About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, June 4, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #38 – More Work, Time Off to Relax, & Still More Work!


Sunday, May 30th., 2021…... Today I spent time with Cathye at her house. Our job today was to work in the front garage and get all of the remaining radios down and moved to the other room. I also got everything else off the walls and out of the drawers and sorted and boxed for the sale. It was hot and dirty work!  But we managed to get a lot done and I went home happy knowing she was one more step closer to getting things ready.

Monday, May 31st., 2021…… Memorial Day!  Time to reflect on those past heroes who gave their lives to our country. We salute you and will remember you always!

Today we headed off to play. Cathye’s friends and her always try to do a picnic on Memorial Day. This time it was at Pioneer Park in Brownsville.  She asked each person to make their spouse’s favorite picnic item. Of course, I had over 400 recipes to choose from!  I took the easy route and made ice cream sandwich cake.  I put it together the night before and froze it so it would be ready to eat later today. It worked out perfectly and thawed just in time to cut and serve easily. I met several more of her friends and their dogs.

I had Rylee and we took off for a walk and went to the nearby Calapooia River for a swim. My camera was in my pocket and I was concentrating on not getting it wet so no pics of her swimming in the water. Dang it! It was her first doggie paddle since I can’t take her to Santiam River which is too fast moving. She panicked at first but settled down and enjoyed it later!  Once we got back home, she sacked out on the floor!  Later, Chuck came by and we talked a bit about graded the area directly behind the rv garage. I need to do this for a couple of reasons. First, I need a transition from my rv pad to the back field and right now it’s a 5” drop. When Chuck comes here in a few weeks to hay the ‘west 40’, his equipment will likely break the concrete at the edge. I also want more gravel there for another carport for the future. That carport will house Cathye’s little Shasta trailer as well as any of the trailers and implements I’m bringing here to use and store. In gaining that large graveled space, I will also have that much less lawn to mow in the future!  We made a plan about how to deal with the task and what to do with the grass and dirt removed. Chuck will start tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 1st., 2021……  I had an early appointment with my acupuncturist and headed off for that. The weather is really hot this week. Temps in the 90s. After I got home and rested a bit, I hooked the flatbed trailer up.  Chuck brought his tractor with an attachment to rototill the grass. He worked it several time and then used the bucket to move it and stack it up in a large pile.

While he was doing that, I took off for Cathye’s. The plan today was to load up anything I wanted for my place. They were going to sell a bunch of lumber and plywood so I got that. I also got a patio heater which was almost brand new. This will go on our new patio whenever I can get around to getting going on that project. I got a sprayer and a trailer for it to pull behind the mower. After the house sells, we will also be bringing her lawn tractor and using it here in the future. When I got everything loaded and tied down, she followed me back to the house to help me unload and store it. Jama rolled in Chuck’s new dirt hole and when Cathye went to put her in the pool, she turned on the faucet and the water pressure made the hose and nozzle take off!  It smacked her in the ankle and left a huge bump. I iced it down for her but we thought she needed to have it looked at. I kept Jama and she headed off to the doctor’s office. She called later and said it was just a contusion and will likely bruise up. She headed off home because there were guys coming to price radios and move more stuff around. I told her to just find a spot in the shade and sit with her foot elevated and bark out orders from her chair! LOL!  

Wednesday, June 2nd., 2021……  Chuck came back and brought a load of gravel for the transition. He only brought 3 cubic yards but that will work for his equipment. I will order another 10-12 cubic yards for the rest of the project but not today.  

Thursday, June 3rd., 2021……  This morning I had another Dr’s appointment. This time it for a medicare wellness check. This is where they evaluate you to make sure you can still function on your own and don’t need assistance at home. I had to draw a clock and show the time as 1:30. I was tempted to just write 1:30 and tell them it was a digital clock!  But all in all, I think I passed all of the tests.  We also talked about changing back my asthma inhaler and got that going.  Once I was done, I went back over to work. Today was the last push because the sale is Saturday.  This sale is just for the radioheads and their spouses so a lot of the other areas will be closed off. But we needed to tidy those areas as well as clean the house because his collection has the high-end models in there. I worked with Sean and his team of two ladies and we got it all done.  Cathye’s ankle is way better but I am making her take it easy for a few days.  I came home and rested and watched tv until bedtime. Long day!


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