About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #37 – Mowing & Estate Work



Wednesday, May 26th., 2021…... Had a really restful night last night!  It was surreal lying in bed trying to turn off and shut down. But I eventually did and woke up very relaxed after a great night’s sleep! 

Weather is iffy today for mowing. There are great big clouds around a blue sky for a few hours, then it turns dark and grey. If it doesn’t rain, I will go out and mow because the grass is really getting thick these days! I did manage to get a couple of pieces for the shelf addition cut and painted and installed. More to do on that tomorrow.

Ok, it’s later now. The sun has come out and actually it’s getting warm!  Cathye volunteered to help and came over and I fired up the Craftsman Pro mower and she set out to work on the field grass while I continued to mow the lawn. I had let it get too long again and I kept the blade cut at 2 1/2“, so I had some issues with too much grass clogging up the system. We ended up making two runs to the recycling place but it went quickly with Cathye helping me. After I was done with the lawn I went out to the field and helped her out there. I gave her a turn on the zero turn and she wouldn’t get off!  But she sure looks good on it!

After we were done, we cleaned up and I took Cathye to The Point for dinner.  We had a very nice meal and went back home to relax. It was a long day!  Later, she stayed and we sat together (which was super fun for me!) and watched the finale of The Masked Singer. I am proud to say that I correctly guessed all three of the finalists! Spoiler Alert!  I’m sure everyone has seen the show by this posting but if you haven’t, don’t read any of the blue type below!   I am proud to say that I correctly guessed all of the three finalists!  The third-place winner was The Chameleon who was Wiz Khalifa. Second place was The Swan which was JoJo. The winner was The Piglet who was Nick Lachey. This was also the order that I hoped they would finish in! Counting the ten original contestants, the four wild cards and Clue Dle-Doo, I got nine out of fifteen!  That was way better than I thought I would do. Of course, I only got those that I either knew their voices or made some way out guesses if I didn’t. I used the clues they gave and listened to the judges on one or two of them. Still not too bad!     

Thursday, May 27th., 2021…… The rains came as promised today, although we didn’t get too much here. Still, I was glad we mowed!  Today Cathye had some items to take care of so I met her over at her trailer late in the morning. The contractor was there and he went over a few things. Our assignment was to go pick out paint colors, backsplash, countertops, and floor coverings. So, we drove over to Albany and hit Home Depot (where he gets a contractor discount) and found pretty much everything. She then headed home and I rested for a few hours then set out to finish the install on the under supports for my shelves. I ate my leftovers and settled in to watch tv for the rest of the evening.

Friday, May 28th., 2021……  Good weather is back!  They say we can expect to hit the 80s by the holiday weekend! The plan today was to go get a large shelving unit from the trailer and bring to my rv garage. That way, when she needs/wants to store anything that won’t fit in the mobile home, it will be here. There is also a list of things she wants to bring here for me/us to use. There is a large supply of milled lumber and steel pipes and angle iron that I can always use. Better at my house than the scrap yard! We are also going to store her two garden tractors and her little Shasta travel trailer here. I just needed to know that which gives me a reason to look into ordering another carport for my property. Now I will have something to put in it! I went over and we went through the stuff and made a plan for tomorrow. Besides the estate team and Ron, the radio guy, her grandson Corey, and Eric, will be here to work on projects on her list as well. I went home and she went on to Eugene to pick up a friend who is here to visit her mom in the mobile home park. I went over later to the trailer later and met her and we visited for a bit then loaded the shelving unit into my truck. After it was in my garage, she went on home and I hung around the house and then made a light dinner and watched tv until bedtime.          

Saturday, May 29th., 2021……  Today I was up and out early. I had Rylee walked and then went out and got breakfast. I made a run to the store and then went over to Cathye’s to work for the day. She is still trying to get things sorted out to be priced for the estate sale. She plans on having the radio guys (and their spouses) come out to a special sale so getting those out and sorted and priced was the plan for today. The estate team had three people there plus Ron, who is the radiohead and knows all about that stuff. I assigned myself to him and we went straight to the car garage.  Our job was to find and pull out all of the tubes. We moved boxes and boxes of every type of radio part you can think of (knobs, capacitors, transformers, etc. etc.) around and I think the final count on the boxes and cases of tubes was 33. These are important because there are some of these tubes that will sell for over $200.00 each! This is a pic after we got most everything sorted and moved out. 

Meanwhile, the other crew was sorting and pricing all of the other items and getting them staged. Corey and Eric worked in the yard and helped move things around. Did I mention she has a forklift!   She is lucky that there are seven outbuildings on the property so things can be spaced out and sorted for folks to see. Still, it’s a big job!  I left after my task was completed and came home to take care of butthead. I also took some Aleve and rested after the workout! Tomorrow will be more of the same, just with the two of us though.    

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