. I decided to go out and get something and settled on Taco Bell. I need to remember to get out some ground turkey because I am in the mood for spaghetti and will make that tomorrow.

Friday, March 12th., 2021…… Busy day today. I got an email that my JCPenney's order (this time it was for flannel shirts) was ready for pickup. Penny and Butch were coming today to try out her new shotgun here where there is room to shoot. I walked Rylee and fed her then went out to get my breakfast and coffee.  I hung around the house until about 10:30 and then headed down to Eugene. My plan was to stop at Penneys and then hit Pier 1 and Michaels to check to see what artwork they had in stock. I found that all of the entire River Center Mall stores/shops do open until 11:00am.   But I got in a couple of laps inside there while I waited. I timed it right and got in and out of Penneys quickly and went over to find Pier 1. I didn’t know they were out of business at this location. Bummer, because their online pics of the rug that I was interested in doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies that I will get the color right. I stopped by Newman’s Grotto for some scallops and chips and then went to find Michaels. They don’t have anything. I also saw a Duluth Trading Company store next door that I couldn’t resist!  First time I’d been in one. Probably my last too. Man, the prices are out there! I got back in time as Butch and Sis were just setting up. They came in after and we had a nice visit. Later, I heard from Carson Trailer that my trailer has been received in the Kingsburg location and it was ready for pickup. Randy was going to go by to get it but that was expected to be sometime in April. So, I was surprised that they got it in this early! As luck would have it, Randy has been planning on coming up (by himself this time) to see me. He was trying to get a few things done before he could leave but when I called him, he said he was planning on driving up tomorrow. That will work and will save him from making two trips. I still need to send payment authorization for the second half of my payment before they will release it.    

Saturday, March 13th., 2021……  I was up early this morning and opened my laptop and found the charge authorization form I used in Feb. for the first payment on the trailer. I printed the form and filled it out again, authorizing the second payment, and scanned and emailed it so they could receive it first thing today. That way, if Randy is on the road this morning, he will be able to stop and get it on the way with no problem. Penny came over with Quincy this morning and after we walked and fed the dogs, we headed up to Kevin’s for breakfast. I got a response to my email they forwarded the paperwork to Kingsburg and that the trailer was now ready for pickup. I called them to doublecheck but they didn’t answer the phone. I texted Randy to see where he was in his planning but didn’t hear back. So, I called him. He answered right away and said he had already been there and has the trailer hooked up and is on the road again!  The phone rang in their office when he was there and they didn’t answer since they were working with him.  I think that was me!  I’m so glad I sent all of that stuff early this morning so the timing worked out!  He will be stopping at Camping World (or similar) to pick up a trailer lock and maybe a cable and lock so the trailer will be safe at whatever motel he stops at tonight. He will be here tomorrow sometime. Meanwhile, I spent time working around the house. The guest room is already good to go, but I needed to vacuum and I wanted to change out my sheets and wash the blankets on my bed so those were my jobs for today. In between, I watched the Nascar race and later, started the supercross race. I haven’t heard anything from Krista so far today. I texted her and told her I was testing Zelle and was sending $5.00 as a test to see if goes through easily. I use Venmo but she doesn’t so I’m trying Zelle.  We are now talking about shipping stuff to me. She texted me pics of a couple of Jeff’s guns, one of which is my old .22. I’d like to have that back so I will need to coordinate with her and the gun shops on each end to get it (and others) sent via that process. She says they have a three-car garage and it’s packed with stuff, a lot of which was Jeff’s from storage in Calif. All of it will take some time and I’m in no hurry so she can take it on when the time is right for her.  

Sunday, March 14th., 2021…… Randy stayed in Medford last night and was on the road early this morning.  He made it up here just past noon. He had my trailer and said it tows nicely! Yaay!


We unhooked it and came in the house. Sis came by and we visited for a while. We all went to Pizza Schmizza for dinner. After that, we came back home and Randy and I watched some tv and crashed early.

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