About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #35 – Soggy Grass and Caring for the Neighbor’s Dogs

Saturday, April 13th, 2019…...  Today was another yucky day. The weather was overcast and cloudy and finally it sprinkled down. That’s ok, because we didn’t have anything planned. I have been hanging around the house since Lydia has had some tough days. She says she’s feeling better but I know she’s still uncomfortable with going out for any length of time. With the weather like it is, we don’t get much done outside the house. Rylee did get out with Quincy this morning and I try to run her around the house playing and giving her some exercise, but we can’t wait until we have some decent weather and dry grass. My stint with Lou’s dogs doesn’t start until Monday but I wanted to check to make sure that Taylor made it down to her dad’s house for the weekend. I went out to get breakfast for us this morning and her car wasn’t there. But it was there later so now I can relax. If the weather is nice tomorrow, I can get her dogs and butthead together for a playdate. We’ll see. So, we just hung around and watched tv and straightened up the house a bit. That was our day.

Sunday, April 14th, 2019…… The weather was a little better today. No rain but it was overcast and we had colder temps since there was very little sunshine today between the clouds.  It sure wasn’t enough to help in drying out the soggy grass!  I walked Rylee and checked Lou’s house (my dog feeding duties don’t start until tomorrow morning). I saw that Taylor had the garage door almost closed. Lou leaves it open so the cats can come in and feed and get water from the community bowls he puts out. He leaves the door about halfway so he can just duck under. As I said, this morning I saw that Taylor had it only about a foot open. That’s ok for the cats but the house key is hidden in the garage, so I always need to go in that way. I’ll go back and check later. Hopefully, she’ll leave it open for me.
Lydia made bacon and eggs for breakfast. She’s feeling a lot better today. We didn’t need anything from the store so we decided to stick around again today and just watch tv and relax. I had a full two days of races taped so I started in on those. She had Hallmark and USA programs taped and watched a bunch of those. Later, just before dinner, I took monkey butt out again and checked on the house. Taylor had left to go back to Portland and the garage was still open only one foot so I was worried. He has an access door that goes to a storeroom with another door that opens to the garage. Luckily, both of those were unlocked so I’m good for tomorrow! I got back and dried off the monster puppy’s feet. She always likes to walk in the rain water in the ditches by the road. Lydia had started dinner and we ate fish and veggies and pasta alfredo while we watched a couple more episodes of Guy’s Grocery Games. I snuck in the kitchen a few times and eventually got all the dishes in the dishwasher and the pots and pans washed and the stove cleaned up.  By then we had watched three episodes so we’re almost caught up!       
Monday, April 15th, 2019…...  This morning was my first day to feed Lou’s dogs. I got up, showered and walked Rylee, then went back and got in Lou’s house through the utility room door to the garage. Taylor had left out enough cat food and water so that was good to go. It’s funny, I have only seen this cat from a distance way out in the field. I have never seen him in close to his food. He truly is a ‘cat’ burglar!  I was able to get in and got started. But first I had to clean up the kitchen. I’m not sure why but she left the kitchen pretty messy. I found lettuce scraps on the counter and dirty dishes in the sink. I moved the glasses and dishes out of the way. Lou can do those when he returns but I cleaned up the counter and got the dog dishes cleaned up. I didn’t hear from her at all this weekend but I’m guessing she left early Sunday and just left out enough food for both the morning and evening feeding, which they didn’t eat. It was hardened and yucky so I don’t blame them.  No worries – I just needed to start over. Both dogs were glad to see me and once I put down their food, they both were ready to eat. I went out after that and went to Starbucks for coffee/tea. My Starbucks app needed an update and unfortunately my old phone won’t accept the new update. I tried Lydia’s later and hers will but she is at the max for storage. Getting the new phones will alleviate that. I found out I can just go to the Starbucks website from my phone and can access my account and still pay from the screen. Once we get the new phones up and running, I can add the app back in.
I think I mentioned this before, but Lou went to Boston to watch his daughter run in the marathon and the race was run today. It’s Patriot Day in Boston and this was the 123rd Boston Marathon, and six years since the bombing in 2013.  It was televised and started early this morning but I had it on tape so I watched it with just a short delay.  Later, I decided to work on my tree cutting project but I got sidetracked in cleaning up the shop. I can start tomorrow.
I went back later for the evening feeding and found that the dishes weren’t quite empty. I guess they weren’t that hungry. I got them fed once again and left them to eat. I also made sure that the mail and the newspapers were retrieved from the mail boxes and stored in the house. I came back and Lydia had dinner going – beef stroganoff. It was yummy! We settled in and watched tv until bedtime.     

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