About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #42 – Checking on Things & Cooling Off


Note: I found several errors in my last blog. Fixed those if you want to re-read.

Tuesday, June 22nd., 2021…... Today would have been our 53rd. anniversary! I was alone for part of the day to reflect on all of that but I was also very happy to have someone to be with for the rest of the day! Cathye headed back home with her friend Terri who was going to help her clean/box up the rest of the kitchen stuff. I was waiting for Kirk’s guys to arrive to get them started on weeding around the back porch at my place. I left them and went to go meet up with Kirk at Cathye’s. The guys were going to come over and work on the front landscaping and mulch everything. Problem was they didn’t make it and neither did Kirk. At least for the morning hours. I left and came back home with a load of radios for my trash. These are the ones that were priced at $5.00 and were either not working or hadn’t been tested. They were set outside and got rained on before the tarp was put over them. Plus, the table collapsed and they were all on the ground. No harm to toss them!  When I got back to the house, Kirk was there and was unloading his mowers and such so he could go get a load of mulch to take over. So, I headed back over and walked him through what was needed in the front yard. They got everything done but I added an extra job of creating a flower bed out by her rail fenceline and he needed to come back with more mulch and it also needed to be rototilled around the area to clean it up. We and came home to rest and shower and have dinner and relax for the night. We watched yesterday's taped America's Got Talent. I'll be glad when they get through all of the crazy stupid acts and get down to the real talent elimination!    

Wednesday, June 23rd., 2021…… I have been having trouble with my laptop for sometime now. When I go on, it takes a long time to boot up and freezes up a lot. I brought Lydia's in and set them up side by side. Hers is lightening fast so I know it's not an internet or modem problem so I know it will need to be looked at soon!  I have everything on a flashdrive so I can always move it to the other laptop. After we got up and showered and dressed, Cathye and I took the dogs out for their morning walk. Jama is right beside Rylee on their leashes heading up and back on the road!  She made us breakfast and went off to her volunteer work at the Sweet Home food bank. I went out and worked on that pesky west side sprinkler system. Seems like every time I turn around, there is another line that I discover that is plugged or broken. There is also an oscillating yard sprinkler that wasn’t moving and I found I couldn’t fix it so I needed to get another one to replace that. Later, I headed over to her place where she and was boxing up Jim’s clothes. She found she needed help with that and Robin came by to assist. Robin brought her van and I helped her load up one of Jim’s floor model radios that she had asked for and was being excluded from the sale but we needed it out of there just in case. I was also there today to check Kirk’s job and to make sure everything was good with Cathye out there. He did a nice job and the place has way better curb appeal than ever!   

When we got back home for the day, I went to work and made us tacos for dinner. She said she liked my tacos! Good, because I always make plenty for leftovers! We have really gotten into the new cooking show called Crime Scene Kitchen. I had to go back and catch the second and third shows on demand and we watched them and are now caught up. Can’t wait for the next one!  

Thursday, June 24th., 2021…… Today was a day off from work. The temps today would be in the 90s so we decided to take off. But we did go around to her trailer to check on the progress. They are pretty close to finishing up the little stuff. They are waiting for the appliances to arrive. The carpet and the countertops are also behind their expected delivery date. The plumber ran into a bad water line (which he definitely broke but is not claiming responsibility) which flooded up through the floor ducts. Luckily, they caught it in time so no water damage anywhere. She was told that only one element of the (electric) water heater was operational and since it’s over 10 years old, she has asked Taz to go ahead and replace it. Thankfully, they are readily available. After checking everything, we took off and headed over to Albany to hit Lowes and Home Depot. We were looking for pots for my place and I still needed to stock up on those sprinkler risers and waterers that I needed. Cathye needed ten more drawer handles. We found everything we wanted and brought all of that back home. After a few minutes to rest up, we loaded up the dogs and took chairs and drinks and cherries and chips and drove to Brownsville to hit the park and the river. Rylee sure likes swimming! 

This section we were in was deep enough that I couldn’t touch out in the middle so she got in some good laps.  Both she and Jama had a good time and cooled off. Cathye and I had a nice swim too and after we dried up the pooches, we both went back to the car and shed our swimming trunks and drove home in just our skivvies!   At least we had on clean underwear like our momma’s always told us!  Thank God we didn’t get into an accident!  We got back home and took everything out to the porch to dry out before it went to the laundry. We ate leftover tacos and watched a few more tv programs before calling it a night.       

Friday, June 25th., 2021…… This morning we woke up with plans. After our morning walk with the dogs, we are heading out. First up is Kevin’s for breakfast, then Walmart to get another pool for butthead, then we are picking up Terri to take her to Eugene to the airport. After a nice easy drive, we dropped her off, then headed over to Best Buy to get something for my laptops. I have given Cathye the craft room and she will set up her laptop there for the time being. I moved Lydia’s laptop out of there and put it in my office. I am trying to figure out how to make my full-size auxiliary keyboard work both laptops. I think a 4-port hub will work and we found that there. Next up was Tractor Supply which was on the way home. I was looking for tires for the sprayer trailer. I found them and we headed back, stopping by her place to check to see if Eric (a close friend of her grandson and ‘adopted’ by C) was feeding her cat and watering her flowers like he said he would do while staying there (he is currently in a tift with his girlfriend and this was a good place for him to be).  I guess he hadn’t fulfilled his promise because the cat met us at her food bag and dug right in. None of the flowers had seen any water and that was verified by finding the water hose lying in the exact place in the blueberries where she left it! She has since told him he didn’t need to stay there anymore so hopefully he will patch up his relationship real soon!  That’s unfortunate since all of Cathye’s stuff is packed and ready for the move. But all is well and I am glad she is with me and we will work out times to get back there when to do maintenance when she’s not working on the rest of the move and the estate sale. We got back to the house and rested for a bit and I turned the sprinklers on the blueberries while we went to get our hair cut. Once we got back, Cathye made us dinner and I got the mowers gassed up for later in the evening. As I said, it’s in the 90s here so we waited until after 7:00pm to go out and start the mowing. It doesn’t get dark up here until around 10:00pm but we had a few hiccups with the tractor

so we only got the lawn mowed. The field will have to wait until we get this reoccurring problem resolved.  It cooled off nicely and was very comfortable. As a matter of fact, the neighbors went out and all of them were mowing in the evening as well. We came back in and showered and rested and watched tv until bedtime.    


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