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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #37 – Finally Mowing & a Relaxing Easter


Friday, April 19th, 2019…...  Only one dog on our bed last night. Quincy slept in the guest bedroom (she IS a guest – right?) and we never heard from her all night. Rylee didn’t get me up at all. I woke up on my own at 6:30am to let each one out to pee and went back to bed. It turned out to be a perfect night! Once I was up, I got the dogs out for their walks and went through some training for treats out in the yard. Then I brought them in. Normally, Rylee is used to eating first thing (7:00am) and Quincy gets fed after her walk. Today we fed them both after their walk. It was easier to just fed them together. 
Another nice day, so far. Rain is predicted for later today. I don’t know how much we’ll get but it looks like a small cell moving in about 3:00 or 4:00pm. I am going out later to start some weed whacking. And if the dew dries up on the grass, I will fire up the mower and give it a shot!
Ok, it’s later now. We (actually Lydia) decided that we better get started on the lawn well before the rain just to be sure, so I got out the tractor and started. I knew that I had gas in it because l added some a few days ago when Kirk was here picking up the other tractor.  But the mower died about 15 minutes in. Oops, the gas I added was for the Orange tractor that I topped off so Kirk could drive it onto the trailer. Now I remember! Duuuhh!  So, I had to take off and go fill up my container. Once I got that in, I had no issues.  Walt must have seeded and reseeded the area just off the back porch because that part of the lawn is super thick and the grass is weed free and really plush. I set the mower on its highest setting because if I cut it too low, it will cut down to the yellow part of the grass chute and will kill it. The rest was a lot lower and looks ok for the most part. Most of the lawn was dry enough but we still did get some serious tire marks in some of the wetter areas. They will go away. I didn’t go back over it with the grass rake/catcher today because there are too many wet grass clumps. I will have to wait and let them dry out a bit so the machine will be able to rake them in. Lydia wanted to help but I was on a roll and just kept going. She spent some time out front, cleaning up some of the dead twigs on her hydrangeas while I mowed. Come the end of the day, we were both tired and enjoyed relaxing for the rest of the night. We just heated up leftovers for dinner which was ok with both of us. The rains came in around 5:00pm. It was really light rain and it stopped sometime during the night. But it will put a damper on yard work tomorrow!    

Saturday, April 20th, 2019……  No rain this morning. Lydia heard it early hours when she was up using the restroom but it was light. I tried something different this morning. After getting up, showered, and going, I took Quincy out first. She did her ‘west 40’ field run and poop and we came back to the back field and Lydia let Rylee out. They played for a bit and then I hooked Rylee up on the leash and walked them both to the garage door. I dried up Quincy and let her in. Then I headed out up the street with Rylee. While we were gone, Lydia fed Quincy. When I got back, I fed muttley. This worked out well because even if we put down food at the same time (in separate rooms), the butthead always finishes it in .02 secs flat (just kidding but she does wolf it down!), and then goes in and sits behind Q and waits for her to finish. She won’t nose in to bother her so that’s good, but by walking Rylee, it gives Quincy time to eat with no one over her shoulder.
After their breakfast, I went out and got ours. Of course, I stopped at Starbucks. My friend, Jade’s last day is tomorrow. She’s moving downstate to Grants Pass (about 180 mi.).  She is transferring to the Starbucks down there so we can go visit whenever we travel south, but I will miss her as I’m sure others will as well. I had planned on getting her a gift but I dropped the ball and they don’t have ecards.  I will order one sent to me and forward to her later. 
Once I got home and we ate, it was time to do some work. Ok, not! It’s still too wet from the rains. Kirk had texted me yesterday asking if we should reschedule the moss removal project. He can work on that on Tuesday. So, I just did a few clean up jobs in the shop and then came in and went on eBay and found and ordered a couple of cell phone covers/cases for our new phones.  I did get out my fishing gear and went through it. I always change all of the lines each year so I stripped all of my reels and got that done. I even did the backup ones so I have enough if guests come up and want to go fishing! Still looking for a boat. But I am also looking for a golf cart for the property so I’m torn which one to buy first!  But first priority is to get tires for the motorhome but that’s no fun to shop for!

Sunday, April 21st, 2019…...  HAPPY EASTER!  We didn’t have any plans today. I’m not doing any work though, just lounging round and playing with the puppies. I got them out and walked and went and got breakfast and tea, and said goodbye to Jade.  When I came back, my gfci in the garage was tripped. It happened yesterday as well.  So much for not doing any work today!  I headed out to the garage to check out my electrical system. The breaker that runs the garage door, refrigerator, sprinkler system, and septic alarm are connected to one gfci circuit. The freezer has its own circuit. The electrical heat pump, central vac, and the furnace are on another circuit. The one I’m having trouble with is the gfci. The gfi keeps tripping. So, I started unplugging each item to see if one of them is causing it. Nope. So, I changed out the gfi receptacle itself. The new one still trips. I’m stumped. I need an electrician but I will have to wait until tomorrow to start looking. I ran a cord to the fridge so that’s covered.  I left one of the garage doors open so we can get the Acadia in and out. I have a feeling I have a water issue under or next to the house that is causing the switch to trip. Nothing to do now but wait. I’m looking at some serious cash out for the electrician and/or plumber.  I guess my boat/golf cart purchase will be on hold again!
As I said, we didn’t have anything planned. I had talked to my sister yesterday but we still sent her a pic of her puppy lounging around the house.

With this being a holiday, all of the races I usually watch are on hiatus, so I spent some time catching up on other series that I am behind on. A couple of those are taped on the tv in the motorhome so I spent some time out there. I always bring Rylee with me. I want her to get used to hanging around in there so she’s comfortable when we travel.
Lydia made some pasta to go with our leftovers. All in all, a quiet day!

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