About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #47 – Getting Ready for the Estate Sale & Enjoying the Fair!


Wednesday, July 14th., 2021……  The weather is really nice here this week. Yes, Oregon is seeing many, many fires already, but so far (knock on wood!), none of it has been in our immediate area. And the winds have been in our favor so no smoke so far.  I do feel for those folks in those areas!  Thoughts and prayers go out to them.

I forgot to mention yesterday about Kirk’s guys being here installing bark mulch. His dad is on hospice and Kirk is home with him but took time to call and order a delivery for the house. Justin and his brother brought a little atv with a dump bed and managed to get the first batch distributed. I will need a lot more, but I’m glad to get going on this. Cathye took off this morning to go help the estate folks price and stage her stuff. The sale will be 7/31-8/1. She is hoping to be in her place by then and that means all of her personal stuff and all of the furniture (that she’s not selling) will be out of there.  We have a ton of folks standing by whenever we can start that move. Options are to leave it with nfs tags or move it here for storage. We’re still hopeful it can go to the mobile soon!  Meanwhile, I stayed home and worked on the house. I heard from friends who are traveling in the NW that they might be able to stop by on their way back home, so I wanted to clean up around the house a bit. It turns out they couldn’t find the time but it made me clean up so all is not lost! Cathye got back and I finished up watching the Tour de France (stage 17 – they finish up this weekend) and then we had dinner and then headed back over to her place to load up some things. Once we got back and unloaded – some of the stuff here, and some at her mobile - we relaxed and watched tv until bedtime.  

Thursday, July 15th., 2021……  A pretty busy day. After breakfast, I went out and hooked up the flatbed trailer to my truck and we went over to the house again.  Corey was there mowing and we had Cathye’s new trailer cover to try out. I also wanted to load up anything that needed the trailer. We got her little restored Bolens antique tractor and the plow that goes with it, and her rolling toolbox. After Corey finished with the lawn, we loaded up her John Deere lawn tractor and several other things to take to either my place or hers. With Corey’s help, I got the cover on the Shasta. It looks really good. 

This Shasta model has the little wings on the back and they made the cover to fit those perfectly! It will work nicely when we bring the trailer over her for the carport, since it will not have sides or a back. The cover will help keep the weather off. Sean and his team were also there today, tagging and pricing items and staging them in the shops and in the house. Even though the sale is not until the end of July, there is still a lot of items and a lot of work to be done! We left them working and headed back to unload at both places. I took some time to start up my motorhome too while we were in the rv garage. I had put the starter batteries on the charger a few days ago and so far, they are holding a charge and the coach has been starting up with no problems. Once we got everything unloaded, we showered and headed off to Albany to go to the Linn County Fair.  We were meeting her friends there to see Fate 55, which is a long-time local band of old guys who play 70s soft rock and roll. They are well known around here and the girls have been ‘followers’ for a long time. The lead singer, Donny, who works for the local car dealer, sold Cathye and her son and some of the other girls their cars.  I liked them! They were the lead-in group for the name band for the night – Blue Oyster Cult. We didn’t stay for them but we had a chance to walk around the fair a bit and saw the rodeo and watched some of the rides in the amusement park. We also watched a rodeo and went through the 4H buildings.

Like I said, it was a busy day!  When we got home, I got a call from Kirk telling me his dad had passed. He had been diagnosed with cancer about the same time as Lydia. Prayers to the family…

Friday, July 16th., 2021…...  Today, we didn’t have too much on the list – a mani/pedi at a new (to us) nail place in town. It wasn’t until we planned on going over for another load at the house when things got busy. Kirk called and said he was having another load of mulch delivered today and his guys were coming to work on that, Chuck called and said he was bringing over another load of gravel for the carport pad, plus he would also be back to start loading up the dirt/grass pile for his mulch pile at home.  He would also like to come back with his brush hog and fine cut the field - after he got all of the hay cut and hauled out. He showed up and got that done too!  So, what did we do – we went and got our toes done!  Ok, we also went and got that other load so we did participate in something!  Later, Cathye made us ravioli for dinner and we settled in and watched a movie. She had never seen one of my top five favorites – The Sandlot – so we watched that tonight. She loved it!   

Saturday, July 17th., 2021…… Today was farmer’s market day!  We walked the dogs and then loaded them up and hit McDonald’s on our way to Corvallis. The market there is small but they have a pretty good variety of produce and fruits plus they have pupusas! I wrote about these way back when we first went there in 2017. They are thick griddle flatbreads made from corn or rice flour, stuffed with meat or beans, and originate from El Salvador and Honduras. Kind of like a gordita. I fell in love with them then so I went looking today for their booth!   Even though we had breakfast I got us one to share. I got one stuffed with pork. For a side dish, they also include a cabbage salad which has added red salsa to it that makes it hot! Meanwhile, Cathye went across the aisle and got us a strawberry and cream cheese crepe. We took them to the park tables and enjoyed our second breakfast! While we were in the river walk area, we took some pics.

The dogs enjoyed the walk. Rylee got a lot of pets from the customers and sellers.  Of course, princess Jama got a lot of attention in her stroller too! We bought some veggies and flowers and headed back home for the day.

Once we got everything, we headed home and rested from the morning. I installed a bracket to hang up the hummingbird feeder that sis had given to Cathye. She filled it up and, in a few hours, we had attendees to the party!


I think we’ll move it to a chain hanger out toward the outside of the porch so we can see it from the living room. Later, we had a nice dinner of leftovers and watched tv until bedtime.   

Sunday, July 18th., 2021……  The weather has been holding up in the 80s for the last week. We were going to mow last evening but got lazy. I wanted to mow today but forgot to turn off the sprinklers so the lawn was way too wet this morning.  Besides, we were going to church! Cathye and the girls have been going to a place in Sweet Home since they started up many years ago. It’s called Riverside Christian Church. It’s small and in a hanger just off the Santiam River. She introduced me to everyone (who all said they knew me already from her facebook posts!) and we settled in for the service. I enjoyed everything and everyone. Nick, who spoke today was especially moving and I will go back again.  Since Crawfordsville is almost on the way home, we stopped by and did the watering and fed the cat. A little info on the cat. Her mobile home park is not thrilled with outside animals and this cat is pretty much free range so when she finally moves out, the cat will go to the people next door since she spends a lot of time over there anyway. We got back home and decided to wait again on the lawn. We hung around the house until Cathye left to go to a wedding shower and I watched the last day of the Tour de France and also some races. We both had a late lunch so when she got back home, we skipped dinner and settled in and watched tv until calling it a night.      


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