About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #40 – Happy Birthday and Welcoming Old Friends - A Busy Week!


Ok, another busy week and I got behind again! Sorry! Here’s another recap – this one is 7 days worth!

Thursday, June 10th., 2021…... We decided to go to Kevin’s for breakfast this morning. After that, Cathye left to work on packing. Her trailer is coming along and she wants to be ready to move in asap. The task is to 1) pack for the trailer, 2) pack for storage in my rv garage or her shed at the mobile, or, 3) leave for the estate sale.  She has also brought over clothes for when she is here. I needed to work on getting caught up writing and posting my last blog, which I was behind on.  I also wanted to finish out the shelves and get them installed. I think they look nice. I just need to get some more cars to fill them up! 

After I had all of that done, I took Rylee and we went over to Cathye’s place. I wanted to lend a hand and help sort and pack. We also spent some time planning trips. We talked about going together down to California for Lydia’s celebration, which looks like may happen in late September. She also wants us to go to New England the first part of September to meet her daughter and more of the family. She will coordinate that and I will work on details for Calif. She asked me to work in the shop, sorting out things for her shed at the trailer as well as stuff for my shop. I staged things in four piles 1) shed, 2) my storage, 3) my shop, 4) estate sale. I decided to just leave the items for the estate sale where they were so that the engine guys can have their pick when they come on Saturday to get the remaining hit and miss engines. After that, Shawn and his sales team will come through and price it all out. Boy, there is still a lot to do there!  Cathye loaded up her truck with a few items and I put some in my car.  I had Rylee with me in the Acadia so I could only fit a few boxes in there.  We met back at my place to unload. After that, she headed off to Albany to meet a friend for dinner and I ate Chinese leftovers and rested and watched tv until bedtime.     

Friday, June 11th., 2021…… The plan today was to go get the rest of the things to bring back here. I was up with Rylee and out on our walk before the rains came. The forecast today is for showers all day (and into the weekend) so I thought I would just take the car. With the seats down (and without monster puppy!) I can fit a lot of things in there.  But it cleared up so I took the truck. I headed over and we made quick work of that task. We relaxed for a bit and planned out more details for both trips.  

Saturday, June 12th., 2021……  I was up early with butthead. We did our walk and I headed over for the day. Her engine guys were coming today with a trailer to haul both the big (expensive) hit and miss motors away. They also loaded up other machine parts as well as anything else that would be a good candidate to sell at the vintage tractor / antique parts / tool sale in Brooks on June 26th.  In addition to the big-ticket engines, the guys found a lot of items and quickly had their trailer loaded. 

Cathye went and got us all lunch from A&W and they set out after they ate. Before that all happened, Josh and Allison, friends of her kids, came over and looked at a couple of machining tools that he or his buddy might be interested in. While he was there, he volunteered us to go down to the river and replace the temporary foot valve that was on the end of the hose that sucks water out for the river for irrigation on the orchard and lawn. Of course, Rylee made herself at home in the water!  

After we got that project finished, they left and the guys and us ate and they tied down their trailer and headed off.  We finally had some time to ourselves!   

Sunday, June 13th., 2021…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERRELYN!  Although it isn’t til Tuesday, today was the day we decided to celebrate Cherrelyn’s birthday. Sis booked us a table at The Cascade Grill in Albany. The only one who had been there before was Cathye, but she said it was good. Earlier, I started the day with a walk with Rylee. Then it was a couple of races before Cathye got back from running errands. Her trailer is getting close to being done! She needed to check out the progress. We had seen before that all of the cabinets on the sink wall were backwards!  Meaning that the doors opened in the wrong direction from the sink. We had made a note and told Taz about it and he would be fixing it. I also noticed that the pantry cabinet needed to be raised about 4” or so to match the base cabinets and flow better and that we discussed earlier in the week so we needed to see if anything was done yet. Nope.  Once that was done, we came back home and rested and then headed off to pick up the girls for the ride over to the restaurant. Hope it’s good! 

Turned out it was!  The wine and jack & coke were flowing so the girls had a very good time. And the meal was good too. I had one beer at the beginning as I was driving later but it was still a fun evening! 

We took the girls back home and came home to rest from the day.

Monday, June 14th., 2021…… Since my acupuncture appointment was moved to tomorrow morning, I had nothing planned today. Cathye was continuing her ongoing task of sorting and boxing up the contents of her house. I went over and helped. We started in on where she was working – in the hobby room. We had moved a lot of miscellaneous boxes in here and went through a lot of those. I only stayed a few hours because I needed to get back to let butthead out. She continued after I left and said we made a dent in that room!  Still, a lot to do!

Tuesday, June 15th., 2021…… I had a bunch of things on my list for today!  Cathye went with me for my acupuncture appointment and met Bonnie.  After that, we went to breakfast and then stopped at the trailer to check on progress. Also, I needed to check in with Kirk, first about his dad, and then to ask about when he might be getting over to her place to start the front yard project. Cathye’s realtor is coming tomorrow and they will sign the agreement to list so she will want to give us a date for pictures for listing. Of course, most of the estate sale’s items will be staying because they are staged/set up throughout the house, complete with prices on them. That’s the rub for the realtor pics! But still, she/we need to get as much out as possible so the place looks more attractive to online potential clients. If we can also get the flowerbeds cleaned up and mulched, that will help the curb appeal. I also have made a few calls to get the best supplier for gravel. I found a guy and ordered 10 cubic yards for the 2nd carport area behind the rv garage. That’s coming Thursday. I also have been coordinating with my high school buddy, Ray Newham, who is in Oregon with his lady, Darlene, visiting her family down in Grants Pass area. They will be coming up here to visit/stay and we worked on days and times. It will be Thursday - for the day, staying the night, and heading back down early Friday.  That will be fun because I haven’t seen them in a long time!  

Wednesday, June 16th., 2021…… Rylee had a vet appointment this morning which worked out because Ray and Darlene wouldn’t be getting here until after noon. Cathye was also meeting with Jamie, her realtor this morning and worked around the house before she got there. Rylee’s appointment was pretty easy. I parked in their lot and called and they came out and got her (still covid protocol here) and checked her out and gave her the required shots and brought her back out in record time!  No issues – just reminding me to be easy with the treats! They said I need to get her some dental bones to help clean up a few tough areas in her back teeth.  I got her back home and waited for Ray and Darlene to arrive. They made it with no issues. I gave them the tour and then we rested for a few minutes and then we headed out. I drove them through town and then we went to Cathye’s via Brownsville. They said that the movie Stand By Me was one of their favorites so as we drove through town I took time to show them where a lot of the scenes were filmed.  When we arrived at Cathye’s, her realtor and her were just finishing up and were doing a walk around and were also putting out a ‘Coming Soon” realtor sign up in her front yard. So, I took them on a tour of the house and outbuildings. They were amazed at the items they saw!  They didn’t see it before any of the sales but it is still overwhelming even now.  Once we were done with the tour, I drove us over to Sweet Home and we went to The Point for dinner. After that, we drove around Foster Lake and then dropped Cathye off and headed back to the house. She joined us and we sat around and relaxed and watched the day go by. Darlene asked if we were up for cards so we went in and played a game called ‘2500’. It was easy to learn and fun. Ray remembered me teaching him Casino back years ago so I dealt the cards for that and we relearned it together. After a while, we had it again and the girls picked it up too. After a quick teach of Sevens’ we saw it was 10:30 so we called it and headed off to bed.      

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