About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #28 – Running Errands, Kicking Back, and New Tires for the Honda


Saturday, March 23rd 2019…...  Boy, Rylee is a handful! This morning I took her for her walk and after breakfast, I took her with me to my sister’s house to do some chores. We changed the fluorescent tubes in her garage, then put up a decorative planter on her backyard fence. Rylee tried to play with Quinz but she wasn’t in the mood. When I brought her home and let her out, she saw the neighbors pull up to their house and took off to go see them. She’s so young and just wants to be with people to play with her. I am so hoping that she will grow out of that as she gets older! This time I tracked her down and leashed her and kept admonishing her on the leash while walking her back home. I am letting her spend time on her own today. She so much wants to please me and sees me angry. But she needs to know I am not happy.   Of course, I relaxed later and everything was back to normal. I have learned that they have a short discipline timeframe and don’t understand why we’re mad at them for so long.
Later, Lydia cooked pork chops and we ate and then went off to each watch our tv shows until bedtime. 

Sunday, March 24th, 2019…… Not much on the agenda today. After getting dressed and walking Rylee, I took off to go get coffee/tea/breakfast. This morning it was three stops. I use a phone app at Starbucks to pay for stuff there and I didn’t have any dollar bills for tips there, so I went to 7/11 and got coffee (and singles). Then I went to Jack in the Box and got myself a breakfast burrito and then next door to Starbucks for Lydia’s Chai Latte. Jade, who follows me on my blog, told me she was leaving the end of April. She is moving to Grants Pass (which is way south of us). She is really a nice person and I enjoy talking with her and will be sad to see her go. She’s transferring to a Starbucks down there so I will try to stop by when we go that way. Penny had brought Quincy over today for her Run-and-Play with Rylee. Today was nice and sunny, but we had a bit of rain yesterday. Butthead found the drag strip, which had enough water in it, and did a few laps and got covered in mud so she had to be hosed off. I was gone so I missed all of that! We spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching our programs. I always tape any races that are on so I had plenty to keep me occupied. Our neighbor, Lou, has again asked me to feed Bailey and Lucy while he is gone for a few days. This afternoon was the first day so, after I fed Rylee, Lydia and I headed down and spent a few minutes with the dogs and got them taken care of. He also puts out food for his cat and the neighbors so we checked that as well. Then Lydia started on dinner for us. It was back to tv until it was time to call it a night.     
Monday, March 25th, 2019…... Rylee got me to take her out when I got up to use the bathroom and then again early this morning. I got showered and dressed and we went out on our walk. Even though we go right past Lou’s house on the walk, I wanted to bring my energetic mutt home first so she wouldn’t upset Lou’s dogs. I got my morning feeding done and then came back home and made my breakfast. Lydia and my sister were heading off to Albany to Home Depot, Kohl’s, and Costco this morning for some shopping. I thought about going with them but decided to just head off in the Honda to Costco on my own. I wanted to get tires for the car. I got there and they said it would be only 1½ hrs. total to do the job. So, I paid for the tires and went inside to shop. I found a few things I wanted and some to ask Lydia if she was interested in. They got there a bit later and we bought some towels and a mat for the back porch. I took all of the rest of the cold/frozen stuff that we both bought and got the Honda and headed home. The girls got there a bit later, after Kohl's and lunch. Penny took her cold stuff and headed home and we rested for the day. That was ok because it was rainy and cooler today. I couldn’t even think about mowing. The weather for the week shows one sunny day, then a rainy one, and so on. It may be a while before I get that mower out! Lydia and I went over to Lou’s and I got the little doggies fed while she changed out one of the piddle pads. I have one more visit there tomorrow morning before he gets home. One of the things we bought today at Costco was lobster ravioli. Lydia had the sauce so we made that for dinner. It was really good and something I will look for next time we are there. We watched Guys Grocery Games and then our own shows until bedtime.        

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