About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #44 – Getting You All Caught Up!



Wednesday, June 30th., 2021…...   Wow, time flies when you’re havin’ fun!  I know that because I have been so busy these days that I haven’t been doing well in keeping my blog up to date. I find if I don’t sit down and do each day as it happens, the days run together and I forget a lot. That’s happened this past week!  So here goes….

Mostly this week has been all about dealing with the heat and trying to get things done at 1) her old house, 2) her new trailer remodel, 3) my haying and mowing and flowerbed prep, and 4) dealing with the holiday. We have been back and forth many, many times to her house. It goes on the market on Friday so we are trying to tidy it up for the walk-thrus coming. Her contractor is still AWOL due to his new baby and wife’s health issues and the upcoming holiday weekend. So, nothing new to report on the trailer. Cathye is planning on taking her vintage Shasta camping trailer out for the 4th of July weekend. Plus, there have been various folks communicating with her about buying items before the sale and also about coming to take the foundry out. It’s all piling up for her and she’s told me many times she’s glad I’m around to help out and to help keep her sanity!  So, we bounce around trying to get things done. Meals are mostly lighter fare and done way later than normal. Relaxing time is less and less as this goes on. But they are going in the right direction and I think we have things in sight and are moving forward smoothly (for the most part!). As for me, Chuck brought his buyers for the hay (turns out they are family members) over with their trailers and they loaded up all of the hay bales.

So that’s done!  He leaves for a trip to Montana tomorrow so he’s glad it’s done and he can go rest!  I found out that with the price of hay down, with his time and equipment costs, he won’t make much on this deal at all.  He says this is his last year doing haying. Can’t say as I blame him!    

Thursday, July 1st., 2021…… Today the weather was actually nice!  The heatwave that hit us last week is a distant memory. Temps are still in the 80s but that is ok for us up here. There is, however, a lot of dust in the air as millions of acres of crops are being cut, furrowed, seeds harvested, baled, and loaded for transport.  You can see dots of dust storms all around the valley as the farmers are out early and stay late to bring in their crops. I still am fascinated by it all! Today we had afternoon plans. This morning, though, was open, so I drove us down to Eugene for lunch. I remembered going to the Eugene Rose Garden and I was able to surprise her with a visit there before we ate. It turned out to be a perfect day and the roses were looking good!

After that, I took us to Fisherman’s Market, a local eatery in Eugene. She had never been and we had a very nice lunch. We headed back home and rested up before the next half of the day. For Cathye, today was prep day. Both she and Lona are hooking up their trailers so they can get out early in the morning. Pioneer Park in Brownsville, has camping only on the weekends. They do not have spaces and it’s:  get there, claim a nice spot, and spread out so you have room for the others coming later. Meanwhile, back at the house, the trailers are under a covered pole barn and were easily accessed.  I was there to help them hook up and they left their trucks, ready to pull out tomorrow morning. After everything was set, I drove Cathye back to my place and Lona and her daughter Misty went home. We will all meet there at the trailers at 9:00am. We stopped and got take-out and went home to eat and relax.   

Friday, July 2nd., 2021…… Today was a comedy of errors!  We got up and walked the digs and had breakfast. When we drove back to meet up with the girls at the house, Cathye discovered that she had left her purse – with the truck keys – at my place!  I went back and got them while they got all of the watering done for the day. When I returned, we all got everything loaded and headed off together. When we got to the park, we found that we were early arrivals and had our choice of sites and they chose their favorite. It was right next to the ball field. The fire department does a big fireworks show every year and they all line up in the field and watch. They tell me it is right out in front and above them! When we got set up, we discovered that we needed one more stabilizer so I went back to Cathye’s (8 miles) to get it. Robin had arrived and dropped off her pop-up trailer and wouldn’t be back until later but it wasn’t sitting on proper support so I found a bottle jack at Cathye’s and brought that back. We got everything leveled on all three rigs and we rested for a while. I headed back home to do laundry and relax with Rylee. I got a text saying the girls were headed off to the local bar and grill for dinner. Now, if you are familiar at all with the movie, Stand By Me, Brownsville and the surrounding areas were sites for a lot of the scenes. This bar (outside and around back) was seen in the beginning of the movie. Pioneer Park was also the scene of the pie-eating contest, which was hilarious!  When they got back to the trailers, she texted me that her key would turn the lock but the bolt wouldn’t move. So, I grabbed some tools and lubricants and headed back over. I worked at it for some time and so did one of the local campers. We finally made the decision to drill out the lock so she was able to get in. Shasta sells vintage parts so that will go on the list for next week!  I didn’t mention this until now, but imagine all of this going on and at the same time, your house hits the multiples and is officially on the market!  The pics make it very desirable in these parts so we were happy they came out so well…

