About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #22 – A Trip to Portland and a Date Night


Tuesday, March 5th, 2019…...  I woke up about 5:30am this morning and got up and ready. While I walked Rylee, Lydia got up and got dressed and ready for our day. We left the house and drove the 100 miles up to Portland for her meeting with the digestive health team. The drive was uneventful and we got through the usual bogged-down areas with little problems. We only missed the turn to the medical center once so we thought that wasn’t too bad! We found the underground parking and made our way to the sixth-floor offices and checked in. We met with a nurse, then a physician’s assistant, and then with Dr. Herzig. He had already consulted with the transplant center in the area (not sure exactly where they are located) and was ready for Lydia. He did a great job, first listening to her complete synopsis of her history and past and her present condition and then, after an examination, explaining about next steps. He recommends that we wait until the antibiotics have worked their magic and then, once off those, see if she can sustain with no symptoms. If she can, he wants to see her (or do a telecon) and close the case. If not, we will look into scheduling surgery. He explained the complications of colon re-section surgery and the lengthy recovery time. He said he’s pretty sure it’s diverticulosis and wants to see how she does after the antibiotics are done (which is sometime this week). He’s glad to hear that the pain has lessened since her anti-rejection drugs have been adjusted and agrees that the antibiotics are likely now starting to work. He’s almost ruled out Crohn’s Disease and any forms of cancer because all of her lab reports show no changes in her numbers. She still needs to do regular blood and urine lab testing to make sure the kidney functions maintain the same numbers. All in all, it was pretty good news. Time will now tell what the next steps are…
After we left there, we drove back toward home and stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Tualatin for lunch. We haven’t been for a long time so it was a nice treat, especially after such good news. We also stopped by the nice sized Cabela’s right next door. I didn’t buy anything (this time!). We got back home a few minutes after Penny got there from her appointments in Salem. She’s doing well and everything is on schedule. She had fed Rylee. Kirk was just leaving so I caught up to him to give him his check for last month. He also has borrowed my trailer for a while as the one he was using is needed by the owner. I have plans on rebuilding my trailer but not until later this year, so I am glad to see it being used. We settled in and relaxed from our morning adventure.
Later, we had leftovers for dinner then settled in and watched tv until we were too tired to stay awake after our early morning outing.        

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019……   I didn’t sleep well last night. Guess going to bed early wasn’t the right choice. Anyway, I was up at 3:30am and got settled into my chair in my room and turned on the tv. We keep the heater set at night to come on only if it gets below 65º, so I needed to turn it up a bit and then I was ok with a light blanket in my chair. Of course, Rylee left our warm bed and came in with me and slept on her blanket in my room. But, she was ready when I got up at 7:00am to feed her. Then I was up for the day. Nothing planned today. After I got showered and dressed, I walked Rylee. It was barely sprinkling when we left and I got back without getting too wet. Rylee doesn’t care!  We have some weather predicted but they don’t know if the light rain in the forecast will turn to freezing rain or what they call a “mix”. It is supposed to snow at the higher elevations. Our neighbors say that, in our area, the snow we got in February in itself, was unusual, but in March it would be extremely unlikely. We’ll see. Either way, we didn’t do too much. I went to Starbucks and got us coffee/tea while Lydia made bacon and eggs. After that, we stayed in and relaxed and did nothing.
Later in the day, it did snow. But the temperature was 36º, and even though it came down pretty heavy at times, nothing stuck to the ground. We’re watching to see if it snows later this evening and then it might stick. As we’re told, this is strange for March…
Tomorrow is trash day so we cleaned out the leftovers and stuff from the fridge and I took out the container amid the snow flurries. It wasn’t too bad. I learned my lesson last week, having to lug the containers over the snow. While I did that, Lydia started dinner. Tonight was Survivor, then we watched our own taped shows until bedtime.  
Thursday, March 7th, 2019…... No snow (or rain) at all during the night. I slept way better than the night before. But turns out, Lydia didn’t. She said she got up to pee about 1:30am and was restless and awake so she went in to her room and watched tv. I guess Rylee took her place on the bed. I didn’t wake up until about 3:00am and saw the light coming down the hall and I could see she was up. I got up and checked on her, then went back to bed. She woke me briefly when she came back to bed about 4:00am. Later, neither of us wanted to get up but butthead made sure one of us did! I let her out and waited and then wiped her paws at the door and then went back to bed. She stayed off our bed and slept on her blanket in the corner until 6:59am when she jumped up on the bed to get me up to feed her. Now I was up for good. I got showered and dressed and let Lydia sleep. But Rylee bugged her to play so now she was up too. She went in and made herself an egg sandwich and I went out for my morning breakfast run. I stopped and got my Jack in the Box breakfast burrito and coffee/tea from Starbucks. After breakfast, I was planning on heading over to Albany to Petco to buy a new dog leash, but I wanted to check online first. I found a couple of sellers on eBay and Amazon that had what I wanted and they were cheaper than Petco or PetSmart. So, I didn’t go anywhere. Later, I took Rylee and went out to the shop and finished dismantling the recliner. I got everything sorted and scraps in the trash and/or recycling, and got the work table cleaned and the floor vacuumed and then we came in for the day. I was relaxing and ate a light lunch and Lydia came in and asked about dinner. Did I have any preference? If not, she said she could cook spaghetti or we could go out. We opted for The Spaghetti Factory in Corvallis and fed muttley and headed out around 3:45pm. We like to go early. We got seated by the window overlooking the river (Willamette River). The Oregon State rowing teams were out practicing going up and down the river. That was cool!  We had a nice meal and then headed back home. The weather today had been off and on drizzles but hardly enough to wet the ground. It started to clear up in the afternoon, and when we left the house, it was nice and sunny. So, our dinner date out was very pleasant. We got back home and got the dog walked again and then we settled in and watched tv until calling it a night.        

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