About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #36 –  A Moving Celebration, Remembering My Love & Pickin’ Up Sis!   


Saturday, May 22nd., 2021…... I slept well last night and got up early and had Rylee out and I fed her and then took off to go walk Quincy. Later, Cherrelyn sent me a picture of Quincy sitting patiently waiting for me to pull up in the driveway! 

Too cute!  After I brought her back home, I stopped by Kevin’s and picked up breakfast to go. I had no plans for today and stayed in the house most of the morning and afternoon. I did go off to Walmart to get some things for dinner. Earlier, I had invited Cherrelyn over for lobsta’ and au gratin potatoes.  I picked up a banana cream pie for dessert. I spent the day watching the Mecum Auction and Nascar races. I did go to Cathye’s Facebook page a few times. They were streaming Jim’s Celebration of Life. It made me smile and cry at the same time. Cherrelyn finished work for the day, fed Quincy, and then headed over about 4:30pm.  We had a nice meal and a nice visit.  As she was leaving, I got a call from Cathye asking me to come join her and her family around the campfire out in her yard. I drove over and spent time with everyone. It was nice to see them and meet the ones I hadn’t met yet. After a while, I needed to get back and let butthead out so I left them to their little gathering and came back home. Tv until bedtime.           

Sunday, May 23rd., 2021…… Another round of dog walking. I got back home and fixed myself some breakfast and turned on the taped races. I also had more auction to watch. All of that took up the morning. I needed to go back to Cathye’s to take down the tarps and wanted to say goodbye to those leaving today. I got over there around noon. The guys again made quick work of the tarps and poles and I had everything loaded up in the truck in no time! I visited a while and was going to say my goodbyes but they decided to go to James Gang Pizza before they left. I came home and unloaded everything and then headed over there. We had a nice meal and I said my goodbyes and came home and spent the rest of day relaxing and watching my races.  I have decided that I like the shelves I just put up so much that I am going to add to them and wrap around that wall. So, I sat in my chair and planned that out in my head. Easy peasy! I wasn’t hungry so I passed on dinner and just relaxed for the evening and went to bed early.    

Monday, May 24th., 2021……  Up early again today. The plan was to mow the yard today. But as it turns out the forecast is for showers off and on for today and tomorrow. I was out and had Rylee walked before the rains came. I then headed over and took Quincy out for her walk. We made it almost home before it started to sprinkle so I considered myself lucky!  I stopped and got breakfast and coffee and came home and planned my day. I ended up taking measurements for the 2nd shelving project and went out to the shop and cut the pieces. Later, Cathye came by and we spent the rest of the day and evening together. We went out to dinner at The Depot in Albany. I’m SO glad to be able to go out to eat with someone!   

Tuesday, May 25th., 2021……  One Year Ago Today!  It’s truly hard to believe it’s been a year!  Not a day goes by that I don’t think about her in some way or another. Things I see around the house - things I pass by somewhere out driving - or a song on the radio - all of these will bring back wonderful memories. I love her and miss her so much!  I know she’s looking down at me now smiling because she knows I’m ok.  And I am truly ok. 

Plans are still in the works for a trip down to Calif. and a Celebration of Life. I still don’t have a place yet but there are folks who have said they are looking and will let me know when things 
 open up (maybe in their clubhouses or churches) and we can do this.

I was up and out this morning. Last day to walk Q. Sis comes home later today. Cathye and I will be going to pick her up at the shuttle stop. Later, we coordinated with Penny and found out she was going to have to wait at the airport for a couple of hours for the next shuttle to arrive. So, we decided to just go there and pick her up. It was a nice drive but we ran into some serious traffic (Yuucck!) but still got there in time. We were able to sit at curbside with no officer moving us along. We waited and waited…. Turns out her luggage (and another gentleman’s) got misrouted to Oakland! It will be FedEx’d to her tomorrow. So, we picked just her up and headed back home. We stopped at Big Foot Grille for dinner (thanks Cathye!) and then took sis home. It was Cathye’s first visit to Penny’s house. After a nice but short visit there, we came home and rested before Cathye left to go back home. All of the family has left now so she’s trying to reorganize her home and get back to normal. She does still have the estate sale coming up so plans are to sort through her items and decide if it’s going to her new place or will be stored or will be priced and made ready for the sale. That’s coming up in July but there’s a lot of things to go through! Of course, I will be there to help.  I spent the evening by myself, just thinking and remembering life and good memories. I was sad but got through it ok.     

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts were with you today, I loved Lydia and I miss her everyday. Madonna
