About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Oregon Living 2021 – Blog #46 – Oral Surgery, Mowing, and Another New Pool!



Saturday, July 10th., 2021……  The weather is looking good for the weekend. I have turned off the sprinklers so I can mow again. After getting Brandyn (spelling change) delivered here for the day, Cathye made us all breakfast and then took him and headed off to her place. The guys were coming today to pick up the forklift. My plan is to mow. But I got working on the blog and posted up through yesterday. By the time I was done with that, I wanted to just kick back and relax and watch the Tour de France. Later, when Cathye got back, she joined me and we rested for a while and then I went outside to start mowing. Not!  It was too hot!  So, I will mow in the morning. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and staying cool in the house.          

Sunday, July 11th., 2021……  Happy Birthday in heaven Jeff! Today would have been his 51st birthday. I wore his watch and one of his hats today. We were up early and out with the girls and got them fed. Cathye made us breakfast and I hung around the house for a few minutes after that then decided it was time to go out and mow. My lawn tractor is in the shop and we only had one available, so Cathye got a break!  Haha!  She went off to church and then to check on the house and feed the cat and water the flowers. Even though the house is officially ‘sold’, she still wants to keep it up. Plus, they are still showing it on contingency.  I made pretty quick work of the lawn and dumped the grass in Chuck’s dirt pile. While that pile is here, it makes quick work for me. Chuck says he will be picking it up for his place and will mix it and use it all as mulch. Even though it saves me trips to the recycle mulch place, I’ll be glad when it’s gone! I got back in the house and showered and relaxed and watched races until Cathye got back. Later, we drove by the contingent house that her buyers are going to sell to see how they are doing on getting it ready. When we first saw it, it looked terrible!  I gave it a 3 out of 10. But they have painted it and cleaned up the junk in the yard so it looks better now. Maybe a 7.

It certainly looks better on the outside.  I checked out the multiples and it looks good on the inside so we are feeling good that it will sell quickly!  

Later in the afternoon, we headed down to the Brownsville Saloon to have a tribute dinner for Jeff. I drank a beer (ok, a pitcher!) in his honor.


We ordered the quesadillas. I got beef and she got chicken. They were jam packed and quite tasty!   

She drove us home and we relaxed for the evening.        

Monday, July 12th., 2021…...  I woke up and realized I had an acupuncture appointment this morning! Wow, almost missed that!  But no worries. I was up, dressed, and out in plenty of time. Cathye walked the girls so I was actually early and had time to catch up on my emails before going in. On the way home, I brought back breakfast and then we went over to check on the mobile home. Taz hasn’t been around at all. We are getting frustrated but, in all fairness, it’s not his fault. He’s still waiting for things to come in. Carpet, countertops and appliances. Once the counters go in, the sink can be installed and the plumber can hook up the waterlines and then they will have only small stuff to do before it’s finished. I’m not complaining though!  I have become very comfortable with the two of us in this house!  But eventually we’ll get her place done and I’m sure we’ll be sharing time in both for a while. Later, I fixed steaks on the bbq and Penny came over and joined us. She brought baked potatoes. We had a nice meal.       

Tuesday, July 13th., 2021……  Today Cathye had an appointment with her dentist for a root canal. She gets nervous plus doesn’t like needles so they prescribed a pill to relax her. Her appointment was at 7:00am in Albany so we were up early. She was to take the pill 1½ hours beforehand and did so. We planned to walk the dogs but I discovered that she is a lightweight with medication! It made her so relaxed, she was jelly-legged! I had trouble getting her in the car and out and up in the elevator to the dentist. She was in there about 90 minutes and when she came out, she was a bit more stable but still a little groggy.  The biggest problem was that they said they couldn’t complete the procedure and she needed to go to a Endodontist for the rest. I brought her back and she rested for most of the day. I got us breakfast and she stayed awake long enough to eat that and drank some coffee and then slept.  While we were kicking back, I got a UPS delivery. Rylee’s pool came. I thought it would be bigger than it is but it went up in 2 seconds and it seems to do the job of keeping her cool!  

Later in the day, Cathye said she felt better and we talked about the morning. She remembers nothing about her condition. I told her she needs to take ½ of the prescribed meds from now on! She called later and made her appointment. It’s for next week so another few more days of dealing with tooth pain!  

Later, after everything wore off and she felt normal again, we went to the store and grabbed a few things. She made us a noodle and broccoli dish for dinner and then we loaded up the dogs and drove over to feed the cat and water the yard. When we got back, we watched about half of America’s Got Talent before calling it a night.         

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