About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #39 – Work and Play & Remembering a Milestone Birthday!


I know - it’s been a few days since I have posted. So, I am making this a six-day blog just to get caught up!

Friday, June 4th., 2021…... Today was another mowing day. The weather started out cloudy but burned off later in the day. No dew on the grass so I got an early start. Cathye came over. We are having her friends here for dinner tonight and she is making a chicken enchilada casserole. She brought everything and then stored it away and came out to help me on the lawn. It was easy because the grass wasn’t as long as before. Plus, I can just dump the clippings on Chuck’s grass/dirt pile in the back!  After we got everything done and cleaned up, we rested a while and then started on the house. I vacuumed while Cathye got some of Lydia’s clothes out for the girls. They showed up around 5:30 and we had a nice meal. I had already told them they needed to take a look see at Lydia’s clothes to see if they wanted anything. So, they went ‘shopping’. I am so glad to see her things going to folks I know and that will appreciate it. They made a big dent. But there still plenty of stuff left for the girls in Calif. when they can get up here.    

Saturday, June 5th., 2021…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARYANNE! It’s the big five ohh!  I called her from Cathye’s because I had to be there early for the sale. They are having a big party at their house tonight. Guess I’ll have to check back in tomorrow to see if she survives her big day! Meanwhile, back at the sale, I was in charge of overseeing one of the rooms. I chose the garage because I could step outside and get some fresh air and cool breezes. I asked sis to come by and let Rylee out but she was with Butch out traveling for the day. I would have to leave around 2:00pm when the sale was over to go home and let her out. No worries.  The day went well. There were a lot of folks and they were interested in buying so that was good!  Cathye got the word out first hat she was knocking 20% off the radios and then changed it to 30% so that drove up interest! They will most likely be back again for the estate sale and that is even better! The big money today was in tubes.

Jim collected both radio and tv tubes and the 80+ boxes and cases were put into 7 lots. The idea was that the radio guys could look them over and then place a bid on a lot number. Turns out there was one guy with deep pockets who ended up getting all of the lots. I think he paid $2800.00 or something for them. He did give his competition some of those tubes they wanted for their needs so it wasn’t too bad for them. I had the tube testers in my room and there was a lot of interest but they are hard to test each socket so they didn’t go too well. A few of the thousands of radios went but these guys already have their own collections and were concentrating on chassis, capacitors, transformers, etc. to use to rebuild their stuff. The regular estate sale will be sometime in July and I assume that a lot of them will go then. I came back home and rested after the long day. Cathye came by later and we went out to Sizzler for dinner.    

Sunday, June 6th., 2021……  Today I hung out at home for most of the day, watching races and being lazy.

Monday, June 7th., 2021…… Today would have been Lydia’s 70th birthday.  Sad day for me. RIP sweetie.  I love you!!.  I was able to spend the day with Cathye so that made it a little easier. We went to Albany for breakfast at Roger’s and then ran some errands. Her stepson, Jamie, had broken his bed. He lives alone and doesn’t get out much so we went over to the mattress store and inquired if they would replace it since it was only a few months old. She took pics and we left them to made a determination in the next few days. We also went to Kohl’s and then to Harbor Freight before coming back home.  Sleeping tonight would be tough but I talked with Lydia and then drifted off to sleep.  

Tuesday, June 8th., 2021…… I slept ok last night and woke up refreshed. I showered and walked Rylee and then went and got breakfast. I got coffee and tea and headed over to Cathye’s. Today was dump day. She had asked Eric to go to the dump but he was busy so I volunteered. She has a little 4x5 trailer with tiny wheels and sideboards that they use to move things like trash and it was stuffed! I used her tarp and my tiedowns and she had me drive her truck with the trailer.  It went well until I had to back that dinky little trailer into position to unload!  I think everyone in the place got a kick out of watching as I jackknifed several times with that tiny thing! But in the end, all was good and we got everything dumped. Later, I managed to back the trailer back into its place at her house and then headed back home to work on my property. Kirk’s dad is ill and in home hospice so Justin and his brother were running his route today. I had them for two hours so I gave them their weeding assignments. They got a lot done but I still need more hours before I can even think about bringing in the bark mulch to lay down. They did bring back my Honda mower from the shop. I had asked Kirk to take it last week and have them go over it make it run smoothly for Cathye. She will use it on her lawn at her mobile when she moves in there. In exchange, I will get her John Deere lawn tractor where it will reside for use here. I’m sure there will be pics in the future… Later in the day, I drove over to the Corvallis Harbor Freight to see if they had wheels for a trailer that I also got from Cathye. This one carries the pesticide sprayer and pulls behind the tractor to spray for weeds. I also wanted to get another net for the truck bed. I was looking for the old style, which is being replaced by a new one I don’t care for so I wanted to stock up. No luck.            

Wednesday, June 9th., 2021…… I had Cathye for most of the day today. She came over later in the morning after her volunteer work at the Sweet Home food bank so I found I had some time and worked a bit on my shelves. I cut and painted the shelves and, while they were drying, I worked on the sprinklers for the blueberry/grape area. I have to run a hose system out there and got a riser sprinkler from Cathye’s to try out.  But it was clogged up with something and I needed to rebuild it. That only took a few minutes and I was in business. I hooked up a timer so it will run each day for 30 minutes.

Next up is a new net system for the blueberry cage. Between Justin’s rototilling and my mowing, we have snagged and pulled down over a quarter of the netting so far!  Not going to work for the birds and deer so I must get to work on this as soon as possible!  We hung around the house and did some rearranging. I mentioned that I wanted to change out my bathroom décor and I liked the stuff in her bathroom. She is changing up the theme in the new bath in the trailer so she said she would bring me all of her old stuff. We moved out the beach themed stuff in the guest bath and put that in the main bath

and added to what was already there. Her stuff was then put in the guest room....

We still need some more and we will shop for those soon. But I like it!  We spent the remainder of the day hanging around the house. Penny and Butch came by on their way up to Salem.  We had a nice visit.  Later, we decided to go out for Chinese and headed off to Ma’s (which was the only place allowing dine-ins at this time). We came back and watched yesterday’s America’s Got Talent. It’s nice to have someone to watch tv with and talk to these days!  I am sure loving that!  


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