About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #34 – Working and Hosting and Making New Friends!


Friday, May 14th., 2021……  I was up and out with Rylee early again today. Beautiful weather this week!  Temps in the high 70s and low 80s for now until Monday. More showers coming next week. But I still need to get the sprinklers adjusted and operating. But first up was a trip down to Cathye’s. Her place is about 20 miles south of me. I told her I would take her to her appointment at her cosmetic surgery clinic in Eugene. She said Yaay! And she would buy me breakfast!  Win-win for me! She has a tattoo script on her forearm that she wants removed and goes in every 6 weeks for laser treatment. I love her tattoos (she has 3-4 other small ones). I have always wanted one so I’m jealous! After she got out, I took her over to my new favorite place, Prairie Schooner for breakfast. She has more appointments this afternoon so we hurried back and I left her and came back home. Later, after a short rest, I started in on the sprinkler system check. Surprisingly, everything was in working order. I only have to replace a couple of the drip lines. I also will need to re-strap some of the bed risers which have fallen off the stakes. But it will be easy fixes.  I need to make a Lowes run for parts so maybe next week.  I came back in and watched tv and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.         

Saturday, May 15th., 2021……  I spent most of the day at Cathye’s, working on staging for her estate sale. Her son Michael and some of Jim’s radio buddies were there and they were working on boxing up radio tubes. These are very sought after and they decided rather than sell to one buyer, they would bunch these into lots and sell them that way. Meanwhile, my job was to work in the ‘ebay room’. This room houses, in its own right, a very large collection of floor model wooden based antique radios. Here’s just one of several hundred in the collection.

He also has thousands of desktop models, both wood and plastic.  The ones in my room will be first offered to the radio club, then will be sold on both ebay and at the estate sale. I needed to pull out anything that was not a radio as well as move out enough of them to another room so that a path was created and the rest of the radios were visible to buyers.

The experts will be moving in next to price all of these units. Penny came by and had a look at the vastness of Jim’s collections. We walked through what is left of the old hit and miss engines.  They have sold almost all of them. They plan to run a couple as a salute to him at the celebration of life next Saturday. This is one of the larger models that they started up and pre-tested.

After my day was over, I came home and crashed for the day. I had races to watch and did what I could before calling it a night.    

Sunday, May 16th., 2021…… Today was a rest day for me. At least for the morning. I headed off to Walmart and picked up steaks and potatoes and asparagus for the dinner I was making for tonight. Cathye, her son, Michael, and his new bride Crystal are coming over for dinner. I got everything set up and they arrived right on time. They brought Bandit, their 18 mth. old Australian Shepherd and he and Rylee got along really well. Bandit is for sure aware he is a boy dog and she is a girl dog!  Rylee just wants to play, but he is interested in the other end! Poor puppy!  

Jim’s son Chris stopped by as well and we all had a great time.  

Monday, May 17th., 2021…...  I had another doctor’s appointment this morning. That went well and I was out of there pretty quickly and stopped and got breakfast and headed home. Later, I worked on the shelves and got them installed. Next up is to putty and paint the screw holes and then I can get all of the models out and put up there. I made a trip to Albany to Lowes. I was looking for another Genie garage door opener for Cathye’s car. It makes it easier when she needs to drop off something for the fridge or if she wants to pick up boxes from the garage. I went to three stores but none of them had what I wanted so I found and ordered it from ebay. Should be here this week. Last week I was on ebay and found and ordered two more wireless charger stations for my phone. I still have Lydia’s phone and I like that I can just lay the phone down on this one charger without plugging it in. Since Cathye is here a lot, I wanted more of these. They came in today and I wasted no time setting them up!  Cathye is still working on estate planning and banking and such so she was in town today. She also dropped off Jama for grooming and that gave us time for us to have lunch together.    

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