About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #25 – Some Nice Weather & Shopping


Thursday, March 14th, 2019…... I think Spring has sprung! At least I hope so! The weather is so nice right now, that we don’t want it to change! I’m sure we’ll have some more rain (hey – this is Oregon!) but I think the cold yucky days of winter are mostly behind us now. If you want to visit when it’s nice and things start to bloom, now would be a good time to start planning and get up here soon! For our rv friends, I need to remind you that we have plenty of parking. I have a 50-amp site, and two 30-amp sites so we’re covered. We also have a guest room plus our motorhome can sleep a couple.
Lydia had an appointment this morning at the nail salon so she took off to do that. I hung around the house until the sun got over the blueberry netting project I needed to get back to. My recliner has now been dismantled and all of it except one foam pad was taken today via the trash container. So, now there is room for the netting. All I need to do is cut it up in small sizes and roll it up to stuff in the container. I also have a call in to a guy in Sheridan who has a water heater I am interested in. I saw it on Craig’s List. The water heater in the shop was taken out (before we bought the house), due to an inspector considering that room to be a residence, because it has a toilet and sink. He made Walt remove it but everything is there so I want to put another one back in its place. This one is only a 20-gallon model but that is plenty for the bathroom sink.  Because I could be made to remove it again, I am not going to spring for either a new conventional water heater or a tankless.  But I will take a chance on one that’s only $35.00. I am waiting for a call back from the guy.
Lydia got back and did some dusting and general cleanup. It’s amazing how quickly we can load up junk on the kitchen peninsula! I had attached Rylee on a longer rope so she had free run of the place and I didn’t have to keep an eye on her running off to the neighbors. We were both happy! I got all of my net cutting work done for today. I still have the old lumber to deal with. I am formulating a plan to use some of it as a sliding barn door for the alcove in the kitchen/dining room area. During the day, I got texts from our friend Mike Root in California. He and Cheri have the sweetest little dog, Susie. He said she had a rough night and was worried. She’s bumping into everything like she’s going blind. She’s 11. They will be taking her in to the vet today. Lydia had got some steak out yesterday but we had passed on dinner so she cooked it up tonight for steak sandwiches. Easy, quick, and good! No word from the water heater guy. But Mike texted back that the vet says Susie has gone completely blind. We texted for a while and then he called. We talked a bit. The vet says they can remove the cataracts. They want to get the blood tests back first. He also wanted to let me know he was sending me a form to sign for our camping club to join FMCA. We are already FMCA members and we will add our name and member number to the club roster. I will forward to Betz’s in Ohio so they can sign as well and send back to Roots.          

Friday, March 15th, 2019……  This morning started out sunny and bright. Yaay!  I got Rylee fed and I got showered and dressed and went out and walked her and then came in and fried up a couple of eggs for turkey, swiss, and egg sandwiches for breakfast. I always give Rylee a bit of egg and she follows me all the way from start to finish. We have finally switched to feeding monkey butt only twice a day, giving her more at each of the two meals. It sure makes it easy cause we don’t have to return from doing something just to feed her. It’s been a week now and she’s getting better about bugging me for her noon meal. Cheri called and said the Susie was at the vet’s office but was doing better. She has diabetes and they are stabilizing her.
As I mentioned, it’s terrific outside now. The forecast is for a whole week of sun and, more importantly, NO rain! I keep watching neighbors getting their mowers out and cutting their lawns. Me, nope. Still too squishy. I know if I try too soon, I will tear up the lawn with tire tracks. I might try to fire up the tractor though, and make a few passes out in the back field. That is field grass and is not as dense as our lawn so I may be able to get a head start and do that part anyway. But not until next week…
My sister came over this morning to get Lydia. They were headed to Corvallis to a store Penny wanted to go to and use a discount coupon. Then they went to Albany and hit Big Lots where Lydia bought curtains for our bedroom and placemats to match the tablecloth that we got there last week. I went over to Sis’s house to check on Quincy while she was gone. Q loves to lay outside when the weather is nice but if the neighbor’s dogs are out it gets her riled up and it’s a barkfest. But everything was quiet and I practically woke the Quince up when I went to check on her so all was good. I was going to stop and pick up lunch while I was out but I found I was still full from breakfast.  The girls got back a few hours later and Lydia came in and rested for a while. She started dinner early for me since they stopped for lunch. She is saving some of the meat to cut up for her salad later. We watched Guys Grocery Games before she went in to her own room to watch her shows. That left me to start watching Mecum Auctions. They are in Phoenix this weekend.   
Saturday, March 16th, 2019…... This morning we went out to Shirley Mays for another breakfast with Janice and Penny. It was really good. After that, they headed to a few yard sales and we went to Albany to Big Lots to pick up another set of curtains for our bedroom. We need to do something with the slider there, it’s kinda plain right now. Because we use the blinds every day, and won’t close the curtains too often, I think she is going to do long curtains on the sides and cut two more down to make a valance. That will dress up the opening and give some color to the room. Once we got those and a curtain rod, we headed home. Last month, one of the old-time businesses, Like Nu Appliances, closed their doors. They specialized in used appliances and wanted to sell and retire and move to California, close to their kids.  It was for sale for a few years but they couldn’t sell it, so they just shut it down.  This weekend, they had a tool sale, out of the garage at their home.  My sister and Janice went to see what they had and called me to let me know. We swung by and checked it out. Everything was reasonably priced. I bought some peg board hooks and some drill bits and Lydia found an old wooden ladder she wants to modify to use at Christmas to display our Christmas village homes. She had seen one on tv and liked it. We loaded those and came home. I took Rylee out for a good run and checked the lawn again. It’s better but still too wet to mow. We didn’t have anything else planned for today.  Lydia had me get out some ground turkey and later, we made tacos for dinner. We both spent the evening relaxing watching our own taped programs until bedtime.

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