About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #29 – Roof Work, Going to the Show, and Installing a Water Heater

Tuesday, March 26th 2019…...  Today, the sun was out for part of the day. We are supposed to get some rain way later today. Kirk is due over to work on the roof again. We ran a few errands in the morning, and then I got back and got out all of the stuff for Kirk to use today. I had bought a new 100’ hose from Costco and this is one of the new modern expandable types and it turns out to be really worth it ($39.), especially for this job. It’s lightweight so Kirk was able to get it up on the roof easily. He got another section powerwashed while he was here. He had to go to another job. He is getting more customers lately, including Lou, who he meets with on Saturday to discuss scope of work. Speaking of Lou, he got back in the afternoon and dropped by later in the evening to give us a thank you card and a Safeway gift card.  Lydia made dinner and then we watched the latest Master Chef Jr. before going back to our own programs before bedtime. 

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019…… This morning I got up early and got showered and dressed and got miss muttley out and walked. My sister had come by so when I got back, I let butthead off leash to go run with the Quinz.  My sister wanted to discuss her trip and Lydia’s scope in Portland. It is scheduled for April 26th. It was decided that Penny would move her Utah trip to accommodate Lydia, who cannot get another day for her test. As it is, we have to go the day before and get a room so she can start the prep and have a place to stay before the sigmoidoscopy. Penny will move up her trip so we can watch Quincy and then she’ll be back to be able to watch the dogs while we’re gone. After our talk, Sis went home and I left and got coffee/tea while Lydia started breakfast. She made me another chorizo scramble with the meat that Penny had made and given us. After we ate, I cleaned up the kitchen and then took off to do my Habitat for Humanity trip. I stopped at a few thrift shops as well. I was looking for another digital clock for my room as the one I have been using (I’ve had it since digital clocks were first made) finally gave out. I found one for $1.00 and another for $2.00 so I bought both. I also found a water heater that I think I will go back tomorrow and buy. It was in pretty good shape. I didn’t locate the mfg. date today but it is a minimal risk at $25.00.  I also found a mini fridge that I want to go back and get. It looks brand new and will really work out for me to use in the workshop. I got back and relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day. It was just sprinkles and drizzles for most of the day so it was nice to be back inside. Lydia had ground turkey defrosting so she made hamburgers for dinner. Earlier in the day, we had decided to go to the show to see Captain Marvel, which was playing at our local theater. We left about 6:30 and got parked and seated. The show was pretty good. You kind of have to know The Avengers to be able to put everything together. We liked it.         
Thursday, March 28th, 2019…... I got Rylee walked and breakfast finished and then took off to Habitat to get my water heater. I ended up with the cheaper one. With my 10% discount, it only cost me $22.50. I had pretty much everything except a few fittings and a gas line so I’m not in it much in case it doesn’t work. But it does! I got everything hooked up and it fired off and started up with no problem. BUT, when I went to hook up the line to the hot water side of the faucet in the bathroom and turn it on, still nothing! I couldn’t find any valves or anything else that wasn’t turned on.  The next step is to replace the valve under the sink and I’ll also replace the faucet but I’ll do that another day. Meanwhile, Lydia went to work out in the backyard, planting all of the flowers she recently bought from several nurseries and Walmart. She was pooped and so was I so we went out and got fast food out (Burger King). Since we went to the show last night, we were behind on Survivor so we watched that and the Blacklist, both that she has taped on her tv, while we ate. We got them both caught up and then went on to watch our own taped programs before calling it a night. Oh yeah, I stopped at Petco today so Rylee got some new toys and after running and playing outside with both of us in between jobs, she fell asleep on her dog bed instead of bugging us all evening to play with her. But I’m sure tomorrow morning she will still wake me up right on time!

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