About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #41 – A Busy Few Days…


Thursday, June 17th., 2021…... Everybody was up and going early. We had coffee and then headed off to Kevin’s for breakfast. Once we were back from that, they loaded up their dog (Hope) and we said our goodbyes and they headed out. They were trying to get back to Grants Pass so they could go pick up their granddaughter from school.  After they left, we went back over to the house to do some work. I wanted to load up some of the boxes that Cathye has packed for the trailer. They will have to go into her shed because the place isn’t ready yet. We also talked about what work is needed on the outside. She will be having Eric come over tomorrow to start weed whacking. He will also be trimming the trees out front. I’m trying to help with the curb appeal for drive-byes. Plus, it will help prior to Kirk and his team working on the flower beds and such next week.  Meanwhile, a lot of items are getting boxed up throughout the house. Most of the dishes and cookware are packed up in those boxes I am taking so she came back to the house to stay until we can get her moved in the trailer. They are waiting for appliances and carpeting and still have moulding and touchup work to complete. Taz’s wife has been helping him, all the way through her pregnancy!  She is ready any day now!   

Friday, June 18th., 2021…… Today was Sis’s surgery. Her neighbor is taking her in (and picking her up).  It’s outpatient but they have to check in early, so I went over and walked Quincy. Cherrelyn is home working and will feed her. Cathye left to go back and get Eric started on his work and she continued on her boxing task. I need to hang around the house today to work on the sprinklers on the west side of the driveway. I already have the parts so it was a quick job. Good thing I stayed around here because Chuck dropped in and said he would be back in a few minutes with his tractor to spread the load of gravel. I stayed out there with him and helped shovel and push rock around and we got the 10 yards distributed as best as we could. Looks like I’ll need another 3 yards which he can go get in his truck (it has a dump bed). He left to go on to another job and I rested for a few hours and then went to Walmart to get a few things and to pick up a new pool for Rylee. This time, I am trying an inflatable. We’ll see if she keeps it aired up or pops it!  Turns out I was the one who popped it!  Actually, I caught it on a door corner and put a hole in it which I had to patch. I got it inflated, though, and added water. It took a few minutes for her to jump in but once she did, she was a happy girl!   Later, after we both got cleaned up and back together, we went over to see Penny, stopping on the way to get her prescription from the pharmacy. Cathye had re-potted a lavender plant and we gave that to her for planting down the road. She is in some pain but is doing well. She said everything went well but she will need to recover so I will be going back to walk Q for a few more days. We left her to rest and stopped at Hangry’s and got dinner to bring home. We watched tv until bedtime. We were both worn out after a long day!  

Saturday, June 19th., 2021……  I was up and out early to walk butthead and then went off to walk Q. Meanwhile, Cathye showered and dressed and made breakfast. Boy, I am enjoying this!  I cleaned up the dishes and she headed back home. Eric got a lot of stuff done yesterday and Corey will be joining him today to do the rest. She went back to coordinate that. I went out and checked and found my patch on the pool didn’t hold and the bottom ring (of three) was out of air. Oops!  I’ll leave it that way for a few days to see if she is good with the pool and doesn’t damage it further. If she doesn’t hurt it, I will go get another one to replace it. We are going to the neighbor’s house later today for a graduation party. Paul and Corie’s youngest daughter, Hannah, is the last to graduate. They told us last week they are going to sell the house and move to Texas. Apparently, it is a red/blue thing. More on that later…

Cathye got here around 2:00pm and we headed over to the open house. We had a nice time but didn’t stay long. Corie says they are super conservatives and just can’t tolerate the state politics here nowadays. They think Texas will be the ticket.  Hmmm!  Not sure when they will list but they have been working on everything and it looks great and is ready to sell and will surely get top dollar! We came back home and I changed and went out to fix yet another sprinkler line that I had missed before and noticed this morning when I walked Rylee. Again, I have the parts and hopefully this will be the end of the fixes for the season. We decided to have a light snack since we ate at the party. We watched tv until bedtime.  

Sunday, June 20th., 2021…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREASA!  HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Sis needed another day to rest so I went over and walked Quincy again. Today’s walk was short because Q is huffing and puffing more and more these days so the walks are shorter. Penny gave me a couple of huge bones for Rylee because Quincy wasn’t interested. I took them home for later. We decided to take today off. Cathye made us breakfast (I’m going to get spoiled!) and then headed off to church and I planned to go get Rylee a new pool and then work on the sprinklers. I watched my races and didn’t do the sprinklers but went and checked out the pool.  The bottom ring was flat but the rest of the pool held. Rylee was a little hesitant to jump over and in but she loves the water so much, she came around!


Jama wasn’t interest in the slightest!  The weather here has been in the high 80s-low 90s so we will be in there soon! I dried Rylee off and we settled in on the porch and had a fireball and then went in to watch tv. I gave Rylee one of the bones and she went off to chew on it. Little shy Jama decided to try to sneak a bite and Rylee growled at her. That was a first!  So, I got out the other bone and they each enjoyed their new treats! 

Eventually, I took them away for another day!  The girls were good to go and you can see they are relaxed with each other.

Monday, June 21st., 2021…… We got up early and had the dogs walked before it got hot. Nothing on the agenda for today, so we decided to go check on the trailer. Cathye and her friend had seen it yesterday and we wanted to touch base with Taz about a few issues they found. We got most of it resolved and then went on to breakfast at Kevin’s and then headed over to Home Depot and Lowes in Albany. She was looking for door pulls for her kitchen and I wanted to try to find some nice large pots for flowers for the back porch area. We both got what we were looking for and headed out. Then we went to Peoria Farms, a local nursery/fruit stand. I had seen some giant hanging flowerpots there that I liked and decided that nothing else was going to work. They were $64.95 each but I thought, “What the heck, just do it!”  We picked out two nice ones and headed back home and got them hung and watered in. I think they really set off the front porch! Plus, when the lady rang them up, she charged me for the smaller ones, which were $36.95 each. So I got a real bargain! 

I even went into my calendar and added reminders to water them! Cathye loves her plants and I know will be adding stuff to the pots and the flowerbeds as time goes on. Later, because it was too hot (91º) we were inside with the air on watching tv (well, I was watching my race and Cathye was on her phone playing a game) and Chuck appeared on the back porch. He was just telling us he was dropping off his grass cutter attachment for later in the week when he plans to hay the ‘west 40’.   An hour or so later we went out to put the net around the blueberries. The roof was fine but I needed to re-net the sides and with Cathye’s help, we made quick work of that. The net is really fine and hard to see in the pic but it's there!


The blueberries are plentiful and we want to keep the birds and the deer out of them, so this was badly needed now!  I re-installed my rainbird sprinkler and got that going. Once finished, we were done for the day!    

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