About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #45 – Moving Bits and Pieces & Hitting a Yard Sale


Tuesday, July 6th., 2021…...  We are back in a relaxed feeling. The holiday is over, the hay is done, I have my carport on order, the weather is nice, work is soon going to go on at Cathye’s trailer again, and we are able to take time to work on little things, like paying bills, making appointments, grocery shopping, etc. We went out after walking and feeding the girls and had breakfast. After that, we stopped at Walmart and did some serious shopping and got a lot of things stocked up. Then it was time to work on bills and the blog. I did the blog and she did her bills. After that, she needed to make some calls to have utilities turned off at one place and turned on at the other. Then she had to go to the bank and check in with the contractor and pick up her mail. I had a bite to eat and relaxed from the morning’s activities. Later, I worked on my bills and my spreadsheet. We needed to get some blueberries picked before they fell off! There are tons this year!  Cathye had picked some a few days ago and has frozen those. Today, she got 3 bags like this one,


From just one third of one bush! There are 5 bushes but one is about done so it will be replaced after the season. Also, the grapes are looking good this year! Looking at the vines, I can see ‘bunches of bunches’.  Can’t wait for those because they are really tasty!    

Wednesday, July 7th., 2021…… Cathye works at her food bank volunteer job on Wednesdays so she took off and did that. I worked here on the sprinklers and really gave up after a few minutes. I came in and watched the Tour for a few hours. Once Cathye got back home, we headed over to her place to meet up with Sean (Cathye’s plumber at the trailer). He came by her house and he and his wife picked through what was left from the foundry pick on Saturday.  I helped them load that up and they left and we sorted things for the next load. Piles were 1) stuff for the trailer, and 2) stuff for the Shasta trailer.  We brought back the Shasta stuff to be stored here. The Shasta will be moved over here - probably the last thing to go from her house since it’s under cover there. If the carport gets installed here sooner than expected, we can always go get it.  We staged a bunch of stuff for the storage shed for pickup tomorrow. We got back home and took the dogs out. Rylee’s pool is unusable – oops, not true!  I made it work!  I lined it with an old tarp and filled it with water. Boy, I am a real Oregon redneck now!  No worries - I have a new one on order. Should be here next week.

Thursday, July 8th., 2021…… We took the pups out for their walk and the went out to meet sis for breakfast at Kevin’s. She came back later and we all went over to scout out a sale location being run by Mark. Mark usually works for Shawn but does his own sales from time to time.  He told us there were tons of things we would like. He wasn’t kidding. Penny and Cathye found tons of things but they weren’t allowed to ‘shop’.  They plan on coming back tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have Cathye’s 7-year-old great grandson, Brandon.  His dad is working for Mark at the sale. We came back and hung around the house for most of the day. We did take off later to run over and work around the house.  We loaded up the stuff for the storage shed and then watered the flowers.   Cathye made me pose like this for a fun pic!


Friday, July 9th., 2021……  The girls met up early and went to Mark’s estate sale. Corey had dropped Brandon here earlier. I stayed home and tried to catch up on my bike races. When they got back (yes, they found tons of stuff!), we loaded up in her truck and went over to Crawfordsville to work on the house and to meet with Mike Lummus. Mike is Jim’s son and lives in Tillamook. He was coming down today with his three kids for an outing (they stopped at the carousel in Albany) and also to pick up a fridge from the house. I was there to help and he sure needed it. This was on old rounded top fridge form the 50s and was probably twice as heavy as a modern one! But we got it loaded on his truck and strapped down with only minor issues. We came back to the house and dropped off Penny and headed off to Philomath (just SW of Corvallis) to go look at a glass-top kitchen table I found on Facebook Marketplace. It was priced right at $100. – if it was in good shape. Turns out it was and I was able to get it for $80.00!  Score!  We loaded it up in the truck - with Brandon ‘under glass’ in the back seat!.

We went back by the trailer and dropped it off at the storage shed. We weren’t eating at home tonight so when we got home, we kicked back for an hour and then headed over to Sweet Home to the ‘Cruise the Gut’, night, which is a cruise of old cars from The Pointe Restaurant to A&W Drive-in.  We parked at A&W and got a table and had dinner. I brought my chairs and we sat out in the parking lot and saw the cars come and go. Her girls were there and we all picked our favorites!     

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