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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, May 6, 2021


Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #31 –  A Full Schedule of Appointments & Seeing My Very Special Friend Again!   


Sunday, May 2nd., 2021……  Nice day today! I had a commitment to head down to Eugene this morning. Dominique had asked for some help with her house project and also needed another dozen boxes. So, after walking Rylee and talking with Cathy, I headed down there. I met her at Prairie Schooner and we had breakfast. Turns out she only needed my expertise at the hardware store today. She is buying some luan or masonite for a project and I followed her over to Jerry’s hardware. She picked the masonite and we went to go have it cut. She also got some paint, rollers and brushes and once she had everything loaded, I left her and went home. Later, I talked with Cathy again and she shared her day with me. Always fun! She’s leaving tomorrow to go to Springfield to get a room by the airport hoping to beat the inclement weather expected in the area.  I started back in with my races, trying to get caught up. I gave up around 10:15pm and headed off to bed.          

Monday, May 3rd., 2021……  Today was my acupuncture appointment in Corvallis. A couple of good morning texts back and forth with Cathy and I was on my way.  Everything went well and afterwards I drove over to Albany to stop off at Lowes. I was looking for shelving material for Jeff’s Nascar display cars that I just recently received.  I found what I wanted and then drove on home. I had decided to mow the field grass today and got the zero turn out and took the connection off to the bagger because that’s too much to bag! It came off easily and I started in. It didn’t take too long and I hosed off the mower (and Rylee - who likes to roll in the fresh grass!) and reattached the bagger hose and left it to dry and came in and rested for a bit. Cathy said the weather didn’t materialize so I was happy to hear that. She’ll call me later when she gets settled in her room. I decided to make cheese quesadillas for dinner and went back to my races.

Ok, it’s later… We had a nice visit. She’s ready to come home! And I’m so looking forward to that so I can see her again!       

Tuesday, May 4th., 2021…… No rain in the forecast today. I was up early and out with butthead. I have my second scheduled appointment of the week today. This one is a routine appointment with my new doctor. Ok, not a doctor – she’s a family nurse practitioner (FNP) so I’ll see how that goes. If I don’t like her, I can always request another doctor.  More on that later…

I’ve talked to Cathy through most of her legs from Missouri to Portland. She says she’s had an interesting day. Gates in completely different terminals, extra-long layovers, etc. I’m sure she can’t wait for the day to end!  Meanwhile, I made it to my appointment and checked in with my doctor/FNP. Her name is Sally and I found that I liked her! No real issues other than some elevated numbers in my triglycerides. I will go back in four months for another check. I got my asthma meds changed (back to the previous inhaler) in hopes of maybe using the one I’m on might be a factor in my loss of smell. Time will tell. I also got my pneumonia shot. This one turned out to be tough!  No problem with the shot but later my arm got really swollen and sore – so much that I would have trouble sleeping.  I checked in and found Cathy made it home and, of course, was exhausted from her day. We already had made plans to meet up tomorrow after both of our scheduled appointments.  We said our goodnights and I went off to bed. I am sure glad she’s home!      

Wednesday, May 5th., 2021…...  This morning I drove over to Albany to my estate planner to pick up an updated document for the house deed. Then I went down the street to the recorder’s office in the courthouse to file it. After that, I came back home and cleaned up the house a bit. Of course, that starts with picking up the tons of toys left on the floor. You’d think I had a house full of kids running around!   Rylee watches and goes, “That’s ok, Grampy, I can always dig them out again!” Later, I drove up to Pizza Schmizza and met Cathy and we had a very nice lunch. Did I mention it was nice to see her again! After that, she left her car there and I drove her to my place for a tour. Butthead is always glad to see people, and it was no different today!  Rylee and I took her back to her car and then we headed back home. I hung around the house for a bit, then took off to go see her place. I had never been there so I was excited. Her late husband was a collector of many things and, with the help of an estate assistant she is getting them ready for a sale. They’ve already had a few sales days but that didn’t begin to put a dent in what he has!  Hit and Miss engines, old antique radios of all shapes and sizes, plus tubes and tooling to repair all of the above!  It was amazing!   

Lots of work left to do before things thin down. Plans are to sell the property and move into a mobile home park here in town. Good for me because she will only be just down the street! We said our goodbyes and I came home and fed monster puppy and let her out. I settled in for the night and watched the Masked Singer. I was surprised that Robopine got unmasked. Did I guess who it was? Nope.  I'm not up on Tyrese Gibson so I wouldn't have gotten it.   I thought it was Luthor Vandross. Him I know.   

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