About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #33 – Rains and Floods and Deer


Sunday, April 7th, 2019…...  Boy, did it rain last night! It started yesterday afternoon and went non-stop until early this morning! I woke up and took monster puppy out to potty and saw the flower beds were under water! The newspaper said they had a flash flood watch going in the Willamette Valley until Monday afternoon. It was slowed to a really light sprinkle when I walked Rylee so we were good. We had no plans for today. My sister brought Quincy over and Q and R ran until they dropped and we got them in and dried off for the morning. Sis said when she was driving here, Oak Creek was about ready to breech the road again, like it did a month or so ago. We ended up not going anywhere and just stayed in and rested and relaxed and enjoyed the day. Lydia got a rack of ribs out of the freezer and she made rice-a-roni and also lima beans with it for dinner. Tonight was the ACM awards show and I watched most of that before calling it a night. Lydia has it on tape as well but we can’t watch it together. I find that I want to fast forward through some of the songs that I don’t care for and I can’t do that when Lydia watches it with me.  She will have to watch her tape later.    

Monday, April 8th, 2019…… Still raining. I skipped Rylee’s walk until later in the afternoon. But I did go out and get breakfast/coffee/tea. I watched the rest of the ACMs and then the news that was on last night. Boy, they are really talking up the rainfall right now. They are saying it seems to be unusual for this time of year. I remember getting showers last April – ‘April showers bring may flowers’ does really apply up here! But they said we have already received more rain this month than they usually have all of April. There are several cells pushing in from the west, one after the other, with little relief in sight until next week. They are seeing flash flooding in many areas around the state. Corvallis and Albany have closed roads right now. But we are doing ok here.  I did go out and work on the recycling bins a bit. I found out that the units are just a bit too long for the space. But one of them will fit nicely under our kitchen sink for the trash. Lydia thinks that she’s seen smaller units someplace so we will go on the hunt for those. Poor Rylee is feeling neglected during the rains. She wants to run and play but the weather just won’t allow that right now. I always try to let her out when it’s not raining. I don’t care if she runs and gets soaked – I can always dry her off, but I don’t want Lydia or myself out there getting soaked. The best we can do right now is let her out on her rope, but she really needs to run. We had to keep her in the house though, when these four deer spent some time roaming around our yard....

Lydia spent some time watching her tape of the ACMs while I watched my car auctions until bedtime.      
Tuesday, April 9th, 2019…...  Today, the weather broke for a bit. It started out cloudy and with sprinkles but the sun came out and the sky turned blue. It was windy though but that all was ok with me. No rain! Kirk came by and worked for an hour or so and finished his work on the weeds in the flowerbed west of the driveway. Since it was dry out, he also sprayed the gravel pads for the weeds. The grass is still too wet and rain is coming again late tomorrow so I still can’t mow. I went to work on the trash bin and got that installed. Like I said, we’ll look some more for ones better suited for that recycling space.  Later, Lou came by and asked me to feed the dogs again when he goes off to Boston for a few days. One of his daughters is running in the Marathon. I guess he feels comfortable leaving these days, knowing someone is caring for his dogs. He leaves Friday. Taylor, the other daughter, will be here Friday thru Sunday so I only need to start Sunday night thru Wednesday morning.  

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