About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #43 – Getting the Field Hayed and Dealing With the Heat!


Saturday, June 26th., 2021…... We woke up early this morning because we had a busy day. The temps here are skyrocketing!  They say we will be at 113º here tomorrow!  It’s hot already. The plan today was to eat, walk the dogs, get them fed, have breakfast, then head up to Brooks (about 50 miles and just above Salem) to the Powerland Heritage Park, which is an event center that houses museums and spaces that reflect the preservation, restoration, and operation of antique equipment, vehicles, machinery, and farm implements. They have antique swap meets there it was this weekend and her engine guys have taken the last two of the remaining engines up there on a trailer, along with other misc. parts which they hoped to sell. We went up to check on things and to collect any monies due her. Even though it was super hot at 10:00am and some of the vendors were already packing up for the day, turns out she did ok. They sold one of the engines and the other will be taken by one of the guys and brought back for the ‘steam up’ weekend coming next month. Jim was very highly respected in the field and his engines will be run and will be in honor of him. That makes Cathye and me very happy.  After collecting her money and visiting for a bit (plus I got a special vip guided tour of the engine building), we headed out and stopped for lunch before getting back home to the comfort of the ac in the house!  Once we felt next to normal again, we went back out.  She headed down to her house to work on boxing up and prepping for the pics on Tuesday, while I went off to Albany to see if I could find a handle/lock for the shed at the trailer. The lock had been broken and I wanted to replace the whole thing. Couldn’t find anything that would work so we went by the local locksmith to see what could be done. They wouldn’t guarantee the $20.00 re-key fee unless they had the lock. So, we will have to do that another time. I had planned to mow this evening like the other night but it was just too danged hot!   

Sunday, June 27th., 2021…… We woke up early and got the dogs walked and fed. Cathye went out and picked blueberries. Not all are ripe yet but those that were, got put into her bucket. 

Meanwhile, I got out the zero turn and mowed and bagged the rest of the yard, then took the catcher off and did the field before it got hot (She got me in the pic above!).  I did take a break along the way because Cathye made me a delicious breakfast!

After I got everything cleaned up and put away, I turned the water on for the blueberries and also on the area next to the garage (that doesn’t have sprinklers!).  I came in and rested and watched races and auctions for the rest of the day. That was, until Chuck showed up to bale the hay. Apparently, it was ready!  But we didn’t hear him come the first time and turn it over and position it in rows for the baler, because when we saw him, he was making bales. 215 to be exact. I took Rylee’s new pool out and blew it up and filled it so she could cool off. Later, the heat dissipated a little and we sat outside for a while. Cathye made strawberry shakes. Yummy!

We came back in and watched more of the Tour de France before calling it a night.    

Monday, June 28th., 2021…… Another scorcher today!  Now the revised report says today will be hot for the most part but we could look to the coastal winds coming in and it is expected to cool off later this evening. We got up early and walked the dogs and got the plants watered and she took off to go work at her house and I went to my 8:00am acupuncture appointment. Then I took Jama to the groomers for her spa day and came back and loaded up the garden tractor and took it out to get the blade adjustment mechanism checked out and fixed. Then I came back and dropped off the flatbed. I headed back out to get some breakfast. Later, when Cathye was back, oh yeah, she went and picked up the princess,

we went by the trailer and I took the lock off the shed door and we took it over to the locksmith. We also stopped by Lowes where she found an umbrella for her patio at the trailer. I also bought a hasp which I went ahead and put on the shed when we got back. Better be safe than sorry! Later, we had dinner and later still, Chuck came back with his tractor and moved and stacked part of the bales for loading. 

He worked until dark and will be back tomorrow to do the rest. The night was very comfortable. Those coastal winds finally showed up and were cooling things off! Yaaay!

Tuesday, June 29th., 2021…… Today was very nice!  Back into the 80s but way better than the last week! Today was picture day at the Crawfordsville house. Her realtor was coming at 9:00am so we got up early and she took off to finish cleaning up what she could. There are still tons of ‘for sale’ items all over the house but not much can be done to hide that. Oh well! Meanwhile, I walked Rylee and then went and got breakfast. Then I went to work on the blog to try to catch up on the past several days. I also had an 11:00am ‘mediumship’ meeting via zoom. This was my Father’s Day gift from the kids. I needed to have the zoom opened and we started right on time. It lasted for 45 minutes. Sharon ‘connected‘ with 3-4 friends/family and she gave me some insights as to their feelings. I’m choosing to not share any more of that here. Cathye got back and rested while I worked on the blog. Later, we took off and went to pick up the lock for the shed. Turns out they couldn’t get the key to work correctly so I am back to square one. I think the hasp will have to be the ticket for now. We drove on over to her place and looked for her prescription bottle that was misplaced or inadvertently packed in one of the move boxes. No luck and we didn’t find it later at home or in any of the cars so she will be calling in to her pharmacy tomorrow to get it replaced. We came back home and she fixed mac and cheese, which was yummy! And we settled in and relaxed and watched tv until bedtime.     

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