About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #48 – A Little Back Pain & More Visitors


Monday, July 19th., 2021……  Cathye went to work at her place after breakfast and I stayed home to work on my blog. I did another test on the motorhome and it started again.  Yaay! We will need to get it out and cleaned up soon. I also want to take it on a short weekend trip around here somewhere to do a shakedown run on everything. I talked with Randy this morning. He got his new dirt bike. It had been on order for a long time and he’s thrilled to finally get it!

We talked about Mom’s celebration in September and he gave me an update on his main bed/bath renovation. He’s glad it’s almost done! He also said that California may go back to required mask wearing again soon.  Damned virus!  Hope that doesn’t affect Lydia’s COL….

Once Cathye got back, we had lunch then worked on a few things around the house.  Later in the day, my back tightened up and I was done. This happens once or twice a year. I think it’s a sciatica issue. More on that later…. 

Tuesday, July 20th., 2021……  This morning we slept in later than usual. Cathye had to run out to the house in Crawfordsville to do a few things. The guys were there tagging and pricing and staging the house. Most of the outbuildings are done and ready for next week’s sale. She has a few big pieces that are not for sale so they segregated them from the rest and tagged them not for sale.  Except for a few items in the fridge, there is no food left in the house. So, she packed up what was left and brought it here. She will keep drinks there for the workers at the sale and will bring over meat and buns and stuff to make bbq sliders when they are there. I hung around the house and was here when the guy showed up with the third and fourth loads of mulch for the flowerbeds. Kirk and his three guys were all here today and they distributed everything around. We figure we will still need at least one more 10 yd delivery, maybe a little more, to finish up. That will be next week. But it looks good!


Rylee was out with the guys but decided that it was a lot cooler laying in the flowerbeds!

Later, I got a call that my mower was ready for pickup. This one has been in the shop for several weeks and they finally got it fixed. Turns out it was just a muffler bolt that was interfering with the raise/lower mechanism for the cutter. The found it and cut it and I was now good to go free of charge!  Or so I thought!  When he went out to start it, it didn’t turn over. After a long lengthy diagnosis, it was determined that the starter had froze up. I would need another one and it would be Friday before it came in. Oh great!  But we now have Cathye’s John Deere tractor so we were good to go. But I still had to come back emptyhanded. 

After the guys left and Cathye got back, we headed out to get some dinner and came home and relaxed and caught up on three on-demand episodes of The Great Food Truck Race that I had missed last month!  Lydia and I really liked this series and Cathye is now into it too!         

Wednesday, July 21st., 2021…...  We were up and going early this morning.  Mowing the lawn was on my agenda today. Even with my sciatica, I can sit on the mower and can even move the grass bags into the truck with little issues. I have been doing a few simple exercises that help a little but Cathye had me doing a new one and that works! Plus, she is doing the lower back massages on me and that helps too!  Such a sweetie! Before we started on the lawn, I got a call from Cascade Power that the part had come in earlier than expected and it was ready for pickup!  So, we headed over and got that done. Now we have three mowers. I called sis and she said she would be over after bingo at the senior center. Oh yeah, I forgot they had started that up again! So, I took Cathye and we played bingo for an hour and a half. The new caller has a new way to play.  They have no monies collected and now have one donated prize to hand out at the end. This week it was a gift card for the local eatery. They play a few specific game (like four corners) and they will keep playing until they reach a set number of winners, sometime 3-5 for each game. If you win, your name goes into a hat for a drawing at the end for the gift card.  I won 4 games and Cathye won 2 and Penny won 2, but someone else won the card!  But it was still fun!  We came back and started in on the mowing. With three mowers going, we were done in less than an hour. With the zero-turn, I always bag the lawn grass so I dumped that in the truck so I can take it to the recycle place. Meanwhile, the girls mowed the field grass, which is pretty much dried out now and looks like straw and was really dusty. But they made quick work of it and I took them to dinner later at Bigfoot Grille and we had a nice meal.  

Thursday, July 22nd., 2021…… Happy Anniversary Randy and Maryanne!  I sent them a text message early in the day and heard back from them that they were going to celebrate later that night with a nice dinner out. My back feels a little better but I am trying to take it easy. We had to go to the house to meet up with her neighbor, who was bringing his tractor over. Tomorrow they will be out to do a required septic clean out and the cap is buried somewhere in the yard. The neighbor needed to use the bucket on his machine to scrape around until he located it.  I just watched. Later, we headed to Eugene to pick up her stepson, who is here for his dad’s engine group. They are participating in an event called the Great Steam Up, at which a lot of enthusiasts show and run their engines. They have several clubs doing this and it’s a big deal in these parts. Plus, her stepson gets to see his dad’s motors run one last time. And they were sold to a fellow club member who will preserve them which is important for him.  He will also get to spend some time at his old house where he grew up. Also important to him. We stopped at Coburg Pizza and had dinner on the way home. We came back home and he settled in in our guest room and Misty and Lona came to visit and we all sat out on the front porch and had a great time.    

Friday, July 23rd., 2021……  Today is Stand By Me Day in Brownsville. I wrote about this already but the movie was shot (in 1985) in this town and every year they do a tribute day and folks can walk the town and see where some of the scenes were shot. We will go even though it will be a little downscaled this year due to covid. We went to breakfast and Cathye and Chris took off to head over to meet the septic guy at the house. I stayed home and will meet them later in Brownsville (which is in between there and here). I needed to catch up on my checkbook and bill pay spreadsheet and also needed to go on venmo and pay Kirk for his mulch job. 

I left here when they called and met up with them in Castle Rock, aka Brownsville. Even though this was not a full day event, there were tons of folks there to walk the streets on a self-guided tour of the movie locations. My favorite is the corner in town where Vern finds a penny on the street. They have super-glued a penny there for folks to see. Cool! 


I also liked the coca cola mural they painted on the building just for the film. It was supposed to be done with a chalk-like paint that was designed to dissolve in a few weeks. It was still visible there 22 years later in 2007 so they decided to repaint it for permanent display!

We toured the local museum and also the photo gallery and saw a lot of historical photos and displays. They do a nice job in capturing the history of Brownsville and also the surrounding areas. We stopped in the local eatery and got some turkey wraps and found chairs in a shady store front. Thanks for lunch, Chris! Later, we made our way back to our cars. Chris took Cathye’s truck and went over to Albany to visit with his brother. We came home and rested and planned the rest of our day. We didn’t do much – just hung around the house and ate leftover pizza and watched the opening ceremonies for the Olympics.  It was an ok show but we felt sorry for the athletes walking in to an empty arena. But at least they finally get to compete!     

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