She’s already heard from the realtor that there are at least 4 showings from today til Sunday! She’s hoping for a bunch of offers and maybe a bidding war but we’ll see…  I headed back home and took Rylee out to the new pool that I had just set up in the yard. I ran the water hose in it to fill it while Rylee chased it around in the pool like one of those old Wham-O Water Wiggles we had when we were kids. She had fun and got cooled off!  It was a quiet night with tv alone and I turned in early.          

Saturday, July 3rd., 2021……  No plans to go anywhere today. I got caught up on my Tour de France races I had taped and watched motocross and Nascar races as well. I don’t think I left the house all day! When I took Rylee out to let her back in the pool, I discovered that it was empty!  Turns out with all of her exuberance yesterday chasing the hose, she managed to either bite or claw numerous holes in the bottom liner!  I can’t patch that many holes but I may be able to throw a tarp in to hold the water until I can go get a hard plastic pool (which, by the way, are hard to come by up here with the heat!) to replace it. Heck of a lesson but nice to know for the future!  Cathye and I talked before she went to bed. We planned our day tomorrow.

Sunday, July 4th., 2021……  Happy 4th of July!  Sis was coming this evening with Quincy, to spend the night. Fireworks are supposedly banned up here but she isn’t taking any chances (plus illegal mortars and bottlerockets are easily obtained in these parts!). So, she doesn’t want to expose Q to their neighborhood activities. My house is pretty well insulated and quieter here, with little activity on the street. We made plans for dinner so I passed on C’s offer to come for their bbq. My plan was to go later for the fireworks show. I relaxed and again, caught up on my races. Sis brought dinner and we ate and visited for a bit. I left the house around 6:30pm and headed over. I managed to find a parking space and settled in with her and her friends and family. It doesn’t get dark up here until 10:00pm so we had a few hours to wait.  The field and surrounding area got pretty crowded and everyone was waiting patiently for the show. Boy, they were right!  They launch the fireworks less than 200 yards from that field!  You can see hot embers raining down but this year the wind was perfect and they landed in the river and not on anyone where we were. It was a good show and lasted 20-25 min. After that, I made my way thru the crowds leaving and got home around 11:00pm. Penny was asleep but Rylee was a little wound up. I heard booms and such long after that but I guess we both settled down and slept well through whatever was left.      

Monday, July 5th., 2021……  After a nice walk with Rylee, I headed off to my early morning dental appointment. It was a routine cleaning and checkup and I was out of there pretty quickly. I stopped and got breakfast and then went to Walmart for a few things before heading back home. I have been tracking down prices for another carport for my property. I want one that is more of a triple wide, meaning it will hold more than two vehicles. The plan is to store Cathye’s trailer under cover. The carport won’t be enclosed, but she has already ordered a custom made fitted rv cover for it, so I think it will be pretty well protected from the elements. I went back and forth with the sales rep. and got all of my questions asked and answered and he got all of my specs so he could give me a quote. I have already done this with several other manufacturers and have a variety of ranging numbers, some reasonable and some ridiculous. I like the fact that these guys are in Tigard, which is only 100 miles so from me so that will be a plus in delivery time and setup. My last one the company was based in Utah and had to schedule a ‘bundled install-route’ for the installers to follow to make it cost efficient. They might be able to send a small crew down her and back for less than a half day trip. Still, it’s estimated to take 10-12 weeks. Maybe I’ll get lucky! Later in the day, I drove back to Crawfordsville where we met up with Justin and his two brothers. They had offered to buy the scrap metal that Jim had stockpiled over the years. It was worth it to give them a good price because one of the brothers will be using it for welding school practice so she felt good about that. Plus, they loaded up everything so that’s one less task to do in the future! We closed up the house and left shortly after they did. We dropped Jama back at home then took off together to go to Albany so she could drop off her stepson’s rent for him and give him some weekly spending money from his account (which she maintains for him). We decided to have a late sit-down dinner and went to Elmer’s and ate. Once we got back home, we were tuckered out and quickly called it a night.     

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