About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #16 – Really Bad News


Wednesday, March 3rd., 2021…… I got up early this morning and walked Rylee. I stopped and took a pic of those daffodils that I shared before. They have really bloomed!


I was out early so I could be back in time to leave for my 7:30am dental appointment. Today was just a cleaning. After that, I stopped and picked up breakfast and came home and ate. After a bit, I took off to go to Albany. I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and Target to look at pictures for my bath. I have one spot that has a nice picture already, but I want to move that to Lydia’s office and wanted one with some more teal in it to go with the rest of the colors in the bathroom. Also, I had seen a nice teal 5x7 rug at Jerry’s that I think I will go back and get. Pics of those to follow in the future. Didn’t find anything so I came back home. I rested for a while then headed back because I forgot to stop at Lowes to get the square metal tubing that I needed for the boat guides. Duhh!  Oh well, it is a beautiful day and it’s nice to be out.  Rylee liked the break because she was able to go play in her racetrack!  Dirty dog but all I have to do is hose her off.

After a bit, I went out and got a Hangry Chili Burger and fries for dinner and brought that home. Later, there was a sheriff’s squad car pulling up in my driveway. Very odd at this hour!  I went out to meet him and he broke the bad news to me. My oldest son Jeff, lost control of his motorcycle and crashed and did not survive. He said he went into a canal in Florida about ½ mile or so from his house. He gave me the number from the contact officer in Cape Coral and I called her and got more info. She said she had spoken to Krista and she said they rode to the bar together and that later, she left with her girlfriend and said he had decided to ride his bike and could make it the 2 miles or so back home. The officer told me that when they recovered him from the canal, they saw he was in riding gear so they went back upstream and found where he had lost control and went into the water. She also said that at Krista’s request, they notify me in person here in Oregon. I called Krista and we talked for a bit. She said her mom is coming down to be with the family. We don’t know any more at this time. I immediately set out to call the rest of my family and a few good friends. It did help to keep talking and sis and Cherrelyn came over to be with me as well. I stayed up and made a couple of Facebook posts – one on my fb and one on Jeff’s. But eventually I had to try to get some sleep and went to bed but tossed and turned even with a Melatonin.     

Thursday, March 4th., 2021…… I woke up early for some reason so I am very tired today. I immediately went through my morning routine with Rylee and then made coffee. I had a few more calls to make. Sis came by with Quincy and then headed off for her first covid vaccine and then brought back breakfast. I kind of went around the house in a daze but filled some time doing laundry and cleaning the toilet. I also went out and spent a few minutes working on the boat trailer but just couldn’t stay out there. I have been reading facebook replies to the posts out there. Maryanne and Tia both posted as well so there is a large circle of friends sending much appreciated prayers and condolences our way. Thank you all! 

I had already asked Kirk to bring the trailer over today or tomorrow so I could get the mower loaded and down to the place for service. We managed to get that task completed and when I got back, I was done for the day. So more many things to do. But all are on hold for Krista at this time…. Krista’s mom gets in tonight. I’m glad she will have her there. Krista and I texted back and forth about a few things but not much can be done at this time. Jeff’s friends are part of a video share from the local tv news. They showed the crash site and then had the friends talk about Jeff. Here is the link if you want to see it.   https://nbc-2.com/news/local/2021/03/04/body-found-under-dock-at-cape-harbour/

I thought they did a good job with the video. They didn’t mention that he had left a bar and alcohol was involved. They also have set up a GoFundMe page for Krista and the link is on the page.

Friday, March 5th., 2021……  Krista and I texted back and forth again today. I want her and her mom to be able to be with each other and I know mom will be helping her in the things she has to do. First up was the obituary and I gave her info (Lydia’s maiden name, etc,) for that. She has insurance and bank and finance co. to work thru on her own.  

As for my day, it was the worst so far. I just couldn’t get anything going and felt disconnected all day.  My sister and I talked a lot today and, although she is feeling it as well, I think she has helped me with some issues I have. I also spoke to Randy and naturally he is broken up about all of this. Losing a brother and a mother so close is hard for him. I plan to get back with Krista tomorrow with answers to some of her questions about services, cremation, his possessions, etc. I tried to make it a normal day and took Rylee out and went through my normal routine. Couldn’t get anything done so I gave up and stayed in the house for the day. I went to bed early and I guess I went right to sleep.  

Saturday, March 6th., 2021…… I was up early (4:30am) and texted Krista to check in to see how she was doing. I asked her to call me because I had some ideas to share. She called back and we talked for a good long time. Besides talking about the events that night, we also discussed cremation. I told her I would pay for the cremation and take his ashes if she wanted. I also suggested splitting them up and said that maybe they could ‘unofficially’ take some with them on the benefit ride to spread. I think he would have liked that idea. There will be no service there (covid) so I will be planning something in conjunction with Lydia’s celebration of life whenever that can take place. That said, and unless things change, neither Randy or I will be going back to Florida at this time. That prompted another question - Krista had asked about me wanting anything and that caused me to think about all of his boxed-up stuff he had from Calif. that is in their garage. I offered to pay for shipping if/when she wants to clean out his things. She can put into a storage unit (that I will pay for), or ship in bulk or in parcel to me as she sees fit. I will pay for that as well.  After getting all of this done, it was daylight here. I proceeded to get going with my day and felt much, much better.  My sister, who went down to see Butch today in Eugene, was also going to pick up her new shotgun that came in. I asked her while she was there to inquire how guns are transported because Jeff has a couple of mine (plus some of his own). Per law, they need to be shipped and received through licensed gun dealers on both ends so that can be done at a later time. While she was here, we made plans for a movie night tomorrow. They will bring dinner and I will make popcorn and we will hang around and be together.

I just want to say thanks to everyone who has seen the facebook posts and have sent their condolences. Everyone in the family has seen them and thanks you as well. Hugs to you all!

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